Spain denies port call to vessel carrying shipment of ‘arms to Israel from India’

Spain denies port call to vessel carrying shipment of ‘arms to Israel from India’

New Delhi: Spain has refused port call to a Danish-flagged merchant vessel carrying “27 tonnes of explosive material from India to Israel” saying the middle east “requires peace and not more weapons”.

“This is the first time we have done this because it is the first time we have detected a ship carrying a shipment of arms to Israel that wants to call at a Spanish port,” Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares Bueno told reporters in Brussels.

He said that the ship in question was Marianne Danica which had requested permission to call at Cartagena on 21 May.

Permissions to call are requested by merchant vessels travelling long distances for replenishments.

“We have detected this ship, we have refused to allow it to dock, and I can tell you that this will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying Israeli arms and arms cargo that wants to dock in Spanish ports,” he was quoted as saying in media reports emerging from Spain.

El Pais newspaper said the Danish-flagged ship is carrying 27 tonnes of explosive material from Chennai in India to the port of Haifa in Israel, The Guardian reported.

Incidentally, Chennai is one of the main port cities through which India imports and exports explosive-related stuff.

Speaking further on the matter, the Spanish foreign minister said, “This will be a consistent policy with any ship carrying arms to Israel that wants to call at Spanish ports. The foreign ministry will systematically reject such stopovers for one obvious reason: the Middle East does not need more weapons, it needs more peace.”

Spain has been very critical of Israel’s offensive in Gaza and is rallying other European countries to recognise a Palestinian state.

Spain halted arms sales to Israel after it launched a military onslaught against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

While India is Israel’s biggest defence buyer, it is understood that Israel is sourcing several military-related materials from India, including from state-owned enterprises and from private companies Israeli firms have partnerships with in India.

The military-related gear includes fuses, munitions along with composite structures of drones and loitering munitions from at least two private firms in India besides completely assembled ones.

Reuters had in February reported, quoting Israeli sources, that “Israel’s operations have created a growing need for ammunition”.

India has been focusing big on increasing its defence production and is pursuing several export opportunities.

Sources in the defence and security establishment refused to get into details of whether India is exporting military related equipment and material to Israel but said that there is no violation of international rules and regulations governing transfer of such goods to anywhere.
why a ship from Chennai has to go through Spain to goto Israel, Can’t it go through Suez canal from Arabian sea to reach Israel’s Haifa port, any way caught red handed, this will cause issues with the Middle East and might cause problems in J&K and other areas,, Is Spain throwing sand on itself like an elephant, S80 Plus?
Due to attacks from Houthis, ships destined for Israel are not going via Red Sea anymore. So they go via Cape of Good Hope and Gibraltar, where they have to make a stopover in Spain.
Let me show how Pro-palestine 3rd party onlookers thinks. For them, Hamas is Palestine in Gaza when winning but Hamas isn't Palestine in Gaza when loosing the battle. That's how Palestinians deceive gullible folks like u.

Your logic is flawed because you don't even know the distinct nature of these conflicts. One is internal issue and another one is international conflict.

No matter how you think, it is the opinion and perception of Gaza residents towards Israel that matters the most. Don't deny, if Hamas were successful in eliminating every JeWs and IsRAel in Oct. 7th attack then every single Palestinians will have danced and cheered for Hamas. They would've paid no attention to your comment or opinions that Hamas was wrong. Mind you, your Humanistic idealism has no place among war thirsty Islamists. This is Pan-Islamism disguised as struggle against colonialism which most 3rd Party onlookers fails to see or deliberately ignore.

Sometimes, War is fought to punish the enemy, not to eliminate ideology, because ideology can never be eliminated. Regardless of winning or losing, war is often fought to quench rage, especially in cases of retaliation. That's a fact.
You are gullible, for that matter most of humans are gullible, like prof mearsheimer recalls, the image of isrile then he has in his youth, and what it is now.
The problem with hindus is this, they know about isrile, they helped us during war, and they kill mozlims.
Do you even think before you write or speak?? When was the last time you did that? Do you have Alzheimer? 🩹🤕🤒

You are not a patriotic, for very least, otherwise you would not have made that comparison. India in J&K ≠ Israel in Gaza Israel runs a open air prison with food & water deficiency, nigh zero education, no economic opportunities, no recourse to judiciary or govt job opportunity. They have selctive apartheid policy towards Gazans. Israeli constitutional is communal. They're allies with USA ,but learnt nothing from them in terms of social assimilation. J&K is >>>>> in demography, area, culture, linguistics than Gaza. Gaza is ~400 sq. km. J&K is ~42000 sq. km.

Believe you. Why? On what? You are divinely ordained? Those insouciant nincompoops Israelites allowed the Hamas to fester at the first hand – to dig tunnels, to make rockets, made border without sentry..... They cannot enforce basic writ of "rule of law". Israeli killed 35000 Gazans in first 120 days.3/4th are kids. Inaddition they've killed UN aid officers from India, UK, USA... Did India do so?

I'm not sympathetic to Hamas. They must all be liquidated but not at the expense of innocent Gazans.
And who had asked the Gazans to vote for Hamas in the first place? Why now make a distinction when you give them a majority to start with?
Due to attacks from Houthis, ships destined for Israel are not going via Red Sea anymore. So they go via Cape of Good Hope and Gibraltar, where they have to make a stopover in Spain.
Ships are still sailing through Red sea and via Suez canal, the traffic didn’t completely stop, only Israeli owned and Western owned ships are targeted by Houthis, since this is a secret arms shipment, may be GOI didn’t want to sail through Middle East just to hide the items in the shipment from Middle Eastern Countries for obvious political reasons., because at any port the ship stops the concerned Country might inspect the items in the Ship, Suez Canal is owned by Egypt.
Let me show how Pro-palestine 3rd party onlookers thinks. For them, Hamas is Palestine in Gaza when winning but Hamas isn't Palestine in Gaza when loosing the battle. That's how Palestinians deceive gullible folks like u.

Your logic is flawed because you don't even know the distinct nature of these conflicts. One is internal issue and another one is international conflict.

No matter how you think, it is the opinion and perception of Gaza residents towards Israel that matters the most. Don't deny, if Hamas were successful in eliminating every JeWs and IsRAel in Oct. 7th attack then every single Palestinians will have danced and cheered for Hamas. They would've paid no attention to your comment or opinions that Hamas was wrong. Mind you, your Humanistic idealism has no place among war thirsty Islamists. This is Pan-Islamism disguised as struggle against colonialism which most 3rd Party onlookers fails to see or deliberately ignore.

Sometimes, War is fought to punish the enemy, not to eliminate ideology, because ideology can never be eliminated. Regardless of winning or losing, war is often fought to quench rage, especially in cases of retaliation. That's a fact.
Hamas filled in the power vacuum created after the Likud Party undermined & subdued the moderate Palestinian Fatah Party way back in 2003-05s who were eager for power sharing and some autonomy over Palestinian affairs. To make the cake & have it too entirely, Likud employed state machinery to shoot themselves in their own foot and propped Hamas as a counterbalance to Fatah. Hamas provided whatever services it could and gained the civilian loyaly in the facce of IDF atrocities and radicalized the population. If writ of state cannot be enforced, Hamas like entities will thrive. Rest is maha-satyanash.

At one time, Naxals have peasant & tribal sympathisers who worked as OGW. So, which one should be eliminated and which should be cajoled towards mainstream?

If you don't believe me, read assessments of Indian diplomats who served in Israel, Jordan & Egypt. At least that you can do.

Oct 7 attack happened because they had intel failure and their armed forces are too thinly spread. This is INCOMPETENCE & DELIBERATE NEGLIGENCE. Hypothetically, if a minion-like isolated, rogue, non-state entity like Hamas can eliminate "evry Jew", then that state of Israel is unnecessary, inept and should not exist at all. What use if of Israel if it cannot eliminate Hamas in ~400 sq. km. territory in last 50 years. In many ways Indian Army & CAPF is better against Naxals.

Read Israeli Constitution and compare it to Indian. Find which is better.

All state-led apartheid policies have similar ending – like South Africa. If KARMA is a thing, Israel's impunity shall not go unpunished.
Hamas filled in the power vacuum created after the Likud Party undermined & subdued the moderate Palestinian Fatah Party way back in 2003-05s who were eager for power sharing and some autonomy over Palestinian affairs. To make the cake & have it too entirely, Likud employed state machinery to shoot themselves in their own foot and propped Hamas as a counterbalance to Fatah. Hamas provided whatever services it could and gained the civilian loyaly in the facce of IDF atrocities and radicalized the population. If writ of state cannot be enforced, Hamas like entities will thrive. Rest is maha-satyanash.

At one time, Naxals have peasant & tribal sympathisers who worked as OGW. So, which one should be eliminated and which should be cajoled towards mainstream?

If you don't believe me, read assessments of Indian diplomats who served in Israel, Jordan & Egypt. At least that you can do.

Oct 7 attack happened because they had intel failure and their armed forces are too thinly spread. This is INCOMPETENCE & DELIBERATE NEGLIGENCE. Hypothetically, if a minion-like isolated, rogue, non-state entity like Hamas can eliminate "evry Jew", then that state of Israel is unnecessary, inept and should not exist at all. What use if of Israel if it cannot eliminate Hamas in ~400 sq. km. territory in last 50 years. In many ways Indian Army & CAPF is better against Naxals.

Read Israeli Constitution and compare it to Indian. Find which is better.

All state-led apartheid policies have similar ending – like South Africa. If KARMA is a thing, Israel's impunity shall not go unpunished.
Was not that classic example of Divide and Rule Policy gone awry? Such policy failure is not limited to Israel but also to India in Myanmar (although may not be in 100% similar way).

Comparison of Naxal issue with that of Gaza issue is illogical and misleading. It shows how desperate you are. Naxal issue is an internal issue of India whereas, Israel-Palestine is a fight between 2 separate nations. It is not even internal issue of Israel.

Regarding the October 7th attack by Hamas, it is essential to recognize that while an intelligence failure may have played a role in Israel's inability to prevent the attack, the primary responsibility for the violence lies with Hamas. Thus, while lapses in intelligence can contribute to the effectiveness of such attacks, they do not justify or excuse the violent actions taken by the attackers.

In a similar context, if a terror attack occurs in Jammu and Kashmir, India can indeed be criticized for any lapses in intelligence or security measures. However, this does not negate the culpability of the perpetrators and those who orchestrate such attacks, often from across the border. Responsibility for violence rests primarily with those who plan and execute these attacks, regardless of the defensive shortcomings of the targeted nation or region. (Your logic is flawed and biased.)

If Hamas can't or are not willing to eliminate them then they shouldn't even preach about eliminating whole Israel and Jews in it either. Was there any use in struggling against stronger armed Israel?

Speaking about Karma, who is getting it right now, Israelis or Palestinians..?Only time decides. May be Palestinians Arabs are suffering for their past ills. But even then you'll have biased view of Karma.
Ships are still sailing through Red sea and via Suez canal, the traffic didn’t completely stop, only Israeli owned and Western owned ships are targeted by Houthis, since this is a secret arms shipment, may be GOI didn’t want to sail through Middle East just to hide the items in the shipment from Middle Eastern Countries for obvious political reasons., because at any port the ship stops the concerned Country might inspect the items in the Ship, Suez Canal is owned by Egypt.
I literally said ‘destined for Israel’.
You are gullible, for that matter most of humans are gullible, like prof mearsheimer recalls, the image of isrile then he has in his youth, and what it is now.
The problem with hindus is this, they know about isrile, they helped us during war, and they kill mozlims.
Let me add one missing point: problems with Moslem nations is that no matter how much India support Palestine, they'll always support separate Kashmir aka Pakistani stance on JK because that's how Pan-Islamic solidarity work.

If Palestinians or Islamic Nations doesn't reciprocate Indian support for Palestine then why support Palestine?? Which one is greater: Moral ideological consideration or Strategic consideration???
...and for historical support by select few radicalized political leaders in previous century, an entire generation of Palestinian Gaza civilian must face liquidation though bombs & discriminatory policy.....including malnutrition kids, denying food & water, preventing aid corridor ??

By that logic, then IAF should begin war campaign in J&K because few select politicians & Huriyats colluded with Pak-Army & ISI?????<

Gaza is occupied by Israel, not Egypt. As a state, Israel is responsible for their Gaza well-being. Egypt won't.

If Hamas did the 7th Oct, only they should suffer. Only them. USA launched GWOT against Afghanistan & Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11. What did it earn in 20 years later. Israel will get only the same. Indian didn't because we were positively discriminative till now.

The palestinians celebrated the killings of israelis, hid hamas in hospitals, schools, kept israeli hostages in their houses. They are hand in glove with hamas. Hence they should also suffer.
Due to attacks from Houthis, ships destined for Israel are not going via Red Sea anymore. So they go via Cape of Good Hope and Gibraltar, where they have to make a stopover in Spain.
True.. but why have to make a stop over in Spain ? it can do Italy, North African ports... Is the stop over for fuel, supplies etc ?? doesn't make sense.
True.. but why have to make a stop over in Spain ? it can do Italy, North African ports... Is the stop over for fuel, supplies etc ?? doesn't make sense.
Actually according to Western media the ship was not captured or anything, it was just not allowed to dock in the port and sent away, I have no idea why the ship wanted to do a port call in the first place.
Do you even think before you write or speak?? When was the last time you did that? Do you have Alzheimer? 🩹🤕🤒

You are not a patriotic, for very least, otherwise you would not have made that comparison. India in J&K ≠ Israel in Gaza Israel runs a open air prison with food & water deficiency, nigh zero education, no economic opportunities, no recourse to judiciary or govt job opportunity. They have selctive apartheid policy towards Gazans. Israeli constitutional is communal. They're allies with USA ,but learnt nothing from them in terms of social assimilation. J&K is >>>>> in demography, area, culture, linguistics than Gaza. Gaza is ~400 sq. km. J&K is ~42000 sq. km.

Believe you. Why? On what? You are divinely ordained? Those insouciant nincompoops Israelites allowed the Hamas to fester at the first hand – to dig tunnels, to make rockets, made border without sentry..... They cannot enforce basic writ of "rule of law". Israeli killed 35000 Gazans in first 120 days.3/4th are kids. Inaddition they've killed UN aid officers from India, UK, USA... Did India do so?

I'm not sympathetic to Hamas. They must all be liquidated but not at the expense of innocent Gazans.
Here's my take on the matter:
  1. Gaza's problem is not India's problem
  2. Hindus got slaughtered by the millions at the hands of radical-islam. 3M just in 1971 war alone. 0.5M hindus killed in Kashmir. Nobody from the muslim world expressed their solidarity till this day. Why tf should we care about 30k people in Gaza ? (millions vs thousands really?) Its not our problem. How can you expect us to take a humanitarian stand, when you expressed no such feelings for the hindus ?
  3. Pakbots love to paint this "solidarity with global islamic brotherhood" feeling when they themselves have kicked out 1.4M poor afghani refugees and launched airstrikes on Afghani women and children, complicit in America's drone strikes on other muslims with terrible collateral damage. So please stop with this "solidarity with muslims" bull$hit. There are plenty of echo chambers elsewhere. Go sing your sorry stories there. You might get few pennies in your begging bowl.
where do we go for AIP equipped submarine, France only wants money and milk us, they won’t offer any TOT, Germany is untrustworthy.
And Spain too will not offer it's S 80 in charity. In my view go for indegenous design or go for HDW which has served IN well for the last 3 decades plus
So please stop with this "solidarity with muslims" bull$hit. There are plenty of echo chambers elsewhere. Go sing your sorry stories there. You might get few pennies in your begging bowl.
Would you stop expressing solidarity with NRI Hindus residing in West or Nepal or Bangladesh or Indonesia or China anywhere else if shouod they ever come under repression??

I was born and brought up in Faridabad.

I not expressing solidarity because I'm 'just' a Mouselime/ Katwa/ mullads/chopped-dikks/snakes/.... I am expressing solidarity & sympathy to those 34000 Palestinian in Gaza as well as 1200 Israelites because I'm a human and perpetrator so inhuman action from both sides should get punished. One's freedom should not be another's agony. One's action should not be another's suffering.
Hindus got slaughtered by the millions at the hands of radical-islam. 3M just in 1971 war alone. 0.5M hindus killed in Kashmir. Nobody from the muslim world expressed their solidarity till this day. Why tf should we care about 30k people in Gaza ? (millions vs thousands really?) Its not our problem. How can you expect us to take a humanitarian stand, when you expressed no such feelings for the hindus ?
Radicalization kills. Communalism kills, Supremacism kills. Xenophobia kills Religions don't. If you don't want to or feel like to care for human suffering, then don't care. If you see humankind through religion's lens, then don't. It would be futile & self-deceiving exercise.

Really?? "Nobody" from the muslim world expressed their solidarity till this day?? Check again....I know a few...
Gaza's problem is not India's problem
Neither Fence-sitting nor spectatorship nor abstainment not abject neutrality in epoch-defining events will get India a permanent seat at UNSC. Then India will be called a paper-vishwaguru with its credentials sullied.
Neither Fence-sitting nor spectatorship nor abstainment not abject neutrality in epoch-defining events will get India a permanent seat at UNSC. Then India will be called a paper-vishwaguru with its credentials sullied.
I never name called any muslims. Islamic community will have to do a lot more to earn world/hindu community's trust & love. There simply has been too much bad history. And its not a problem of "yesterday", its an alive and active problem. Hindus have been in the receiving end for far too long.

How does it become an "epoch defining" event - its just 30k people right ? I pointed the hypocrisy right there - Pakistan. Your brain conveniently ignored it, right ? Humanity when it suits you.See how you are painting a small problem occurring in a small piece of land as a global problem, but when millions of "others" getting slaughtered you would look the other way. Your claims of humanity is all BS.

"If you see humankind through religion's lens, then don't."

Arent you doing that ? If you had truly seen humans as humans without religious lens, then you would see the plight of all the suffering people everywhere (too many to point out, I pointed few already) equally and not make such a hue and cry about Palestinians. Which is just plain hypocrisy. You want us to support Palestinian issue, then go back in history and apologize and condemn for every crime committed against hindus by the muslims (80M according to some estimates). Point out and condemn every muslim-on-muslim crimes. Point out and condemn the crimes committed by China on Uighurs & Tibetans. Then we can have some trust.

Right now, raking up the Palestinian issue & painting it as a "global epoch event" is all just bogus BS. Palestinian causalities when compared to the crimes inflicted by muslims on other people is not even 0.01%

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