Tejas Mk-1: A Milestone Achieved, Potential Mk-1B Upgrades on the Horizon

Tejas Mk-1: A Milestone Achieved, Potential Mk-1B Upgrades on the Horizon

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) marked a significant achievement with the successful test flight of the first production series Tejas Mk-1A Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

This milestone underscores the progress of India's ambitious program to develop and manufacture indigenous fighter jets. However, the Indian Air Force (IAF) continues to desire more advanced capabilities, fueling a potential evolution of the Tejas platform.

The Tejas Mk-1A and Beyond​

The IAF plans to formally order 97 additional Tejas Mk-1A jets later this year. This variant offers improvements over the initial Tejas Mk-1, including an upgraded sensor suite and avionics.

These 97 jets are expected to be inducted into active service within the next 3-4 years, a timeframe that strategically aligns with the beginning of trials for the even more capable Tejas Mk-II.

The Mk-II design boasts a more powerful engine, increased internal fuel capacity, an AESA radar, and other enhancements.

Potential Emergence of the Tejas Mk-1B​

Ongoing discussions between HAL and the IAF are focused on the final specifications for the second batch of Tejas jets.

The IAF's drive for cutting-edge capabilities is motivating potential changes and upgrades, laying the groundwork for a possible new variant designated as the Tejas Mk-1B.

Specific areas of consideration include enhanced avionics and other modifications to ensure the fighter remains relevant to the IAF's long-term strategic needs.

Tejas: A Symbol of India's Defence Ambitions​

The Tejas program embodies India's growing aspiration for self-reliance in defense technology.

The success of the Tejas Mk-IA, along with the ongoing development of the Mk-II variant, demonstrates India's capability to design and produce advanced fighter aircraft.

The continued evolution of the Tejas platform through potential variants like the Mk-1B signals India's commitment to a robust, indigenously developed air combat capability.
The question is who is the dimwit that approved those changes. If its true that the IAF did not request those changes to Canopy and Mission Computer, and the proposed changes by HAL were passed. Then question remains who approved those changes after finalization of contract with frozen specifications? heads have to roll for this fiasco. Its like critical procurement decisions are being modified on the fly without any semblance of accountability at lower levels.

Obviously somebody approved those changes, in IAF and MoD without which HAL cannot proceed.
Bro, HAL and DPSUs are an old master in this art of deception. No one has actually come out to say that these are new changes, have they? Who is to say that these are not the actual changes already agreed upon in the 2021 deal, but are now spread as ‘new changes’ just to deflect any blame?

And no bro. If HAL wants, they can do whatever they want. Remember how CAG gave a report that DRDO is submitting fake success reports? Or remember how DRDO kept aside all specs for ATAGS and made something on their own free will? Even with HAL, remember how they took the requirements from Navy for a NUH but made a chopper with different dimensions?

These entities have gone completely rogue at this point.
Delivery of first jet has not happened and IAF already talking about upgrades.

I think MoD should act as middleman between customer(IAF, Army) and Supplier(HAL, Other DPSU, Private players) so that both are grounded in reality and behave properly.
if MOD and IAF acts we will get the Bharat 16 or Bharatale or bharattyphone as indigenious fighter with labeling by SME in Noida just like Bharat Panther
And yet, entities like HAL continue reap new contracts inspite of missing deadlines, quality concerns and major shortcomingd in their supply-chains.

Any other private company doing the same would have been taken to the cleaners by the government.
if not HAL then it will be some private company like Kalyani or SME in Noida, who makes Bharat Phanther
Source you have given is just of the AoN. It only means that there is in principle approval that additional jets will be bought.

You had said that IAF chief had said that there will be no changes in the jet in future order. It means you were lying?

All fighter jets undergo improvement when new batches are produced. Just because name is same does not mean anything.
for MK1A approved changes are 83 before production began. But as per the Mar 2024, even IAF added few more upgrades when the 1st production varient is ready for the trails and delayed the first flight.
Bro, HAL and DPSUs are an old master in this art of deception. No one has actually come out to say that these are new changes, have they? Who is to say that these are not the actual changes already agreed upon in the 2021 deal, but are now spread as ‘new changes’ just to deflect any blame?

And no bro. If HAL wants, they can do whatever they want. Remember how CAG gave a report that DRDO is submitting fake success reports? Or remember how DRDO kept aside all specs for ATAGS and made something on their own free will? Even with HAL, remember how they took the requirements from Navy for a NUH but made a chopper with different dimensions?

These entities have gone completely rogue at this point.
Most probably what happened is that the IAF prepared a plan for prospective improvements in LCA Teajs MKA to be executed sometime in future and wanted to know feasibility of them and forwarded them to HAL for feedback. However HAL knowing full well they were running behind schedule to produce and deliver 83 Tejas MK1A, surreptitiously and scandalously offered to take them up to some patsy in IAF directorate of procurement, while intentionally hiding the complexities involved and the resultant reconfiguration of supply-chain and delay it would cause. The IAF directorate of procurement without realizing the actual depth of change and unaware of inherent complexities in shifting supply chain suddenly approved them, without realizing the ramifications.

HAL here happily got more time which they always wanted, all the while shifting blame on IAF that they requested changes and hence the delays. Now the poor patsy who approved those changes would be in jeopardy, while lazy HAL makes merry as always.
Most of the nuclear program was actually developed by agencies like BARC, and not DRDO.

As for missiles, they are the first step any nation takes when looking to develop a defense program. Pak had multiple recently vehicles before us. North Korea has longer ranged missiles. So what DRDO has done is actually not as impressive as some would like us to believe.

If a part of your body develops gangrene, you cut it off instead of keeping it. DRDO and the DPSUs are that hand. They need to be cut off so that the rest of the body can stay healthy.
Not to take away from DRDO, but the Agni missile was conceptualized from the SLV launcher made by ISRO.
With any large orders there will obviously be different variants with some minor technology improvements per batch as this is standard. Like with the second batch of jets they will replace the Israeli radar with our own indigenous Uttam radar. There is still a lot more that we can do like replacing any foreign parts or technology so we can increase our indigenous content and cut down on foreign expensive imports at the same time.
No ideally it should never happen. Those small incremental changes will be consolidated and be offered in a block upgrade program. Such tweaks waste time and cause serious disruption in supply chain and thus result in delays. That is not how u run a manufacturing or assembly line. My previous comment about HAL still stands and holds true, they have absolutely have no idea on how to run a modern assembly line operation while managing vendors and supervising supply chain.
Most probably what happened is that the IAF prepared a plan for prospective improvements in LCA Teajs MKA to be executed sometime in future and wanted to know feasibility of them and forwarded them to HAL for feedback. However HAL knowing full well they were running behind schedule to produce and deliver 83 Tejas MK1A, surreptitiously and scandalously offered to take them up to some patsy in IAF directorate of procurement, while intentionally hiding the complexities involved and the resultant reconfiguration of supply-chain and delay it would cause. The IAF directorate of procurement without realizing the actual depth of change and unaware of inherent complexities in shifting supply chain suddenly approved them, without realizing the ramifications.

HAL here happily got more time which they always wanted, all the while shifting blame on IAF that they requested changes and hence the delays. Now the poor patsy who approved those changes would be in jeopardy, while lazy HAL makes merry as always.
I doubt that. I have talked to IAF officers and pilots. They are pretty smart.

As I keep saying, this is a modus operandi. DRDO and DPSUs always do this. They will spread a fake news in the media without giving any sources. They will give some info blaming the GoI or IAF or even foreign vendors. This news is then repeated by various news channels and become the ‘official’ version. I think none of this happened and HAL just claimed that the actual changes which were anyways a part of mk1a are new changes requested recently by IAF.

Just look at this current article. It claims IAF has asked for changes to mk1a. In reality, IAF chief himself said openly that no changes will be sought in the follow on order of mk1a. But here unnamed sources are claimed to say that IAF is planning for modifications.

As I said, all this is part of their MO. Unnamed sources claiming success or modifications or delay of funds.
Well in our country real I don't know is things really going to happen or not what is written in all these years in the field of defence going to take few examples like airforce sanction of 42 squadron, submarine, a lot of things are their!!
We just really need a reform in lot of things just privatization not going to help us much!!
When someone (or at least me) says privatization, what we actually mean is open market competition. This won’t solve all our problems of course. But at least it will bring efficiency and effectiveness. This socialist model of giving orders only to government owned enterprises with fixed jobs and no incentives isn’t working and is holding us back badly. That’s the point. Bring in a competitive environment with incentives for success.
I doubt that. I have talked to IAF officers and pilots. They are pretty smart.

As I keep saying, this is a modus operandi. DRDO and DPSUs always do this. They will spread a fake news in the media without giving any sources. They will give some info blaming the GoI or IAF or even foreign vendors. This news is then repeated by various news channels and become the ‘official’ version. I think none of this happened and HAL just claimed that the actual changes which were anyways a part of mk1a are new changes requested recently by IAF.

Just look at this current article. It claims IAF has asked for changes to mk1a. In reality, IAF chief himself said openly that no changes will be sought in the follow on order of mk1a. But here unnamed sources are claimed to say that IAF is planning for modifications.

As I said, all this is part of their MO. Unnamed sources claiming success or modifications or delay of funds.
Then the question remains who approved them at this late stage. Why could it not be incorporated as a block upgrade program and why did it have to be integrated within the first batches that were rolling out. Obviously key directives have been lost in translation, and we are without any idea as to who and when those changes were approved and adopted. Modifications to Tejas MK1A should never have been allowed post contract finalization. A comprehensive adoption plan on all those changes should have been either presented before the contract was signed in 2021 or should have rolled out in subsequent upgrade package during the block upgrade program.
Not to take away from DRDO, but the Agni missile was conceptualized from the SLV launcher made by ISRO.
Missiles could have come from DRDO. But nuclear warheads are designed by BAARC and other Atomic energy agency. Our nukes are plutonium based.
After all no country will fire a zero warhead missile .
Delivery of first jet has not happened and IAF already talking about upgrades.

I think MoD should act as middleman between customer(IAF, Army) and Supplier(HAL, Other DPSU, Private players) so that both are grounded in reality and behave properly.
There is plenty of time to add to mk1A before the second batch is production start and delivered. It usually take three years to develop a new update and can be put on 97 Tejas of second batch easily. Please do not think that periodical updates is wrong.
There is plenty of time to add to mk1A before the second batch is production start and delivered. It usually take three years to develop a new update and can be put on 97 Tejas of second batch easily. Please do not think that periodical updates is wrong.
I think periodic updates are great. All major fighters are built in batches and new batches or 'blocks' have new upgrades.

Reason for my sigh, is that IAF should have at least flown mk1a jets for some time to at least know what is needed. They have not received a single jet yet.

How will they know what upgrades are needed if they have not carried out sorties or mass exercises with mk1a jets yet
The mk1b varient will not come before 2028-29, so by that time, there's high probability that we will be able to develop a sufficient engine with enough thrust.
Kaveri will go into production by early 2030's because only certification takes 3-4 years itself + we don't have a testbed and it consumes time to pass files from one department to another department to do small things in DPSUs..

Earliest by the time of mid-time refit , 2034-36 Kaveri will be available for Tejas mk1a , also in future with newer technology power cosumer will increase
Then the question remains who approved them at this late stage. Why could it not be incorporated as a block upgrade program and why did it have to be integrated within the first batches that were rolling out. Obviously key directives have been lost in translation, and we are without any idea as to who and when those changes were approved and adopted. Modifications to Tejas MK1A should never have been allowed post contract finalization. A comprehensive adoption plan on all those changes should have been either presented before the contract was signed in 2021 or should have rolled out in subsequent upgrade package during the block upgrade program.
I am saying it again. No one needs to approve it. I see 2 possible cases here.
  1. HAL went rogue and made those changes on its own.
  2. No new changes were made. These changes were already part of the upgrade package of mk1a and now HAL is spreading this fake news that these are new changes to buy time.
Second one is most likely as otherwise any changes will cost money and so far no one in MoD has approved any revised figures for these changes. As they say, follow the money. With no money approved, new changes are impossible.
Delivery of first jet has not happened and IAF already talking about upgrades.

I think MoD should act as middleman between customer(IAF, Army) and Supplier(HAL, Other DPSU, Private players) so that both are grounded in reality and behave properly.
I wonder if IAF wants MK2 also, they are going to make all the changes that are going to come in Tejas Mk2 to MK1B and name it MK2 and be done, then they will jump to TEDBF and AMCA, so it is foreign single engine fighter jet may be, F21 OR Gripen?.

Without Smoke there is no Fire.

There was an article yesterday about F21
I am saying it again. No one needs to approve it. I see 2 possible cases here.
  1. HAL went rogue and made those changes on its own.
  2. No new changes were made. These changes were already part of the upgrade package of mk1a and now HAL is spreading this fake news that these are new changes to buy time.
Second one is most likely as otherwise any changes will cost money and so far no one in MoD has approved any revised figures for these changes. As they say, follow the money. With no money approved, new changes are impossible.
HAL bureaucracy is such that they rarely move without getting explicit written approvals. So is the MoD bureaucracy, where u cant even procure a batch of Fastners without having to fill up a whole bunch of requisition forms. For every small material procurement approval companies under DRDO need to go through vigilance approved channel. The curse of bureaucratic red tape is such that hardly anything happens in defense industry without the explicit permissions.

Now u could argue that they did not keep top MoD in loop but approvals would be there. Although it would not be the first time HAL going rouge, having gone off tangent and initiated work on the Marut trainer which nobody requested. But that's highly unlikely in a high profile project such as Tejas which is under acute supervision of MoD.
I wonder if IAF wants MK2 also, they are going to make all the changes that are going to come in Tejas Mk2 to MK1B and name it MK2 and be done, then they will jump to TEDBF and AMCA, so it is foreign single engine fighter jet may be, F21 OR Gripen?.

Without Smoke there is no Fire.
Yeah, I am also hearing murmurings of mk2 being doomed.

IAF has committed to buying 200+ mk2. I dont think a sudden change will happen to that commitment. Mk2 is going to be future workhorse of IAF. AMCA cant be built in large numbers, and mk1a,b are just not capable enough when it comes to range/payload.

Also, in 2030s I believe the production line of Tejas will be seamlessly shifted to mk2. Since both of them share many parts. That is another advantage.
Yeah, I am also hearing murmurings of mk2 being doomed.

IAF has committed to buying 200+ mk2. I dont think a sudden change will happen to that commitment. Mk2 is going to be future workhorse of IAF. AMCA cant be built in large numbers, and mk1a,b are just not capable enough when it comes to range/payload.

Also, in 2030s I believe the production line of Tejas will be seamlessly shifted to mk2. Since both of them share many parts. That is another advantage.
There is also a possibility of private company for an example Tata making MRFA single engine jet in parallel with making MK2, MK2 is very important for India and is going to be the backbone in the future, that is cheap and could be mass produced like Chinese J10.
There is also a possibility of private company for an example Tata making MRFA single engine jet in parallel with making MK2, MK2 is very important for India and is going to be the backbone in the future, that is cheap and could be mass produced like Chinese J10.
Whole heartedly agree.

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