Germany's KMW Enters India's MGS Competition with Advanced System and Technology Transfer

Germany's KMW Enters India's MGS Competition with Advanced System and Technology Transfer

Berlin – India and Germany have taken a significant step in strengthening their defence relationship with the recent High Defence Committee (HDC) meeting in Berlin.

During the talks, German defence giant Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) unveiled a proposal for India’s Mounted Gun System (MGS) tender, positioning itself as a strong contender in the Indian Army's modernization drive.

KMW's AGM Iveco 8x8: Tailored for India's Needs​

KMW's offering for the MGS tender centers around the AGM Iveco 8x8, a wheeled mounted gun system designed to meet the Indian Army's evolving battlefield requirements. Key features of the proposal include:
  • Technology Transfer: KMW has pledged to facilitate technology transfer (ToT) for local production and maintenance of the AGM Iveco 8x8. This aligns with India's 'Make in India' initiative, promoting self-reliance in defence manufacturing.
  • Enhanced Survivability: Addressing a critical priority for the Indian Army, the AGM Iveco 8x8 boasts robust protection against mines, IEDs, and ballistic threats. This focus on crew survivability reflects the realities of modern combat zones.
  • Firepower and Flexibility: The system features a powerful NATO-JBMoU 155mm/L52 main gun within an unmanned Automated Gun Module (AGM), delivering an impressive range of up to 54 km and full 360-degree coverage. This combination ensures both long-range artillery power and tactical adaptability.
  • Improved Crew Protection: Taking cues from the PzH 2000 self-propelled howitzer, the AGM Iveco 8x8 features separate crew and operator compartments. This design prioritizes crew safety without sacrificing the system's core artillery capabilities.

The Competitive Landscape​

KMW's proposal enters an already active field of competition for India's MGS tender. India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has developed the indigenous ATAGS MGS based on the Tatra 8×8 platform.

Additionally, the recent venture between Adani and Elbit Systems of Israel plans to offer the ATMOS, a proven 155mm/52 caliber truck-mounted howitzer.

Strategic Implications​

The HDC meeting and KMW's proposal highlight the deepening defence cooperation between India and Germany.

This partnership holds the potential to enhance India's defence capabilities while creating opportunities for collaboration in defence technology.

The success of KMW's bid would further solidify Germany's position as a key arms supplier to India.


India's MGS tender is a crucial element in its armed forces modernization program. The choice of a new mounted gun system will impact the Indian Army's artillery capabilities for decades to come.

The proposals from KMW, DRDO, and others signal a competitive race, with each offering distinct advantages and technology transfer prospects. The outcome will reshape India's defence posture and potentially solidify strategic partnerships.
I am fine if they are crony and just assemble it, provided they do it efficiently and deliver on time. Given the colorful track record of erstwhile OFB, anything is more acceptable, even if its controlled by private sector.
OFBs were a living embarrassment and a stain on India's defense industrial sector if not on the entirety of our industrial sector. We can only hope that their incompetence and embedded inferiority has somehow evaporated post corporatisation. I won't hold our hope though, it's still under a siloed ministerial fiefdom. No matter what we refuse to learn that parasitic decentralisation of executive authority is a fundamental threat to operational efficacy. The Koreans and the Chinese both had powerful executives that could drive and discipline their defence industrial setup. Very we countries can afford to throw bottomless capital at a problem like the decentralised Americans. We certainly can't.
This ordinary looking field gun built on 8x8 chassis does not need foreign collabration, unless India wants to remain permanently dependent on foreign guns.
OFBs were a living embarrassment and a stain on India's defense industrial sector if not on the entirety of our industrial sector. We can only hope that their incompetence and embedded inferiority has somehow evaporated post corporatisation. I won't hold our hope though, it's still under a siloed ministerial fiefdom. No matter what we refuse to learn that parasitic decentralisation of executive authority is a fundamental threat to operational efficacy. The Koreans and the Chinese both had powerful executives that could drive and discipline their defence industrial setup. Very we countries can afford to throw bottomless capital at a problem like the decentralised Americans. We certainly can't.
I am not too sure about that. Just as it's neigh impossible to straighten a dog's tail and likewise it's nigh impossible to introduce professional work culture to an atrophied organization that served no other purpose other than being a hotbed of obstructionist communist political trade unionism especially in Indian context.

Its work culture at erstwhile factories is rotten beyond measure and is beyond redemption in most cases. granted there are some odd units such as the one in Medak, Telangana that are relatively better and deserve to be saved, but for the most part they are just a major liability that has never ever lived up to its potential.
No foreign maal except the P-75Is (Type 212 CDE with AIP) with full TOT, MRO, spares, Exports and enhancement capability, from Germany.
India should insist Germany change its exports control laws for India, else no business...
Apart from this we need KMW the original designer of tbe Arjun MBT to fix the issues of weight, more powerful main gun. Most importantly use the Arjun Chassis to mount Pzh2000 Turret on it for our own SPH. So we don't have to buy from Korea.

KMW should also design FICV out of the Arjun allowing us to have commonality in spares, maintenance, training etc.

Germany must also share with us non magnetic hull tech for submarines with their heavy torpedo.
What a Joke. Same country that refused to give Engines for New Tanks ......can't trust them.!!!
The Key Word is " close to developing ".
In DPSU terms that can be a life time .......

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