Ukraine's Success Against the S-400 Sparks Concerns Over India's Air Defence Investment


The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has raised alarms in India over the effectiveness of its recent investment in Russia's S-400 Triumf air defense system. Successful Ukrainian strikes against S-400 batteries using Western-supplied missiles have ignited a debate about the system's vulnerability to modern weaponry.

Reports from the frontlines suggest Ukrainian forces have repeatedly bypassed the S-400's defenses, striking Russian military assets despite its advertised capabilities. The effectiveness of the advanced system against newer, precision-guided munitions like the Storm Shadow and ATACMS is now under intense scrutiny.

Open-source information has shed further light on the S-400's weaknesses, including potential vulnerabilities in its radar and targeting systems. The integration of Western electronic warfare technology may also have played a role in degrading its performance.

India's $5 billion acquisition of five S-400 units, a deal hailed as a game-changer for its air defence capabilities, is now facing questions. The S-400, with its promised 400-kilometer range and ability to intercept various aerial threats, was seen as a vital asset in a volatile region. But the events in Ukraine have raised concerns about its true effectiveness against modern threats.

Defence analysts are divided on the implications for India. Some argue that the operational context in Ukraine differs significantly from South Asia, and the S-400's performance may vary accordingly. Others emphasize the need for a comprehensive reassessment of India's air defense strategy in light of the S-400's vulnerabilities.

While the situation in Ukraine raises valid concerns, it does not automatically invalidate India's decision. The strategic rationale behind acquiring the S-400 remains relevant, but India must now:
  1. Closely Monitor Performance: Rigorous testing and evaluation are essential to understand the S-400's capabilities in the Indian context.
  2. Adapt Strategies: Tactical adjustments and potential upgrades may be necessary to optimize the system's effectiveness.
  3. Explore Alternatives: India should remain open to exploring alternative or complementary air defense solutions to ensure a robust defense posture.
The Ukraine conflict serves as a stark reminder that even the most advanced weapons systems are not infallible. India must learn from the S-400's challenges and adapt its strategies to ensure its national security remains uncompromised.
No defense is 100% fool proof, with the ever evolving missile technology only a collective effort that includes cheap drones, decoys, evms, laser etc can provide safety up to an extent.
I believe most of the time,SAM systems even as sophisticated as S-400 and Patriot struggle against cruise/ballistic missiles as their main role is against enemy aircraft like fighters and bombers.
I believe most of the time,SAM systems even as sophisticated as S-400 and Patriot struggle against cruise/ballistic missiles as their main role is against enemy aircraft like fighters and bombers.
Actually Patriots are performing exceptionally well against top of the line Russian wunderwaffes like the Kinzhal with interception rates ranging from 90-95%.
Even the Pentagon didn't expect such an incredible performance, as a result of which they are now installing the Patriot on the AEGIS system.
Actually Patriots are performing exceptionally well against top of the line Russian wunderwaffes like the Kinzhal with interception rates ranging from 90-95%.
Even the Pentagon didn't expect such an incredible performance, as a result of which they are now installing the Patriot on the AEGIS system.
Tell me 1 thing. How did Iran get such good AD systems. I can't understand.

They intercepted Israeli attack
They regularly shoot down US drones
Hezbolla regularly shoots Israeli drones
Even fatichar Houties shooting HALE US drones

All this while Israel can't shoot Hezbolla drones regularly violating it's airspace.

Just how are Muslim nations so good with weapons. Turkey succeeds in making whatever it wants, and Iran's weapons (drones and AD to large extent plus all types of ammunition) are not only matching US but outperforming every other European weapon and are always successful.

Calling out their failure rate is self-condolence as they are comparatively cheaper than same attack by others (even China and Russia) and meet objectives by sheer numbers.
I admire ATACMS for its compact size. Being 1.6 tons, packing a huge range and warhead all while being extremely compact allowing transportation by any small truck is amazing. On top of that being 23 years old.

Same for HIMARS/M270
6 rockets of 227 mm
1 ATACMS of 610mm
2 missile of 430mm > 500km range

All this with self reloading ability and armor. Truly amazing.
Tell me 1 thing. How did Iran get such good AD systems. I can't understand.

They intercepted Israeli attack
They regularly shoot down US drones
Hezbolla regularly shoots Israeli drones
Even fatichar Houties shooting HALE US drones

All this while Israel can't shoot Hezbolla drones regularly violating it's airspace.

Just how are Muslim nations so good with weapons. Turkey succeeds in making whatever it wants, and Iran's weapons (drones and AD to large extent plus all types of ammunition) are not only matching US but outperforming every other European weapon and are always successful.

Calling out their failure rate is self-condolence as they are comparatively cheaper than same attack by others (even China and Russia) and meet objectives by sheer numbers.
That’s absolute rubbish. Iran has one of the worst AD system in place where Israel regularly conducts strikes on Iran and Lebanon.

Israel has managed to intercept over 99% of any rocket, jets or missiles fired by them. Even recently Iran launched a massive attack on Israel after bombing part of a Iranian consulate by hundreds of drones and missiles and they got intercepted by them so take you fancy tales to your Muslim brothers elsewhere as nobody is interested in your delusions.
While S-400 has taken hits, any system can be overwhelmed with saturation attacks. We see only the hits but don't see how many missiles were shot down to get through. Ukraine uses as Salvo of other MLRS along with GMLRS and ATACMS to saturate the target picture along with MALD decoys , HARM anti radiation missiles and Stormshadows to suppress the defenses and eat up interceptor missiles.
Actually Patriots are performing exceptionally well against top of the line Russian wunderwaffes like the Kinzhal with interception rates ranging from 90-95%.
Even the Pentagon didn't expect such an incredible performance, as a result of which they are now installing the Patriot on the AEGIS system.
Patriots have better interception against Kh-55/101 etc , Iskanders and Kinzhals regulary get through even according to Ukrainian air defense kill lists published by them
The person who wrote this article doesn’t seem to understand how SAM work. Most SAM batteries can be destroyed by launching any saturation attack of several missiles at the same time because they can’t be reloaded as quickly. That’s why you have at least a triple line and overlapping SAM coverage that india is developing. The main reason why the S400 was bought is because it allowed us to integrate our own indigenous SAM like the BMD, MR-SAM, Akash, Spyder etc and develop a integrated system that covers the entire country.
Obviously the S400 is a good acquisition. But it should be the last such acquisition. Our air defense cannot be limited to the Iron Dome type system of Israel, simply because we are a much larger nation. We need area denial tactics similar to China, with more indigenous Systems, and indigenous strategies. We need to focus with make in India, and develop our existing Systems like KALI and DURGA, with swarm drones included in the network, so that incoming hostile aircraft never get to return back.
No defense is 100% fool proof, with the ever evolving missile technology only a collective effort that includes cheap drones, decoys, evms, laser etc can provide safety up to an extent.
Is ATACMS a modern missile? No, ATACMS was made in 1991, 16 years before S400s were made. 16 friggin years! Of course, the Russians basically inflated the h5ll out of their weapon capabilities and they sell it cheaper compared to American weapons.

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