Embraer's C-390M Emerges as Frontrunner in IAF's MTA Program due to Adaptability and Co-Development Potential


Initial assessments suggest that Embraer's C-390 Millennium transport aircraft is gaining traction as the most likely choice for the Indian Air Force's (IAF) Multi-Role Transport Aircraft (MTA) program.

Sources within the IAF point to the C-390M's design as a critical advantage, offering superior potential for future adaptations compared to rival platforms.

The flexibility of the C-390M's design to evolve into diverse roles such as Airborne Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) or Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) is seen as a significant advantage.

Embraer has already proposed co-developing new variants of the C-390M specifically for the IAF, including a weaponized maritime patrol version, a mini-tanker for aerial refuelling, and an ISTAR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance) platform,

While the IAF is still evaluating responses to its Request for Information from other manufacturers like Airbus and Lockheed Martin, the C-390M appears to be leading the race due to its inherent multi-role flexibility, the opportunity for co-development and technology transfer, and its reported cost-effectiveness.

The final decision, however, is contingent upon a comprehensive evaluation of all proposals, taking into account capabilities, upgrade potential, and life-cycle costs. The selection of the MTA will have far-reaching implications for the IAF's future airlift and strategic mobility, necessitating a versatile, reliable, and cost-effective aircraft that can cater to the ever-evolving needs of India's defense forces.
IAF is leaning towards airbus A400. But due to high cost they are still evaluating other aircrafts. If Embraer C390 get selected then asked them to choose Tejas.
From Aakash, Pinaka sell we don't earn much which we can earn by selling Tejas, their component and missiles.
Issue with Embraer C390 is it can't fly higher altitude compare to A400. Payroll capacity is also less. Lets see what IAF decides.
I believe it is highly unlikely that the Tejas will be chosen by Brazil, as in many aspects it has similar or inferior capabilities to the Gripen, for which they paid dearly to obtain technology transfer and local production.
What the Brazilian Air Force really needs and India cannot offer is an advanced training and light attack aircraft to serve as a bridge between the Super Tucano and the Gripen.
Provided Embraer is willing to offer its sell its share.
HAl L belongs to Indian Govt and its not as easy as think to buy stakes of a foreign company.
The Brazilian government would certainly veto any type of sale that involves changing the company's control to a foreign company, as it is a strategic company. The local defense company Avibras, which has been experiencing problems, has had interest in buying it from China and Australia, but the local government is against its sale...
Good but also remember Embrarer is just assembling the jet... Any country can block the deal and supply if they refuse to give parts..

Also why can't Tata or ambani or Adani build the same??? How long only screw drive and make profit??

If banana republic Brazil can build Embrarer then why can't our private companies build the same???
Calling a country like Brazil the Banana Republic was completely unnecessary and mainly disrespectful.
If India to date has not been able to produce aircraft similar to those produced by Brazilians, it is the sole fault of the Indians themselves.
Provided Embraer is willing to offer its sell its share.
HAl L belongs to Indian Govt and its not as easy as think to buy stakes of a foreign company.
It is not necessary for Embraer to demonstrate a willingness to sell its shares, as it has dispersed public capital and its shares are traded on the Brazilian and New York Stock Exchanges.
Brazil already has the Astros MRLS, which by all accounts is a very capable system. They don't need the Pinaka.
It remains to be seen whether the Indians would be willing to offer technology transfer, project modifications and the possibility of local assembly to attract Brazil. Just like India, Brazil is normally requesting all these requirements in its latest projects to modernize its armed forces.
I believe that designing and developing a new transport aircraft from scratch is highly unfeasible from a financial point of view in the short and medium term. The Brazilian aircraft is a recent project that will probably remain in production and commercialization for a few decades through updates.
Considering that India is requesting technology transfer, it is known that Embraer is not only offering manufacturing under license, but also co-participation in the development of new variants of the C-390.
No I don’t mean completely brand new but a different variant of the C390 where we get 100% of the technology transfer. We won’t get 100% of the technology if it’s just based on an existing variant. Then we will be reliant on foreign expensive imports as usual for the next 40 years.
It remains to be seen whether the Indians would be willing to offer technology transfer, project modifications and the possibility of local assembly to attract Brazil. Just like India, Brazil is normally requesting all these requirements in its latest projects to modernize its armed forces.
India has already offered tech transfer and local assembly of tejas, akash, alh etcto others

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