Why IAF Declined F-35 in MRFA Tender Despite Intense US Promotion


The United States, eager to expand its F-35 fighter jet program, made a concerted effort to entice India into acquiring the advanced aircraft. This interest was made evident at Aero India 2023, where the F-35 was prominently displayed, and officials touted its capabilities.

However, despite this intense pressure, the F-35 was conspicuously absent from India's MRFA (Medium Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft) tender.

Several factors contributed to India's reluctance to embrace the American stealth fighter. Firstly, integrating the F-35 into the Indian Air Force (IAF) would necessitate significant overhauls in operational tactics, training protocols, and logistical frameworks.

The IAF, preferring to maintain consistency with its existing and planned fleet, was hesitant to undertake such a disruptive transition.

Secondly, the F-35's exorbitant cost, both in terms of acquisition and long-term maintenance, posed a substantial financial burden. India, mindful of its budgetary constraints, was wary of committing to such an expensive undertaking.

Moreover, India's commitment to indigenous defence programs played a crucial role in this decision. The IAF is heavily invested in projects like the Tejas MkII and the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA).

These endeavors are not only pivotal for India's self-reliance in defence technology but also align with its long-term strategic objectives of reducing dependence on foreign suppliers.

The geopolitical landscape also influenced this decision. India's acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile system, despite U.S. sanctions, created a point of contention. This strained relationship likely influenced India's willingness to engage in further major defence deals with the U.S.

Additionally, the MRFA tender, with its focus on acquiring 114 multi-role fighters, already had several contenders that better suited the IAF's immediate needs and strategic vision. The inclusion of the F-35 would have added unnecessary complexity to an already intricate process.

India's decision to decline the F-35, despite significant U.S. pressure, underscores its commitment to indigenous defence programs and its strategic autonomy in defence acquisitions. While the F-35 undoubtedly boasts impressive capabilities, it ultimately failed to align with India's unique set of priorities and constraints.
Better to collaborate with Japan for 5th Gen Fighter Jet Production like co-operation with Japan in Lunar Space Program - Chandrayan -4. China will feel the heat .
Better to collaborate with Japan for 5th Gen Fighter Jet Production like co-operation with Japan in Lunar Space Program - Chandrayan -4. China will feel the heat .
Sir, Japan already has a fifth generation fighter in the form of the F-35, which they are locally building. They are also part of the GCAP program for a sixth generation fighter. Hence, any collaboration with them on a new fifth generation fighter would be highly unlikely.
Better to collaborate with Japan for 5th Gen Fighter Jet Production like co-operation with Japan in Lunar Space Program - Chandrayan -4. China will feel the heat .
You mean 6gen aircraft GCAP Tempest of Japan Italy and UK bruh😺
Russian intrest group in armed forces and Bureaucracy are big obstacle in inducting F-35,F-36, F-15EX-II now India don't need support of Kashmir we must be free to buy military platform on merit not on political pressure ! We bought Su-30 which in inferior to F-15 EX-II we also bough Jaguars which India not needed better we had bought F-16s in 1990s

No with the Sukhoi Super Upgrade program, the upgraded Su-30 MKI will be vastly superior to the F-15 EXII.

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