But the new friend has danda in his hands and threatens to bring down your house, what do you do? Have you got courage to stand up to this bully? GOI is the deciding authority not IAF.
The new friend always had a Danda in his hands, ever since we built our house! He is a "new" friend because for most of the time after our independence and building our new home, he has been inimical to us and siding with our western neighbour.
Now with his sweet, seductive words, he is trying to pull us to his side because he fears our Eastern neighbour and wants to make use of us like he used Ukraine against Russia. Just because we have border wall dispute with our Eastern neighbour, our new friend thinks he could exploit the situation and seduce us to become his camp follower. The friend however has a well earned reputation for use and throw, as Ukraine and the EU are finding out now.
One important trait of our new friend is he can be nobody's friend as he thinks he is born to rule the world which he hides behind using words like "democracy" " human rights" and " women's rights". He will make a big fuss about these things but in reality, these are only sticks he uses to beat others with.
About 4 years ago, our Eastern neighbour threatened us and tested us, as they thought they had got a measure of our PM and his party. Note however, they treated Vajpayee Ji and his Govt with respect! When we were in trouble, our armed forces responded quickly and with alacrity, and they did not flinch or show fear, when they were in a eye ball to eye ball confrontation. Our new friend , at best would have shared some intelligence, but otherwise he did nothing.
In the same way as we took on our Eastern neighbour, we have to tackle our new friend with the Danda. It begins with our understanding that our new friend can be nobody's friend (so no more fawning and learning to protect our interests) as he knows only two kinds of relationships that of a master and a slave, or that of being an enemy. We also need to understand his big house is on fire because of neglect, wastage and poor management. Anyway, he is not unduly bound to give us technology or help us and we have to pull ourselves by our bootstraps. Moreover his ideology of Neo liberalism is such a big failure that his own people are beginning to realise that.
Make no mistake, our new friend is very self aware so much that he himself hums the proverb" to be an enemy of America can be dangerous but to be it's friend is fatal." You decide now.