Chinese State Media Cautions India on Responsible Nuclear Power After INS Arighat Induction


State-run Chinese tabloid Global Times has issued a cautionary message to India, urging the responsible handling of its growing nuclear power following the recent induction of the nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine INS Arighat.

The article referenced the insights of an anonymous Beijing-based military expert, who underscored that while India's nuclear deterrence capabilities have been bolstered with the addition of more SSBNs (nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines), it is imperative for India to exercise this power judiciously.

The expert emphasized the fundamental purpose of nuclear weapons, stating, "As long as they exist, nuclear weapons should be used in safeguarding peace and stability, not muscle flexing or nuclear blackmailing." The Global Times echoed this sentiment, calling upon India to utilize its nuclear capabilities responsibly, contributing to both regional and global peace and stability.

This article arrives at a time when India's nuclear arsenal is expanding and its assertiveness on the world stage is growing. The commissioning of INS Arighat, alongside the ongoing development of other nuclear-powered submarines, has cemented India's status as a major nuclear power.
Rabid coyote "cautioning" goats to show responsibility iis several magnitude-orders less absurd than this Chicom approach!
The logic of Chinese is " Everyone in the world except Chinese is Aliens. So naturally every land in the world is theirs". They are even brainwashing this logic to their citizens by many ways. So I don't expect anything more from them.
Yes we will take upmost responsibility as nuclear power to ensure strategic targets in China are kept targeted precisely to serve a deterrent to safeguard peace and stability for the world. Also China should learn from their own works and stop claiming other countries territory as theirs and grant Tibet Independence.
To the Global Times: Dear idiotic and useless CCP mouthpiece, your advice, though unnecessary, is well-received. Please share the same advice with your lapdogs / slaves / cannon fodder in that failed excuse of a nation-state called Bhikaristan, also known by other aliases such as Terroristan and Katorastan. Your advice would be much better suited there.
India doesn't require advise from any country especially from China regarding control over its nuclear weapons stockpile.
Should Bharat care about advise from a hegemonic, dictatorial enemy like China! - of course no…Bharat must accelerate its development of nukes - make tactical nules and operationalize them, junk no first use policy as it does not serve any purpose, plan for a robust 2nd strike capability to cover all of China from IOR with at least 2 SSBNs at sea by 2030, increase its nuclear warheads to 500 by 2030…China is increasing it to 1000 by 2030…

We must learn how the US destroyed the Soviet Union during the cold war - create and hype the Soviet threat, massively invest in Defense with offensive capability like star wars, full on cold war including alliances, bases, influence operations, destabilizing soviet friends etc…China is vulnerable as a communist dictatorship with underlying fault lines, issues in Tibet, Taiwan, Jinxiang, South China sea and most countries not trusting China and its intentions - we need a 50 year plan to counter, neuter and balkanise China and play the great game…

The tide is turning in our favor as we develop our economy and military. China is our enemy and considers the US and India its main adversaries to world domination…We must learn from arthashastra and prevail - Jai Hind…Jai Bharat….
India has no first use policy. China doesn't have any such policy. This speaks volumes about who is responsible nuclear power and who is not.
Good Good - The Yellowhead Coronastanis are getting really wary of Hindustan's military might. Good Times Ahead Boys
Chinese usually don't comment on India's development. If it does then India should be doing it right. SSBN numbers should be increased and not kept stagnant just like what they did with NETRA awacs. This late realization will spell doom for a peninsular nation surrounded by hostile neighborhoods. China is increasingly challenging in the IOR. This can only countered by subs. K4 missile range should also be increased from the current 3.5k to 10k minimum
India has no first use policy. China doesn't have any such policy. This speaks volumes about who is responsible nuclear power and who is not.
China, actually has a NFU which is unconditional, unlike India's which only applies to Non-Nuclear armed countries.

Not that having a NFU amounts to anything much.
Chinese usually don't comment on India's development. If it does then India should be doing it right. SSBN numbers should be increased and not kept stagnant just like what they did with NETRA awacs. This late realization will spell doom for a peninsular nation surrounded by hostile neighborhoods. China is increasingly challenging in the IOR. This can only countered by subs. K4 missile range should also be increased from the current 3.5k to 10k minimum
And the navy top brass dreams of easily sinkable aircraft carriers(without their teeth off course) when the need is more of subs.
China, actually has a NFU which is unconditional, unlike India's which only applies to Non-Nuclear armed countries.

Not that having a NFU amounts to anything much.
India's Nuclear policy is of attack only in event of Nuclear attack on it. So, India's is more responsible . China's nuclear policy is for defensive and to avoid nuclear arm race. India's defensive too.
Don't worry 3 more are coming in next 2/3 years & more SSN will follow in next 8/9 years we are not land grabbers we follow world rules
Hereby I urge China to use its military with great responsibility and not threaten other nations like India or Taiwan.
I sincerely pray and hope that an engineer from Engineering and R&D Cadre will reorganize HAL to become one of the aerospace powerhouses in the world.

India badly needs a revamped HAL to deliver Indian defense requirements and compete with the international aerospace powers.
Indis shall make atleast 10 SSBNS so that china will not dare to attack india
Make agni 6 MIRV with 10,000KMS
This is an absolute joke and utter rubbish. India should ignore whatever they say and carry on developing and manufacturing our own indigenous submarines. We need to focus more on developing our nuclear ballistic submarine and attack submarine.
And the navy top brass dreams of easily sinkable aircraft carriers(without their teeth off course) when the need is more of subs.
To Project power as a net security provider and regional protector of SLOCs. Submarines are deterrence vehicles.

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