DRDO Showcased Its Counter-Drone System During Republic Day Parade

DRDO Showcased Its Counter-Drone System During Republic Day Parade

At the most recent Republic Day celebration, India demonstrated its increasing technological capabilities, especially in the area of air defence.

A counter-drone technology created by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) proved crucial in securing the event and represented a major advancement in protecting vital infrastructure and vulnerable areas from unmanned aircraft threats.

The dual strategy used by DRDO to neutralise micro drones is impressive. First of all, by jamming command and control signals, it can destroy the vital connection that exists between the drone and its operator. By doing this, the drone is effectively grounded and loses its ability to cause harm.

But the system does more than that. To neutralise the drone more quickly, it uses a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) with a laser that may destroy its electronics.

With up to three kilometres of detection and jamming range, the system offers plenty of early warning and reaction time. The effective range of laser neutralisation varies from 1 to 2.5 km, depending upon the laser weapon's exact wattage.

This allows a targeted elimination of dangers within a sizable operational range.

The anti-drone technology from DRDO is a critical addition, especially considering the surge in drone activity along the country's northern and western borders. Security concerns are raised by these incursions, and it is critical to be able to neutralise such incursions successfully.

India's proactive response to these growing threats is demonstrated by the DRDO's system.

The Republic Day deployment proved to be a successful demonstration of DRDO's technological capabilities. It opens the door for this adaptable system to be used more widely in a variety of security contexts, including border security, critical infrastructure protection, and sensitive installation protection.

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