The Unspoken Tale of Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman and 2019 Indo-Pak Air Skirmish


Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, the Indian Air Force pilot who became a national hero in 2019 after shooting down a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet, continues to be shrouded in a veil of silence regarding the details of his daring mission.

Abhinandan's story is one of valor and resilience. Following the downing of his MiG-21, he was captured in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). His swift return to India was hailed as a diplomatic victory, and he was awarded the Vir Chakra for his exceptional bravery.

However, since his return, there has been a conspicuous absence of public statements from Abhinandan about the events of that day. While he has resumed his duties as a fighter pilot and has been promoted to Group Captain, he has not been permitted to speak openly to the media. This stands in contrast to Squadron Leader Minty Aggarwal, the woman fighter controller who played a crucial role in the operation and has been able to share her experiences publicly.

The public's curiosity remains piqued, as they yearn to hear Abhinandan's firsthand account of the aerial engagement, his capture, and his subsequent return. His silence has led to speculation and a lack of complete understanding of the entire mission.

Several reasons could be attributed to the restrictions on Abhinandan's media interactions. These could include operational security concerns, the sensitive nature of the situation, or even personal preference. It is also possible that the government or the military have deemed it prudent to maintain a degree of discretion on this matter.

Whatever the reasons may be, Abhinandan's silence has not diminished his status as a national hero. His actions on that fateful day in 2019 are a testament to his courage, skill, and unwavering dedication to duty. It remains to be seen whether he will ever choose to share his story with the public. Until then, his legacy as a symbol of bravery and patriotism will endure.
Answer is simple, even though he is a hero, he was after all shot down and captured by the enemy. It was a humiliation for the IAF. No matter how you look at it.

If you use ancient aircraft like Mig21, suffering humiliation is natural
Answer is simple, even though he is a hero, he was after all shot down and captured by the enemy. It was a humiliation for the IAF. No matter how you look at it.

If you use ancient aircraft like Mig21, suffering humiliation is natural
Abhinandan made IAF extremely proud when he shot down advanced 4 th generation F-16 from 50 years old 2nd generation Mig-21. FYI ,in 2019 , PLAAF had about 600 fighters of 2nd generation like J-6 ,J-7 out of about 1400 total fighters in their inventory . You can't compare with airforces of US or European countries .
Abhinandan made IAF extremely proud when he shot down advanced 4 th generation F-16 from 50 years old 2nd generation Mig-21. FYI ,in 2019 , PLAAF had about 600 fighters of 2nd generation like J-6 ,J-7 out of about 1400 total fighters in their inventory . You can't compare with airforces of US or European countries .
He is a hero but no F-16 was shoot down.
"A Hero (Abhinandan) Story is still Untold"

Not true at all.
Whole world, including everyone in India/Bharat, knows his story and his bravery in bagging hard to bag F-16 with a lowly and extremely old Mig-21Bis.
Above all a mere utterance of Abhinandan name will make PA COAS kegs shake uncontrollably and also for all of the PAF to wet their pants.
And it is a fact that he is an household name and his story is told again and again to sush their babies in terroristan/jehadistan.
He is a hero but no F-16 was shoot down.
IAF is much more credible than fake US media and ISPR which you are relying upon . You have probably forgotten how legs of army chief in our neighborhood were shaking ,how they released our pilot in hurry. That was not a diplomatic victory , but victory of military coercion.
He is hero because of what he underwent in captivity. But the manner in which IAF lost one jet and it's pilot went PoW is big embarrassment for us. Losing 1 jet and PoW pilot made Balakot strike felt like nothing.

Some IAF veterans say, there is chance that pilot Abhinandan didn't obey command of his superiors not to cross into Pak Airspace.
Abhinandan made IAF extremely proud when he shot down advanced 4 th generation F-16 from 50 years old 2nd generation Mig-21. FYI ,in 2019 , PLAAF had about 600 fighters of 2nd generation like J-6 ,J-7 out of about 1400 total fighters in their inventory . You can't compare with airforces of US or European countries .
No one outside india believes that he shot down F16. Pakistan also claims that it shot down our Su30MKI. Believe what is clearly visible. What is a fact is that in the engagement, We lost 1 mig21, and our pilot got captured. Rest is just claims and counter claims. You believe whatever you want to believe.
Answer is simple, even though he is a hero, he was after all shot down and captured by the enemy. It was a humiliation for the IAF. No matter how you look at it.

If you use ancient aircraft like Mig21, suffering humiliation is natural
You can add as much sugar to a piece of turd. It will still smell like turd and taste like turd.

On Feb-27 2019, What what the world would see, is a captured Abhinandan.

The Pokis were able to capture Abhinandan and parade him to international media. Whereas we couldn't capture any pilot of theor F-16.
Call it sheer bad-luck but it is what it is.

Now, if he can avenge his misfortune by downing and help capturing another F-16 in the future, that would be something.
I have said this before and I will repeat it again. Pakis have been peddling this "no F16 lost nonsense"
1. AIM120 shards have been recovered - which proves F16 was used in the operation
2. Two pilots parachuted as per Pakistan's own official statement. One is Abhinandan sir, who is the second ? Its definitely not Indian. Which means he is Pakistani. Which means he ejected. Which means the jet was hit and the jet crashed.
Put the two together it doesnt take a genius to figure out that they lost an F16.

What happened was - F16 went after Su30. They lack tactical experience. They prematurely fired the AIM120. The shards fell into Indian territory and was recovered. Su30 was able to dodge it in "cold pursuit". Abhinandan sir pulled a suicidal maneuver. He went close to F16 and shot it down. In the process he cross the border and had to parachute into POK.

so why are we downplaying it ? Losing F16 to MiG21 is a big humiliation to US. Its their most successful selling jet. Its a PR war and US has poked their nose in. We have good relations with the US and we do buy hardware from them. So we are not pushing the narrative.
You can add as much sugar to a piece of turd. It will still smell like turd and taste like turd.

On Feb-27 2019, What what the world would see, is a captured Abhinandan.

The Pokis were able to capture Abhinandan and parade him to international media. Whereas we couldn't capture any pilot of theor F-16.
Call it sheer bad-luck but it is what it is.

Now, if he can avenge his misfortune by downing and help capturing another F-16 in the future, that would be something.
Pakis also returned our pilot in mint condition within 36 hours under the threat of war. So call them pu$$y ? It is what it is
No one outside india believes that he shot down F16. Pakistan also claims that it shot down our Su30MKI. Believe what is clearly visible. What is a fact is that in the engagement, We lost 1 mig21, and our pilot got captured. Rest is just claims and counter claims. You believe whatever you want to believe.
That is the delusional pakilogic talking. Its been debunked plenty of times. Their own statement is a testament
Pakis also returned our pilot in mint condition within 36 hours under the threat of war. So call them pu$$y ? It is what it is
It is, call Pokis Pu$$y or lafandus. We can celebrate Indian diplomacy because at the end, it achieved something which was unherd of in the subcontinent.
But proclaiming Abhinandan a hero?
That would be as ridiculous as Rawool baba's sychopanths' recent celebration of victory.
No one outside india believes that he shot down F16. Pakistan also claims that it shot down our Su30MKI. Believe what is clearly visible. What is a fact is that in the engagement, We lost 1 mig21, and our pilot got captured. Rest is just claims and counter claims. You believe whatever you want to believe.
There are a lot of evidence in public domain like initial announcement by ISPR about capturing two pilots ,one being treated in military hospital. Communication intercepts of rangers ,photograph of two parachutes falling ,and public presentation by IAF showing how F-16 blip disappeared after abhinandan fired R-73 . If you are sympathiser of western neighbour,you can live in your dreamland while message has been delivered to intended audience PA .
I have said this before and I will repeat it again. Pakis have been peddling this "no F16 lost nonsense"
1. AIM120 shards have been recovered - which proves F16 was used in the operation
2. Two pilots parachuted as per Pakistan's own official statement. One is Abhinandan sir, who is the second ? Its definitely not Indian. Which means he is Pakistani. Which means he ejected. Which means the jet was hit and the jet crashed.
Put the two together it doesnt take a genius to figure out that they lost an F16.

What happened was - F16 went after Su30. They lack tactical experience. They prematurely fired the AIM120. The shards fell into Indian territory and was recovered. Su30 was able to dodge it in "cold pursuit". Abhinandan sir pulled a suicidal maneuver. He went close to F16 and shot it down. In the process he cross the border and had to parachute into POK.

so why are we downplaying it ? Losing F16 to MiG21 is a big humiliation to US. Its their most successful selling jet. Its a PR war and US has poked their nose in. We have good relations with the US and we do buy hardware from them. So we are not pushing the narrative.
It was a Jordanian AF F16B twin seater jet gifted from Jordan, to train a Jordanian pilot- who was next mistakenly hammered to death with rocks by PoK gang youths - thinking that he was an Israeli pilot! Main Pork'sAF expert F16 jet pilot was very badly injured by R73 CCM missile blasted right in front of nose of F16 jet, becoz he suddenly turned to face Wng Cmndr Abhinandan's MIG21Bison after he fired R73 missile. Both pilots ejected safely but were killed on the ground....
Answer is simple, even though he is a hero, he was after all shot down and captured by the enemy. It was a humiliation for the IAF. No matter how you look at it.

If you use ancient aircraft like Mig21, suffering humiliation is natural
Did you know that Wng Cmndr Abhinandan's wing man broke engagement rules by abandoning his flight leader and quickly turning his MIG21 jet around to go back to base and land safely; when he saw the AMRAAM's flying towards them? BUT, as per IAF ground control commanders report, they ordered both pilots to disengage and return back to Indian airspace as they were now entering enemy airspace! SO, either Abhinandan Sir disobeyed direct orders and attacked the F16B in enemy airspace or else, genuinely his radio had been jammed...; BUT THEN, how come other MIG21 pilot Abhi's wingman heard these orders and broke off the attack and returned to base safely??
Did you know that Wng Cmndr Abhinandan's wing man broke engagement rules by abandoning his flight leader and quickly turning his MIG21 jet around to go back to base and land safely; when he saw the AMRAAM's flying towards them? BUT, as per IAF ground control commanders report, they ordered both pilots to disengage and return back to Indian airspace as they were now entering enemy airspace! SO, either Abhinandan Sir disobeyed direct orders and attacked the F16B in enemy airspace or else, genuinely his radio had been jammed...; BUT THEN, how come other MIG21 pilot Abhi's wingman heard these orders and broke off the attack and returned to base safely??
there has been no official report on what exactly happened in the engagement. There are versions of diferent people and countries etc. Lots of rumors are there. I am just basing my opinion on the single known fact, that is beyond any doubt, which is that 1 Mig21 was shot down in enemy territory, and our pilot got captured.
IAF is much more credible than fake US media and ISPR which you are relying upon . You have probably forgotten how legs of army chief in our neighborhood were shaking ,how they released our pilot in hurry. That was not a diplomatic victory , but victory of military coercion.
hahahha. he was released under Geneva Agreement
There are a lot of evidence in public domain like initial announcement by ISPR about capturing two pilots ,one being treated in military hospital. Communication intercepts of rangers ,photograph of two parachutes falling ,and public presentation by IAF showing how F-16 blip disappeared after abhinandan fired R-73 . If you are sympathiser of western neighbour,you can live in your dreamland while message has been delivered to intended audience PA .
all of those things are statement, pictures or audio or other reports. Any of those things can be easily faked. Only thing about this whole issue that is beyond any doubt is the fact that we lost a Mig21 plane, and our pilot got captured. Countries have habit of boasting about military acheivements. I am not blaming India or praising pakistan. When it comes to these things, I believe what I see. Decent Videos are good proof, and we ourself have acknowledged loss of a Mig21.
That is the delusional pakilogic talking. Its been debunked plenty of times. Their own statement is a testament
you can believe whatever you want to believe. Countries have habit of boasting about military acheivements. I am not blaming India or praising pakistan. When it comes to these things, I believe what I see. Decent Videos are good proof, and we ourself have acknowledged loss of a Mig21.

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