BSF Warns Public of Misleading Videos on Social Media Regarding Illegal Crossings on Bangladesh Border


SHILLONG: The Border Security Force (BSF), Meghalaya Frontier, has issued a statement cautioning the public against misleading videos circulating on social media platforms. These videos falsely depict alleged illegal crossings from Bangladesh into India through unfenced border areas.

The BSF clarified that the video in question, originally posted by a Bangladeshi YouTuber in March 2023, was recently reposted and misrepresented as showing current events. The video actually pertains to the accessibility of border areas within Bangladesh and does not accurately reflect the current security situation at the India-Bangladesh border.

The BSF emphasized that such videos are often shared on social media to gain followers and publicity and should not overshadow the BSF's ongoing efforts to prevent illegal activities along the border. The force urged the public and media to exercise caution and verify facts before spreading information that could unnecessarily alarm the public or damage the BSF's reputation.

The BSF also noted that the original uploader of the misleading video has since deleted it, further raising doubts about its authenticity and veracity.

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