After Tejas Setback, HAL Sees Opportunity with Helicopter Deal in Argentina


Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is pursuing a potential deal with Argentina to supply Prachand Light Combat Helicopters (LCH) and Light Utility Helicopters (LUH). This move comes after Argentina opted to acquire American F-16 fighter jets instead of India's Tejas.

The interest stems from a promising visit in 2022, where a high-ranking Argentinian delegation, led by Lt Gen Juan Martin Paleo, Joint Chief of Staff of the Argentine Armed Forces, visited HAL facilities in Bangalore. The delegation was shown demonstrations of both the Prachand and LUH, even taking sorties in the helicopters.

Although the Tejas deal did not materialize, HAL remains optimistic about Argentina's interest in the Prachand and LUH. Negotiations are anticipated to continue throughout the year, with a possible agreement being reached by the end of 2024.

Argentina's attraction to the Prachand is due to its advanced capabilities, especially its suitability for high-altitude operations, a crucial requirement for the country's geographical terrain. The LUH, with its adaptable design, presents a valuable asset for various utility roles.

A successful deal would be a significant achievement for HAL in the export market and could pave the way for further collaboration with Argentina. This would mark a crucial step in India's efforts to expand its defense exports and strengthen its position in the global aerospace industry.
for successful export India should take over the POK and tejas must show it’s supremacy over JF17
It doesn't makes any sense for Argentina to buy Equipment from a Nation like India as it gives no Political Mileage nor India has any history of successful Military Equipment Exports.

It's more sense for Argentina to buy from US, EU or Russia.
It doesn't makes any sense for Argentina to buy Equipment from a Nation like India as it gives no Political Mileage nor India has any history of successful Military Equipment Exports.

It's more sense for Argentina to buy from US, EU or Russia.
US and EU helicopters will be too expensive for them given their budgetary situation. They could get second-hand helicopters, similar to how they are getting second-hand F-16s, however. Russia is just out of the running due to financial, geopolitical, and political reasons.
Marketing is something which hal should learn from Dassault. Follow the shoes of Dassault makes some watches and attach them with the platform sure orders will flow .🤪
Marketing is something which hal should learn from Dassault. Follow the shoes of Dassault makes some watches and attach them with the platform sure orders will flow .🤪
Before that you have to learn how to develop quality products and manufacture them on time and in budget. IAF agrees to pay extra cash after jets are delivered. Foreign buyers won’t.
India should keep advertising its weapons and products but HAL is a government company and they don’t have the same flexibility, low bureaucracy or incentive that a private company does. But we also need to reduce the amount of foreign content as well because we will need to get permission from that country to sell to another which complicates the deal. India has to develop a 100% indigenous product from the structure, engines, missiles, CM, EW, software etc. That’s the only way we will be able to make exports much easier.
Before that you have to learn how to develop quality products and manufacture them on time and in budget. IAF agrees to pay extra cash after jets are delivered. Foreign buyers won’t.
Yes the rafales watches⌚⌚qualities was so superior than even the naval chief will retire with a rafale watch like the airforce one. Totally agree with u about the quality that we should atleast match the quality of silvercrest engines of France .
Yes the rafales watches⌚⌚qualities was so superior than even the naval chief will retire with a rafale watch like the airforce one. Totally agree with u about the quality that we should atleast match the quality of silvercrest engines of France .
Yeah, just like how the Croatian airforce, Geeek airforce chiefs did. Even the Qatar King and UAE prince would have got one.
Argentinian economy is bankrupt. They will not pay India the money and after giving them a extended Loan they will be unable to pay and India will loose the money . Their efforts to support and maintain is also doubtful as poor maintenance will lead to accidents and get negative publicity for HAL built products . In case the deal goes through HAL must place a combined IAF / HAL team for support and maintenance . Same principal must be followed for all deals where ex IAF and HAL personnel are positioned in the buyer country.
Yeah, just like how the Croatian airforce, Geeek airforce chiefs did. Even the Qatar King and UAE prince would have got one.
Not my concern I am not a french agent I don't care what they do with others all it matters is my country and proud of my indigenous companies and weapons we make.
Not my concern I am not a french agent I don't care what they do with others all it matters is my country and proud of my indigenous companies and weapons we make.
Well what matters to me is not the job security of the DRDO and DPSU employees but the safety and power of my nation and my soldiers. Doesn’t matter where the weapons come from as long as my soldiers don’t die.
Well what matters to me is not the job security of the DRDO and DPSU employees but the safety and power of my nation and my soldiers. Doesn’t matter where the weapons come from as long as my soldiers don’t die.
It doesn't matters where the weapons come for u but for an Indian it does because we r not lobbies and we want our weapons and we don't become verbal diarrhea for other nations weapons seeming to an indian but always promotes imported platforms. what ever weapons we can't make should come without rafale watches or soon another loot like mirage upgrades can be seen in some years(irrespective of which ever country).
It doesn't matters where the weapons come for u but for an Indian it does because we r not lobbies and we want our weapons and we don't become verbal diarrhea for other nations weapons seeming to an indian but always promotes imported platforms. what ever weapons we can't make should come without rafale watches or soon another loot like mirage upgrades can be seen in some years(irrespective of which ever country).
To a true Indian like me, the life of my soldiers matter more than anything. I trust my military more than the lying DRDO. I trust my Supreme Ciurt and CAG who have given clean chit to Rafale purchase by my patriotic soldiers. Lies being spread by the DPSUs and Ra Ga can keep crying.
To a true Indian like me, the life of my soldiers matter more than anything. I trust my military more than the lying DRDO. I trust my Supreme Ciurt and CAG who have given clean chit to Rafale purchase by my patriotic soldiers. Lies being spread by the DPSUs and Ra Ga can keep crying.
U r the one who comes and keep crying when any name related to France pop up. Don't bring that western pimp raga and his party into this topic nothing difference he and his family was another western import commission agent who puts Indian soldiers life for imports and commissions destroying Indian defense establishment for western defense companies.True Indian but only advocates for foreign weapons esp France. I have never fought with any one advocating for imports but u r the one who fights verbally and cries for France with anyone in this forum advocating and fighting for imports esp french imports.
U r the one who comes and keep crying when any name related to France pop up. Don't bring that western pimp raga and his party into this topic nothing difference he and his family was another western import commission agent who puts Indian soldiers life for imports and commissions destroying Indian defense establishment for western defense companies.True Indian but only advocates for foreign weapons esp France. I have never fought with any one advocating for imports but u r the one who fights verbally and cries for France with anyone in this forum advocating and fighting for imports esp french imports.
I don’t cry for France. I cry for the choice of our military. Name one French product I ever advocated for which hasn’t been bought by our forces. You on the other hand are badmouthing our friend whose products have been officially endorsed by our soldiers.
US and EU helicopters will be too expensive for them given their budgetary situation. They could get second-hand helicopters, similar to how they are getting second-hand F-16s, however. Russia is just out of the running due to financial, geopolitical, and political reasons.
Helicopters & Fighter-Jet are different in terms of cost & serviceability.

Argentina can opt for Bell UH-1Y Venom or French EC155 as both Helicopters have Attack helicopter versions.
I don’t cry for France. I cry for the choice of our military. Name one French product I ever advocated for which hasn’t been bought by our forces. You on the other hand are badmouthing our friend whose products have been officially endorsed by our soldiers.
Yes the same soldiers who endorsed the Russian products was bad mouthed by u several times still that is not my point. You are the no.1. loyal supporter of french,Israel,South Korean imports because they does screwdriver jobs done by private companies , never seen u supporting the indigenous product of these companies like atags,kestral or even products from companies like SSS defense. u always comes crying against them against each one of the comments one against all for imports and foreign companies. though u supporting french and me our indigenous products in this forum doesn't matter anyways .This whole forum will agree with that . Even french companies won't cry or beg for their products to be bought like u ,never seen such a hardcore imports fan like u .

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