Taliban Officially Welcomes Chabahar Port Development, Citing Economic Benefits for Afghanistan

Taliban Officially Welcomes Chabahar Port Development, Citing Economic Benefits for Afghanistan

In a surprising endorsement, the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan has welcomed India's involvement in the development of Iran's Chabahar Port, viewing it as a potential alternative to Pakistan's Karachi Port.

This endorsement signifies a shift in Afghanistan's stance and highlights the Taliban's desire to improve economic relations with India.

The development of Chabahar Port is expected to provide Afghanistan with a direct gateway to international markets, reduce transit times and costs, and ultimately boost the country's economic growth.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, stated, "We are in favor of better economic relations with all countries, and the Chabahar port should be expanded. The more activity there is in Iran's Chabahar port, the more economic stability in the region is strengthened, benefiting Afghanistan, and we support it." This statement underscores the Taliban's recognition of Chabahar's potential to enhance regional stability and economic growth.

The development of Chabahar Port is expected to bring several benefits to Afghanistan, including:
  • Reduced reliance on Pakistan: Zabihullah Mujahid further stated that Chabahar port is a transformative venture that will reduce Afghanistan’s dependence on the Karachi port, indicating Kabul’s growing discomfort with Pakistan.
  • Lower trade costs: Sakhi Ahmad Payman, the first deputy of the Chamber of Industries and Mines, said, "If investment in the Chabahar port increases and develops, it gives Afghanistan the opportunity to both increase transit levels and revenue and to utilize an alternative route."
  • Increased access to international markets: Akhundzada Abdul Salam Jawad, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, highlighted the existing trade between Afghanistan and India, stating, "Afghanistan-India trade in 2023 was worth $773 million, of which $579 million were exports and $200 million were imports." Chabahar port could further facilitate and expand this trade.
The Taliban's endorsement of Chabahar Port is a positive development for India. It signifies the Taliban's recognition of the potential benefits of improved relations with India.

Chabahar Port has also played a key role in India’s development sector outreach to Afghanistan, further solidifying the relationship between the two nations.

Overall, the Taliban's backing of Chabahar Port is a significant development with the potential to reshape trade dynamics in the region.

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