Tejas Mk1A Strengthens Aerial Arsenal with Triple Close Combat Missile Integration


In a significant boost to India's air combat capabilities, the LCA Tejas Mk1A fighter jet is undergoing testing with three distinct Close Combat Missiles (CCMs): the Russian R-73, the Israeli Python-5, and the American ASRAAM.

This strategic move not only diversifies the Tejas' arsenal but also complicates adversaries' electronic countermeasure (ECM) strategies.

Diversification as a Defence Strategy​

Modern aerial warfare heavily relies on ECMs to disrupt missile guidance systems. By integrating three CCMs with different infrared (IR) sensor technologies and functionalities, the Tejas Mk1A makes it significantly harder for adversaries to develop a single, effective countermeasure.

This approach ensures that even if one missile type is jammed or deceived, the others remain operational, maintaining the fighter jet's combat effectiveness.

A Trio of Strengths​

Each CCM brings unique capabilities to the table:
  • R-73 (Russia): This well-established missile boasts high maneuverability, making it ideal for close-range dogfights. Its helmet-mounted display compatibility enhances pilot targeting capabilities, while its wide field of view enables off-boresight targeting.
  • Python-5 (Israel): Known for its advanced IR seeker and helmet-mounted cueing system, the Python-5 excels in lock-on-after-launch scenarios. Its dual-band imaging seeker provides exceptional off-boresight capability for full-sphere engagement.
  • ASRAAM (USA): This latest addition offers a combination of superior range and maneuverability, making it suitable for both beyond-visual-range (BVR) and close-in combat. Its all-aspect seeker allows engagement from various angles, further increasing its versatility.

Advantages of a Diverse Arsenal​

The integration of these three CCMs provides the Tejas Mk1A with several key advantages:
  • Enhanced Survivability: The difficulty of countering multiple missile types increases the fighter jet's chances of survival in combat.
  • Mission Flexibility: Pilots can choose the most appropriate missile for a given combat scenario, optimizing their chances of success.
  • Extended Engagement Range: The ASRAAM's BVR capability complements the close-in capabilities of the R-73 and Python-5, allowing the Tejas to engage targets at varying distances.
The Tejas Mk1A's diverse CCM integration represents a significant step forward in air combat strategy. By embracing technological diversity, India is not only bolstering its defensive capabilities but also contributing to the evolution of modern aerial warfare tactics.
Modern aerial warfare relies heavily on ECMs
This shows the defensive mentality of IAF
Seems like they learnt nothing from Balakot
Modern aerial warfare lies on detecting the enemy 1st and shooting them at BVR, which we can't with these short ranged missiles, while Pakistanis will shoot us outside our range and watch how we dodge those missiles! 🤦
Modern aerial warfare relies heavily on ECMs
This shows the defensive mentality of IAF
Seems like they learnt nothing from Balakot
Modern aerial warfare lies on detecting the enemy 1st and shooting them at BVR, which we can't with these short ranged missiles, while Pakistanis will shoot us outside our range and watch how we dodge those missiles! 🤦
Well Here That sentence has no meaning,coz we are talking about CCM,which are Heat Seeker missile,and they cant be jammed using ECM,to defeat CCM or any Heat seeker misisle aircraft drops Flair,
Well Here That sentence has no meaning,coz we are talking about CCM,which are Heat Seeker missile,and they cant be jammed using ECM,to defeat CCM or any Heat seeker misisle aircraft drops Flair,
Yes CCM is useless in a BVR scenario which is the norm in current aerial engagement
How many BVR missiles Tejas Mk1A carry does any of em have the same range as AIM120?
Pakistan has good BVR capabilities, CCM may not come into play. Rather than we should focus on Astra mk2 , mk3 long range missile. Two CCM integrations are enough , how much IAF wants from indigenous platforms.
Modern aerial warfare relies heavily on ECMs
This shows the defensive mentality of IAF
Seems like they learnt nothing from Balakot
Modern aerial warfare lies on detecting the enemy 1st and shooting them at BVR, which we can't with these short ranged missiles, while Pakistanis will shoot us outside our range and watch how we dodge those missiles! 🤦
Modern warfare has changed a lot. We are developing our own indigenous Astra IR which will be our CCM. At the same time it’s obviously better to kill the enemy from the longest possible range which is why we are developing the Astra MK1, MK2 and MK3. We are running tests on the last two versions which will have a longer range. But any CCM missile will be used as a last resort for a pilot after using all of its BVR missiles.
It’s good that we have diversified our CCM range of missiles that use a variety of different technology. This will ensure that India gets a better deal and lowest price with whichever missile it needs to buy by increasing the competition among the different companies.

India is currently developing the Astra IR which will be 100% indigenously designed and manufactured in India. So India needs to develop this as quick as possible as it’s very important. Until then we have no choice but to make foreign expensive imports.
Yes CCM is useless in a BVR scenario which is the norm in current aerial engagement
How many BVR missiles Tejas Mk1A carry does any of em have the same range as AIM120?
It can carry 4 Astra + 2 ASRAAM + SPJ Pod in pure BVR configuration.
Astra Mk-1 is equivalent to the AIM-120C7 and ASRAAM is far better than AIM-9.
Only long range bvr please as the game won't be to visit on a plane now but to shoot from own boundaries and at rapid pace which means cost effective. And missiles like raining billets will be the answer. No body is going to chase plane in next 5 years all you need is radar to discover the target sensors to sense threat perception With AI tools and then laser or other means to neutralize the target at a great distance and not to wait for target to approach home to shoot

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