UAE's EDGE Group Seeks Drone Development Partnership with India's HAL

UAE's EDGE Group Seeks Drone Development Partnership with India's HAL

In a move signaling a deepening defense partnership, the United Arab Emirates' EDGE Group is in talks with India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to jointly develop advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This collaboration would pool the cutting-edge technologies and expertise of both nations.

EDGE Group Eyes India-Specific Drone​

Sources familiar with the discussions have revealed that EDGE Group has expressed keen interest in co-developing a customized variant of its REACH-S Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV, specifically tailored to meet the requirements of India's defense forces.

The REACH-S is a fixed-wing drone known for its impressive capabilities. It boasts a 600kg takeoff weight, payload capacity of 120kg, altitude ceiling of 19,000 feet, and cruising speed of 80 knots.

With a 12-meter wingspan and 200-kilometer communications range, the REACH-S is primed for reconnaissance missions in diverse environments. Its reusable design and outstanding endurance of up to 24 hours further bolster its operational value.

Competition from India's Archer UAV​

However, the REACH-S faces a domestic contender in the Archer MALE UAV, developed by India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO). HAL, as the primary manufacturer of the Archer, is presently focused on producing five of these UAVs for further testing.

Whether HAL will ultimately have the capacity to collaborate with EDGE remains an open question.

Partnership Holds Strategic Value​

Regardless of the outcome with the Archer program, a partnership between the EDGE Group and HAL holds significant potential for both India and the UAE.

By combining resources and expertise, both entities could drive innovation, bolster defense technology capabilities, and strengthen India's push toward greater self-reliance in the defense sector.
India must be very careful at writing contracts with foreign armament companies.
Do not let it be MR-SAM fiasco again where we put all the money and get no TOT or IP rights.
I wonder, if ever war happens against Pakistan what these groups from uae will do? Its not a peacetime machine., considering their relations with Pakistan, we maybe close, but when it comes to religion nothing comes first before religion. Its better to do business with israelis, we are already using their products, let them transfer tech for money, let us invest into our own.
Reach S is a light medium type armed ucav and other side archer ucav medium category so both are different type ucav. You guys can compare reach M version with archer ng .. indian armed forces and paramilitary forces really need reach S type light armed ucav against terrorism and Maoist ... I hope we can see positive news about REACH S AND RESCH M in India ..
I wonder, if ever war happens against Pakistan what these groups from uae will do? Its not a peacetime machine., considering their relations with Pakistan, we maybe close, but when it comes to religion nothing comes first before religion. Its better to do business with israelis, we are already using their products, let them transfer tech for money, let us invest into our own.
India has improved ties with UAE and saudi a lot in last 10 years. UAE is not a typical islamic country anymore. Mudi has a personal relationship with UAE leader. A new massive hindoo temple was inaugurated in UAE recently.

Both UAE and saudi have lost patience with pakistan as it always comes to them with beggimg bowl. In conflict with Pakis, I am fairly confident that UAE will support India. Saudis would likely stay neutral.
We are also getting israeli UAVs, with local assembly by Adani. How do these match vs them? And the predators are also coming. I dont know if we need another supplier, because we are developing domestically as well.
I wonder, if ever war happens against Pakistan what these groups from uae will do? Its not a peacetime machine., considering their relations with Pakistan, we maybe close, but when it comes to religion nothing comes first before religion. Its better to do business with israelis, we are already using their products, let them transfer tech for money, let us invest into our own.
Good point. Please note that Edge, although is a UAE company, is full of european, south african and even latin american expats. In fact all that UAE does there is financing
We are also getting israeli UAVs, with local assembly by Adani. How do these match vs them? And the predators are also coming. I dont know if we need another supplier, because we are developing domestically as well.
Those Israeli uav's are not armed uav and I don't think so Americans will give permission to india for use those predator drones in Kashmir or against Maoist.. American weapons come with many restrictions..
Those Israeli uav's are not armed uav and I don't think so Americans will give permission to india for use those predator drones in Kashmir or against Maoist.. American weapons come with many restrictions..
On the contrary, american weapons come with 0 actual restrictions. Pakis uses its F16 vs India when america has said pakis can use it only vs terrorists , and israael causing massive civilian cassualites in gaza. We will have full freedom to use these weapons. We just have to write on piece of paper that we wont cause war crimes with it.
On the contrary, american weapons come with 0 actual restrictions. Pakis uses its F16 vs India when america has said pakis can use it only vs terrorists , and israael causing massive civilian cassualites in gaza. We will have full freedom to use these weapons. We just have to write on piece of paper that we wont cause war crimes with it.
It's depend on situations .. you are a attacker or defender .. hamas attacked Israel fast now Israel doing what they have to do that's why Americans doing nothing and about Pakistan they never accepted that they used F16 against India. India only can use those predator drones against anti piracy or surveillance in loc/lac ..
It's depend on situations .. you are a attacker or defender .. hamas attacked Israel fast now Israel doing what they have to do that's why Americans doing nothing and about Pakistan they never accepted that they used F16 against India. India only can use those predator drones against anti piracy or surveillance in loc/lac ..
There is big backlash in america for US supporting israel so much, as there is karge musliim population in america, which exclusively votes for democrats, and joe biden needs these voters to defeat trump in upcoming elections. That is why in the latest UN resolution against israel, America abstained instead of vetoing it.
Senior air officers of IAF who were pilots hate the drones. In fact the drones have changed the battlefield completely. It is too dangerous to fly aircrafts over the battlefields. There is a risk of loosing a plane and pilot. That risk is far less with drones. This technology has just started and maturing as more and more wars are fought. Hence effort has to be redirected towards drones and their evolution.
There is big backlash in america for US supporting israel so much, as there is karge musliim population in america, which exclusively votes for democrats, and joe biden needs these voters to defeat trump in upcoming elections. That is why in the latest UN resolution against israel, America abstained instead of vetoing it.
The Muslim population is smaller than the Jewish.
People except [ MAGA Christian Right etc] are getting fed up with the slaughter of civilians.
BTW - Jewish population mostly vote Dems.
India needs to develop its own UCAV to strengthen our fire power across the border and across the Indian Ocean. Currently we are designing, developing and manufacturing our own indigenous UCAV Archer NG which we need to support our fighter jets. However the Reach drone is not what our forces are looking for and it doesn't have the technology or capabilities we need.

India needs to focus on developing the Archer NG as it won't take long to develop as we are using a lot of the indigenously developed parts, sensors and technology from the TAPAS drone. This drone will have over 90% of indigenous content and use our indigenous weapons which makes us more self reliant and less likely to make any foreign expensive imports for any parts etc.

At the same time they need to quickly develop the stealth UCAV Ghatak drone which will be even better and lethal. This will allow us to hit targets across the border and safely come back with no chance of being detected. So far we have only developed a smaller version with all of the same technology capabilities. This is called the stealth UCAV SWIFT which can still be used as a much smaller and even more difficult to detect armed drone. So our indigenous drone program are essential if we want to be a super power and become self reliant.
Senior air officers of IAF who were pilots hate the drones. In fact the drones have changed the battlefield completely. It is too dangerous to fly aircrafts over the battlefields. There is a risk of loosing a plane and pilot. That risk is far less with drones. This technology has just started and maturing as more and more wars are fought. Hence effort has to be redirected towards drones and their evolution.
Currently the drones are only valuable if you have complete power over the sky and it's not contested or fighting against each other. A drone is a sitting target for fighter jets and SAM as it doesn't have the speed or evasion techniques to fly out of range.
Currently the drones are only valuable if you have complete power over the sky and it's not contested or fighting against each other. A drone is a sitting target for fighter jets and SAM as it doesn't have the speed or evasion techniques to fly out of range.
Drones are evolving; soon these swarms would be challenge the fighter jets. That time is not far away. Moreover a swarm of drones on AI is under a million dollar. A missile in a fighter is 3 million dollars. How many missiles can you fire at a drone swarm.

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