Tejas Mk-1A Deliveries May Further Delayed Due to Danish Export Ban on Engine Charge Amplifier, HAL Turns to Local Solution


The delivery of the Tejas Mk-1A fighter jets to the Indian Air Force is facing yet another setback, this time due to an export ban imposed by Denmark on a critical component, the engine charge amplifier. This delay compounds the existing hold-up caused by the non-delivery of engines by General Electric and necessary software iterations.

While the Ministry of Defence is actively engaging with Denmark to resolve the export ban, HAL has taken proactive measures by contracting a local firm to develop an indigenous alternative.

Sources indicate that while these amplifiers are present in the older Tejas models, their unavailability is hindering the fulfillment of the contract for the 83 LCA Mk-1As.

The Danish export restrictions are believed to be linked to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, further complicating the matter.

Despite this, HAL is optimistic about completing the indigenization process swiftly. Sources indicate that the Bengaluru-based firm has nearly finished developing the component, and HAL will soon conduct rigorous tests before proceeding to mass production.

In the interim, HAL aims to deliver an initial batch of aircraft equipped with some charge amplifiers acquired under a previous contract. While the engine charge amplifier is a relatively small component, its role in measuring and regulating engine temperature is crucial.

There's cautious optimism that the Danish government may reconsider the export ban or that the indigenization and testing process of amplifier will be expedited.

This latest setback adds to the existing delays in the Tejas Mk-1A program. Sources highlight that even if GE had delivered the engines on time, the aircraft delivery would still have been delayed due to other pending issues like Israeli software installation and this charge amplifier shortage.

Despite these challenges, HAL remains hopeful that the first Tejas Mk-1A can be delivered by the end of October or November, albeit significantly later than the original March deadline.
What? Now there is Denmark part also? Is there anything Indian in Tejas? GOI should put pressure on Denmark. It is a small country and won't be able to sustain pressure from Bharat.
LOL. Bharat can put whatever pressure they want. Denmark has one of the highest GDP per capita on earth. Is part of EU - so what pressure are we going to put.
What did I tell y'all and some of you tried to clown me. They've had many excuses before the engine delay and would have many excuses after. It's not that winners don't face pitfalls, it's that they know to skate around them. We're deeply unserious about national security if just this one Danish item caused another delay. And if so, shouldn't all the airframes be ready minus one part?

We should be getting 2 engines per month starting November, 24 in a year, which should be no bottleneck to their goal of 16 aircraft a year. Let's see now...
Indigenization takes time. If this “export ban on a Danish charge amplifier” is new in your experiences, then add it to the existing list of all other bans, and present this list to your scientists, engineers, and developers, that must be indigenized. Indigenization is independence, and whereas Denmark might only be intending to prevent HAL from profiting “unduly” from their technology, in the larger picture of international geopolitics, the pressure for this ban, might have originated from allies and alliance, such as NATO.

India has always desired to chart an independent and neutral path, not wanting to be committed to either camp, left or right, notwithstanding the commonalities in direction, ideology and economic system, that binds nations - India and Denmark included - in a more robust kinship. But political independence, for these reasons, ultimately points to independence, in all other spheres, where possible.

So here is a grand opportunity to develop your own “charge amplifier”, and with testing and use, improve on it.

Calling them “backstabbers” and by other epithets of character, does not help; what helps, is to go beyond intention, and put together a well-funded team of skilled experts, tasked with the development of this product, as soon as possible. As you can see, indigenization and independence walk hand-in-hand.

But, as regards this Danish product, is the prohibition not related to the re-export of aircrafts to third countries? If this is so, then, India should also be careful about compromising the protection of its own proprietary products.
Poor foresight as Indian firms if delegated could have easily manufactured the item as specifications are known .All LRUS items of foreign origin used must be indegonised within a firm planned date .
These are all western conspirators against Indian interests and trying by hook or crook to stop or delay the production of Tejas fighters. Actually the muslim lobby in these countries are trying hard to impede the progress of Hindusthan.
What? Now there is Denmark part also? Is there anything Indian in Tejas? GOI should put pressure on Denmark. It is a small country and won't be able to sustain pressure from screw drivers
Screw drivers are Made in India..
...lollol. Sorry they are made in China tooo🤣🤣🤣🤣
Do you really think that Russia doesn't create this component by themselves and is dependent on Denmark??
Highly possible. Russia is so much dependent on the west that after the ban on certain electronic components, they had to rip out their consumer electronics like toasters and microwaves and washing machines.
If we were serious about indigenization, and we knew that this part was being imported, and we knew that it was not that difficult to manufacture locally.....THEN What Were We Doing Till Now?
Exactly, Its basic commonsense that we should make whatever we can and import things we can't make while simultaneously working on those parts so that we get to 100% indigenisation.

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