Tejas Mk2 to Soar with 70% Indigenous Content in 2026, Aiming for 90% by 2031


India's pursuit of self-reliance in defence technology is gaining momentum with the Tejas Mk2 fighter jet program. Prabhulla Chandran VK, director of avionics and weapons systems at the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), has revealed that the Tejas Mk2 is projected to achieve an impressive 90% indigenous content by the time it enters production in 2031.

This ambitious goal will be achieved in stages. The first Tejas Mk2 prototype, slated to take flight in 2026, will already feature over 70% indigenous components. This marks a significant leap forward from its predecessor, the Tejas Mk1A, which is expected to reach 70% indigenous content within the next four years.

While delays in defence programs are often met with frustration, the extra time taken for the Tejas Mk2 has allowed engineers to prioritize the development of indigenous components. This strategic decision ensures greater control over the aircraft's production, maintenance, and future upgrades, bolstering India's strategic autonomy in defence.

The Tejas Mk2 will showcase cutting-edge Indian technology, with its advanced radar systems, weapons, and other critical functionalities being predominantly developed within the country. While some components, such as the ejection seat and a few sensors, may still be sourced from abroad, India is actively working towards achieving a near-complete domestic supply chain for the Mk2.

This commitment to indigenous development aligns with the Indian Air Force's (IAF) vision for self-reliance. The IAF has been a strong advocate for higher indigenous content in fighter jets, and the Tejas Mk2 reflects this ambition. This approach not only strengthens India's defence capabilities but also contributes to the growth of a robust domestic defence industry.
It will fly before MRFA tender
That’s what we have been hearing for well over a decade but yet no prototype in sight, let alone first flight. And then there will be another 2 decades before it can even be inducted. So some of the MRFA jets might start retiring by the time Mk2 is inducted. Of course, the assumption is that HAL and DRDO stay in charge.
It’s going to be very tough to spare $25B-$30B for one acquisition alone
GoI definitely thinks otherwise that’s why the competition is going on. Of course, the actual price will only be revealed once the final results are in.
with low indigenous content
That seems to be the case with Tejas right now. 4 decades and still only 55% indigenous content. MRFA will surpass that easily.
how notorious French have been for overcharging for upgrades.
Not as notorious as DRDO is for going over budget. I mean, 500% increase in budget????? Never heard something like that.
I don't comment without facts. I m privy to functioning of DPSU. Try visit ARDE, TBRL, DIBER, DIHAR, various labs of DRDO. It will be eye opener.
Private sector's investment in R&D in India is around 33% in 2023 while in USA it was 75% in 2021(just for perspective, we can't compare USA to India in military investments ). Recently GoI has allocated 25% of r&d budget for pvt sector. R&d investment has been too low in India and it has increased in recent only. Recent startups are cash strapped, they don't hv enough funds for big projects while companies like adani n reliance hardly spend on r&d. Aren't they big enough to substantially invest in r&d for major projects?
Its my humble request is to please enlighten me that what major product (except drones) used by armed forces that were researched , designed n built by pvt company in India ?
Specs wise it is similar to gripen and even the design is similar canards with tail less delta wing and similar engine f414 and it has more use of composite material than gripen and idk which radar will they use in mk2 but gripen e got a good aesa radar. So mk2 is comparable to gripen which is comparable to rafale but not better to rafale, if we compare them rafale would be better in every way
But he said it will be better than “Rafale or any other 4th gen MWF jets available in the market today”. Now, it is still a LCA, so it can’t be better than then in terms of payload for sure. Rest, many of these planes will be tier 2 or 3 planes for their respective nations by the time Mk2 is inducted in the late 40s. So being better than them at that time is not of much significance.
Who spends in R&D in India? Its the GoI via DPSUs and labs. Why Pvt sector dont invest in R&D like west? do they dont have money? They do have money but they don't want to take longer and tougher route. Now tell who is elephant here and who is fox? Its easy to criticise.
FYI, pvt sector in the west get huge load of money from the govt for R&D. They spend their own also, but major chunk comes from govt. There's a reason US has got 600+ billion dollar military budget.
You meant let it first fly.

With CCS approval, It’s firmly out of drawing board. It will fly. Just a matter of time.
Indeed, matter of time. Well over a decade late already. Not sure how much more time is needed.
We are likely to be ahead of Rafale in radar and jammer department assuming we get to GaN.
No indications we are gonna use GaN on Mk2. Meanwhile, Rafale will start getting a full GaN suite from next year itself on production models. Mk2 won’t even be rolled out by then.
after Astra Mk3 we become comparable.
Neither the plane is ready nor the missile you speak of. Meanwhile, Rafale has been boasting Meteor for well over a decade now.
it’s biggest advantage is cost (maybe less than half)
Rafale was sold to us for some 92 million USD. For the home nation the cost was significantly less. It’s said to be under 70 million. Mk1a costs us ~70 million usd bare bones (official numbers from HAL chairman himself). Mk2 is definitely going to cost more. So clearly nowhere close to half. And if development cost is included, or for nations outside India, we will actually be paying more for Mk2 than for Rafale. And even just the variable cost will not be anywhere close to half. At best it will be 20% less. At best. And just the per unit cost. For India.
indigenous supply chain.
The important engine parts will be imported. So will be the ejection seats. Not sure how much indigenous it will be. Rafale, if made in India, will go over 50% for sure. So this might be an advantage but how big? No one can tell.
Who spends in R&D in India? Its the GoI via DPSUs and labs. Why Pvt sector dont invest in R&D like west? do they dont have money? They do have money but they don't want to take longer and tougher route. Now tell who is elephant here and who is fox? Its easy to criticise.
Not even close to the truth. Private companies are always dying to invest in R&D. Problem is that all the projects are given to DPSUs or DRDO and any junk made by them is guaranteed of orders. So even if some private company invests anything, they will only see their investment go down the drain.
During the delay some people are able fly a new stealth plane and maybe a stealth bomber and a stealth drone and a few stealth missiles. Pls understand the urgency.
Private sector's investment in R&D in India is around 33% in 2023 while in USA it was 75% in 2021(just for perspective, we can't compare USA to India in military investments ). Recently GoI has allocated 25% of r&d budget for pvt sector. R&d investment has been too low in India and it has increased in recent only. Recent startups are cash strapped, they don't hv enough funds for big projects while companies like adani n reliance hardly spend on r&d. Aren't they big enough to substantially invest in r&d for major projects?
Its my humble request is to please enlighten me that what major product (except drones) used by armed forces that were researched , designed n built by pvt company in India ?
Carbines, 155 mm gun, WHaP, armoured pers carrier by Mahindra, tata, kalyani and many eqpts. They would have much better, if govt would not have provided protection to DPSUs. Now I request you to plz name few Indigenous products produced by 1000+ central protected organizations (DPSU, ERSTWHILE OFBs, DRDO AND IT'S LAB Etc). Check the salary of these employees (cl 1 to cl4).
It will eventually become a better jet than Rafale or any other 4th gen MWF jets available in the market today.
I will be surprised if it surpasses a F-16 or a Gripen in performance. No point comparing it with a twin engine fighter like Rafale or Eurofighter. They are different beasts.
Specs wise it is similar to gripen and even the design is similar canards with tail less delta wing and similar engine f414 and it has more use of composite material than gripen and idk which radar will they use in mk2 but gripen e got a good aesa radar. So mk2 is comparable to gripen which is comparable to rafale but not better to rafale, if we compare them rafale would be better in every way
It will be far ahead of rafale, reason being Safran will take long time to upgrade from F4 to F5 standard. Whereas Tejas mk2 will benefit from AMCA program borrowing it's not even 5th but 6th Gen tech by 2031. Tejas mk2 will incorporate advanced Gallium nitrite based AESA radar , advanced sensors, EW suite & network centric capabilities. Safran doesn't have independent 5th Or 6th Gen fighter programs until now.
Not quite! As recent reports indicate there is a flaw in design which may need revision of design. God known what exactly they froze during CDR.
That is under refinement bucket. Till plane flies, all alleged design flaws (one was flagged for the position of the canards) are just alleged. And there are at least four prototypes planned for refinement.
No indications we are gonna use GaN on Mk2. Meanwhile, Rafale will start getting a full GaN suite from next year itself on production models. Mk2 won’t even be rolled out by then.

Neither the plane is ready nor the missile you speak of. Meanwhile, Rafale has been boasting Meteor for well over a decade now.

Rafale was sold to us for some 92 million USD. For the home nation the cost was significantly less. It’s said to be under 70 million. Mk1a costs us ~70 million usd bare bones (official numbers from HAL chairman himself). Mk2 is definitely going to cost more. So clearly nowhere close to half. And if development cost is included, or for nations outside India, we will actually be paying more for Mk2 than for Rafale. And even just the variable cost will not be anywhere close to half. At best it will be 20% less. At best. And just the per unit cost. For India.

The important engine parts will be imported. So will be the ejection seats. Not sure how much indigenous it will be. Rafale, if made in India, will go over 50% for sure. So this might be an advantage but how big? No one can tell.
I can see the anxiety in French tone. Mk2 is really a very bad news for France. Almost no business. They might get some if they allow meteor integration. Upto them … we’d have our own. Just a matter of time.

I’m talking about Indian Rafale and not your Rafale. So we don’t have GaN and we will be paying through our nose as and when we go for it. French won’t allow indigenous radars.

There is every indication that we are using GaN for Mk2 and Su30. Lets see.

Base Rafale M is speculated to be costing upwards of $140M.Mk2 is likely to be half of that.

We’d have dependencies on global supply chain, but very limited. That’s true for engines as well. We’d be able to run the show without US support. In case of Su30 MKI, with much lower level of indigenisation, we continue to maintain and operate AL31 while Russia is busy fighting NATO’s proxy. So we are good with GE F414. Pity France doesn’t have any.
What Joke is this? Then let's delay it further till 2050 & come with 100% indigenously developed fighter along with Indigenous Engine. Why only 2031??
Keep you confident on DPSU. But plz provide some facts. I can't recall any 100% indigenous product produced by DPSU. Try comparing the resources they have and the product the have produced, you will run low on confidence
There is nothing called 100% indigenous. Not even LM or Dassault make all the components. For reasons of innovation and economy of scale, military aviation supply chain is indeed global.

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