TKMS Offers to Make India a Submarine Hub if Selected for Project-75I Tender


In a strategic move to secure the coveted Project-75I tender, ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) has dangled an enticing carrot before India: the prospect of becoming a regional submarine hub.

CEO Oliver Burkhard has envisioned a robust Indian ecosystem for the U-212 submarine model should TKMS be awarded the contract to build six advanced submarines for the Indian Navy.

TKMS, in collaboration with Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd (MDL), has submitted a bid for the Project-75I tender, which is valued at over Rs 45,000 crore. Burkhard's vision goes beyond just supplying the submarines; he proposes sourcing parts and components from Indian suppliers for not only the submarines built in India, but also those manufactured elsewhere by TKMS.

In addition to this, TKMS has committed to a complete Transfer of Technology (ToT) package for the six submarines to be constructed in India. This comprehensive transfer of knowledge would significantly enhance India's domestic submarine construction capabilities, allowing it to potentially design and build its own submarines in the future.

If TKMS's bid is successful, India stands to gain considerably. The ToT would boost its expertise in submarine design and construction, while the establishment of a submarine hub could attract business and foster technological advancements. Furthermore, Indian suppliers would get the opportunity to become part of the global supply chain for TKMS submarines.

This ambitious proposal comes at a time when India is looking to strengthen its naval capabilities amid growing regional tensions. The potential benefits of TKMS's offer could be a deciding factor in the final selection for the Project-75I tender, the outcome of which is eagerly anticipated by the global defence industry.
Wish they give India massive discount for that, wish they also make India Asia Pacific hub for EF Typhoon as well whether we buy them or not.
Please make sure that the German government doesn't cause any problems or go back on its word after the deal is finalized. It may seem very attractive at first.
Then they should offer the 212 variant, not the export oriented 214 variant for Indian Navy contract
In few days news will come come about Navantia (Spain) offering similar deal. This kind of things is common practise when deals with such massive price tag is concerned. Always take these things with massive amount of salt
This is just talk, without enforceable contract guaranteed in a G2G deal is useless…also are they really offering U212 CDs is my question, if not then we should insist on local production of it…this is 2024 and not 1984, so India has leverage…
German type U-212 Submarines is best conventional Submarines in the world. This is the submarine for India.
TKM SSKs are best for shallow water sea ! We should make at least ten SSKs for Arabian sea !
I like German submarines and their quality and reliability, and above all their performance dating back to WW II U-boat submarines.

Try to do G2G deal with strict clauses on technology transfers and milestones embedded with severe penalties.

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