US Navy Secures Final Super Hornet Order, Marking End of an Era

US Navy Secures Final Super Hornet Order, Marking End of an Era

In a significant move, the US Navy has finalized a $1.1 billion contract with Boeing for the last 17 F/A-18E/F Super Hornets. This deal, which follows a period of uncertainty, signals the potential end of production for the iconic fighter jet.

The contract includes 10 F/A-18F Lot 46 aircraft and seven from Lot 47, with deliveries expected to begin in late 2026 and finish by spring 2027. The Super Hornet, a mainstay of US Naval aviation, has recently faced setbacks such as the Indian Navy's decision to choose the French Rafale fighter. With no additional US Navy orders likely, the end of production is in sight.

This leaves Boeing with just two fighter jets in production – the Super Hornet and the more advanced F-15EX. Industry experts suggest Boeing will likely concentrate its efforts on the F-15EX, a fighter better suited to the demands of modern aerial warfare.

The Super Hornet has been a reliable workhorse for the US Navy for decades. However, with this final order, its future as a major player in the global fighter jet market appears uncertain. This marks a turning point in aviation history as a legendary aircraft nears the end of its production run.
Same thing may happen with F-15Ex.the Mrfa Contender. US trying hard to win MRFA .Argentina another country where US can expectmore orders apart From Ukraine .
Always a tough sell for the F-18 given US partners would rather choose F-16 given it's cost advantage or simply go for the F-35 if they can get their hands over it.
Some country could still buy them depending on cost.
New F-18s aren't going be sold any longer. What might happen, however, is that as F-18 operators such as Canada (80 aircraft), US Marine Corps (127), Finland (55), Kuwait (27), Malaysia (8), and Switzerland (25), and Australia (24) retire their F-18s (not counting Super Hornets here), we may well see an increasing number of second-hand sales.
Same thing may happen with F-15Ex.the Mrfa Contender. US trying hard to win MRFA .Argentina another country where US can expectmore orders apart From Ukraine .
No, the F-15EX is still pretty relevant, and the F-15E is relevant to a lesser extent. If you wanted an analogue of the F-18E/F today, you would be looking at the F-15C/D, which is already out of production, with present operators starting long-term planning for replacements.
New F-18s aren't going be sold any longer. What might happen, however, is that as F-18 operators such as Canada (80 aircraft), US Marine Corps (127), Finland (55), Kuwait (27), Malaysia (8), and Switzerland (25), and Australia (24) retire their F-18s (not counting Super Hornets here), we may well see an increasing number of second-hand sales.
F/A-18 SH EX Growlers are still the best, I don’t think there are any other dedicated SEAD/DEAD capable fighter jets available today with any other Country.
Some country could still buy them depending on cost.
No one is going to buy them. Super duper expensive. Even Rafales beat them at cost as seen in the Indian tender. That too Rafale M, which will have to be built specially for India. So so costly.
It's unfortunate as F-18 SH could've easily adjusted to IAF & IN's requirements due to commonality of engines with Tejas-Mk2 & AMCA.

But it was possible that USA wouldn't have agreed for the Nuclear Strike role for F-18SHs which France probably didn't oppose.

If ORCA got developed the it could've been a rival to F-18SHs.
It's unfortunate as F-18 SH could've easily adjusted to IAF & IN's requirements due to commonality of engines with Tejas-Mk2 & AMCA.

But it was possible that USA wouldn't have agreed for the Nuclear Strike role for F-18SHs which France probably didn't oppose.

If ORCA got developed the it could've been a rival to F-18SHs.
Well F18 failed last time and was more expensive than Rafale this time. So no point touching it. Not at all unfortunate
I think strategically India going for Rafale-Ms, and potentially 114 Rafales F4/5s with MRFA may be a better option (in all about 176 jets with a domestic ecosystem fully in place by 2030-2035), given how strings are attached with US Weapons...Of course we are going big with US every year (P-18s, C-17, Apaches, MH-60Rs, MQ-9s) so someday we will obtain say for e.g. F-35s or B1Bs (just speculation), but for now we should concentrate of developing our R&D and Manufacturing capability, which is the only long term solution...The way to work with the US is get into some codevelopment, coproduction and TOT, but with domestic production...I think we should also look at the UK/Japan/Italy GCAP program even if it may be expensive...AMCA may only be available by 2035-2040 (i think so) in numbers, and by then we could be close to getting the GCAP started, learn adapt and develop (AMCA and GCAP can both be good once we have a large Defense budget)...Today we clearly lack Defense budgets, R&D and a manufacturing base to be at the cutting edge, thus we should be smart in creating a domestic base (which we are but too slowly) even if its behind say by 10-15 years, but things may be different by 2035, so we must plan ahead...Again I don't foresee even by 2035, except the US and China, anyone else to single handedly fund multi billion dollar programs (6th GEN bombers, SSN(X), SSBN(Xs), Super Carriers etc.), thus collaborating with hitech but like minded countries may be a good option, and also joint programs create geopolitical advantages...Our main enemy, China is unlike to change course, as their aim is for world domination in the 2035-2049, timeframe and to surpass the US, thus we may have to to get closer to the US camp militarily.
Don't get dependent on Americans products too much , thy can impose sanction when u won't follow their policies and when thy see , ur dependent for parts ,jets ,thy didn't give us gps tracking during kargil war , thy even didn't accept their f16 got shoot down and even allow pakistan upgrading f16 ,so be careful with them ,thy want to make India dependent like we r for Russia ,
No, the F-15EX is still pretty relevant, and the F-15E is relevant to a lesser extent. If you wanted an analogue of the F-18E/F today, you would be looking at the F-15C/D, which is already out of production, with present operators starting long-term planning for replacements.
What if thy impose sanction on you and stopped parts ,what ru gonna do tht time ,when ur jets r grounded
I think strategically India going for Rafale-Ms, and potentially 114 Rafales F4/5s with MRFA may be a better option (in all about 176 jets with a domestic ecosystem fully in place by 2030-2035), given how strings are attached with US Weapons...Of course we are going big with US every year (P-18s, C-17, Apaches, MH-60Rs, MQ-9s) so someday we will obtain say for e.g. F-35s or B1Bs (just speculation), but for now we should concentrate of developing our R&D and Manufacturing capability, which is the only long term solution...The way to work with the US is get into some codevelopment, coproduction and TOT, but with domestic production...I think we should also look at the UK/Japan/Italy GCAP program even if it may be expensive...AMCA may only be available by 2035-2040 (i think so) in numbers, and by then we could be close to getting the GCAP started, learn adapt and develop (AMCA and GCAP can both be good once we have a large Defense budget)...Today we clearly lack Defense budgets, R&D and a manufacturing base to be at the cutting edge, thus we should be smart in creating a domestic base (which we are but too slowly) even if its behind say by 10-15 years, but things may be different by 2035, so we must plan ahead...Again I don't foresee even by 2035, except the US and China, anyone else to single handedly fund multi billion dollar programs (6th GEN bombers, SSN(X), SSBN(Xs), Super Carriers etc.), thus collaborating with hitech but like minded countries may be a good option, and also joint programs create geopolitical advantages...Our main enemy, China is unlike to change course, as their aim is for world domination in the 2035-2049, timeframe and to surpass the US, thus we may have to to get closer to the US camp militarily.
I think strategically India going for Rafale-Ms, and potentially 114 Rafales F4/5s with MRFA may be a better option (in all about 176 jets with a domestic ecosystem fully in place by 2030-2035), given how strings are attached with US Weapons...Of course we are going big with US every year (P-18s, C-17, Apaches, MH-60Rs, MQ-9s) so someday we will obtain say for e.g. F-35s or B1Bs (just speculation), but for now we should concentrate of developing our R&D and Manufacturing capability, which is the only long term solution...The way to work with the US is get into some codevelopment, coproduction and TOT, but with domestic production...I think we should also look at the UK/Japan/Italy GCAP program even if it may be expensive...AMCA may only be available by 2035-2040 (i think so) in numbers, and by then we could be close to getting the GCAP started, learn adapt and develop (AMCA and GCAP can both be good once we have a large Defense budget)...Today we clearly lack Defense budgets, R&D and a manufacturing base to be at the cutting edge, thus we should be smart in creating a domestic base (which we are but too slowly) even if its behind say by 10-15 years, but things may be different by 2035, so we must plan ahead...Again I don't foresee even by 2035, except the US and China, anyone else to single handedly fund multi billion dollar programs (6th GEN bombers, SSN(X), SSBN(Xs), Super Carriers etc.), thus collaborating with hitech but like minded countries may be a good option, and also joint programs create geopolitical advantages...Our main enemy, China is unlike to change course, as their aim is for world domination in the 2035-2049, timeframe and to surpass the US, thus we may have to to get closer to the US camp militarily.
Can we trust America? What if we didn't follow their policies like in Ukraine or any other areas ,and what if we already purchased jets from them and during any conflict what if thy Impose sanctions as thy always give threatening of sanction then wht we r gonna do tht time , we have a very bad experience with America,thy always want to dictate and forcing other countries to follow or else be ready for sanctions or to help pakistan with money ,weapons , America sanction pakistan long range missiles just coz pakistan is developing to target Israel and immediately US impose sanctions but when he was building nukes and missiles for India ,US never impose any sort of sanction even indirectly helping pakistan through imf bailout packages,now talks r going to to give them 8 billion dollars, don't thy know what pakistan r going to do with tht money , never trust America,never think thy r ur friend, thy want us to be dependent on them so tht thy can dictate their terms and conditions like Japan , Australia,South Korea,Saudi arabia, America is running their policies coz thy r dependent, this is exactly what America want ! Best is from France as it's strategic Ally,we can trust them ,thy never done anything against us!
The jet was nearing the end of its technology and fighting capabilities but they will still stay in service until the USA develop another carrier fighter jet which was its main role but with the F35 stealth jet it will get replaced. India made the right choice by sticking to the Rafale which has better technology and capabilities.
What if thy impose sanction on you and stopped parts ,what ru gonna do tht time ,when ur jets r grounded
I am not saying at all that we should go and buy F-15EXs. If anything I am very much against the F-15EX or F-16 for MRFA. However, if nations stop purchases by fear of sanctions, international arms sales would essentially grind to a halt.
Well F18 failed last time and was more expensive than Rafale this time. So no point touching it. Not at all unfortunate
Engine commonality & Stratrgic support of the sole Global power (USA) is a missed opportunity.

But French allow the Rafales for Nuclear strike role so it's acceptable.
Engine commonality & Stratrgic support of the sole Global power (USA) is a missed opportunity.

But French allow the Rafales for Nuclear strike role so it's acceptable.
What’s the point of such commonality if the plane is useless and super expensive? Can we spend billions just for commonality and nothing else?
F/A-18 SH EX Growlers are still the best, I don’t think there are any other dedicated SEAD/DEAD capable fighter jets available today with any other Country.
We can make our own growler version by fixing huge jamming pods to our Su30

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