IAF to Begin Phasing Out 100 Su-30MKI from 2045 for Indigenous AMCA Mk II, Remaining Will Stay Until 2060 With Upgrades


The Indian Air Force (IAF) is set to embark on a major fleet modernization program, gradually phasing out its older Su-30MKI fighter jets starting in 2045.

This transition, as outlined by former Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria in a recent interview with News9 Plus, will see the induction of the indigenously developed Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) Mk II, a 5.5 generation stealth fighter.

The Su-30MKI, a workhorse of the IAF since its induction in 2001, has been instrumental in ensuring India's air superiority for over two decades. However, with the rapid advancements in aviation technology, the IAF recognizes the need to incorporate more modern and stealthy platforms into its fleet.

This transition will be a gradual process, beginning with the retirement of nearly 100 older Su-30MKI variants from 2045 onwards. By this time, the AMCA Mk II, currently under development by India's Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), is expected to be in full-scale production with 4-5 squadrons already operational.

The AMCA Mk II, with its advanced stealth capabilities, cutting-edge avionics, and superior sensor fusion technology, represents a significant leap forward for the IAF. It is designed to perform a multitude of roles, including air dominance, deep strike missions, and network-centric warfare, effectively taking over the mantle from the Su-30MKI.

While the older Su-30MKIs will be phased out, the IAF plans to retain the newer variants, inducted in the 2020s, until at least 2060. These aircraft will undergo significant upgrades under the Super Sukhoi program, enhancing their radar systems, avionics, electronic warfare capabilities, and weapon systems. This ensures that the Su-30MKI fleet remains a potent force in the IAF's arsenal for decades to come.

This phased approach to replacing the Su-30MKI fleet ensures a smooth transition and avoids any gaps in the IAF's combat readiness. The induction of the AMCA Mk II, coupled with the modernization of existing Su-30MKIs, represents a strategic move to maintain air superiority and ensure the IAF remains a formidable force in the 21st century.

This plan aligns with broader trends in military aviation, with many countries focusing on developing and deploying fifth-generation and beyond fighter aircraft with advanced capabilities like stealth and sensor fusion.
We have been missing timelines and it has been a modus operandi for our state run HAL and DRDO, Hope they understand how important timelines are and keep making our nation strong, efficient and well equipped for future.
Super sukoi upgrades needs AL-41 Engine, if some batch going to b operated by 2060.
Going by the production sequence, we have the first batch of 50 Russian-built Su-30MKIs, and then the 30 Phase I and 20 Phase II Su-30MKIs that were assembled from knock-down kits by HAL. Granted, some of these have probably been lost, but these would probably need retirement by 2040 or so rather than 2045, assuming we don't hold airframes for the sake of holding airframes. That would logically be followed by the 40 Phase III airframes in the late 2040s, and then the 40 Phase IV airframes by the early 2050s. That would leave the 40 airframes ordered in 2007, the 42 ordered in 2010, and the 12 attrition replacements. Theoretically, these could remain until the late 2050s, but we should not be aiming to keep them past 2055 or so. None of this 2060 or beyond thing, please.
By 2030 IAF /HAL /DRDO /ADA.GTRE must commence studies for a AHCA in the form of of like NGAD, FCAS, or British tempest . The Indian 6th generation heavy combat aircraft must be in the range of 36 -40 tons and twin engine d with 190 -200 kn engines . The first induction of these heavy fighters with stealth , supermaneuverability and supercruise speeds of over 2.5 M Must be no later than 2045 . With high altitude test facilities, Flying test bed , New generation alloys a well planned RxD will resullt in a completely indegenous Airforce with all Indian built combat aircraft. The present 45 squns strength is just required for a two front war . With a 4 trillion Gdp and over 80 billion defense budget the IAF is struggling with less than 30 squns . A 30 trillion $ economy with global challenges and reach will require a minimum of 75-80 squns with bases world wideand other associated aircraft including 36 -48refuellers and 24-36 AWACS with 360 deg coverage and over 400-500 Transport aircraft .
Waste of retiring it... Why not convert them into suicide drones aircraft with 5~10 ton bombs 😹😹😹
looks good when in paper but in practicle it will not be Trust me you mark my words or frame it some where .... What ever teh IAF plans it never materializes they are wishfull thinking unless we are agressive with our production we cannot match it. look at tejas mk1a
Waste of retiring it... Why not convert them into suicide drones aircraft with 5~10 ton bombs 😹😹😹
Logic is decent but fighters require a lot of maintenance and regular flying. It can be very expensive to do that for a suicide drone.

makes sense to convert older mig 21s, since they are small, single engine and cheap to maintain. Sukhois are a different beast
Super sukoi upgrades needs AL-41 Engine, if some batch going to b operated by 2060.
IAF has not been interested in Al-41 engines rather they have keen interest in Al-51 ( item 30 engine ) that are planned for SU-57 block 2..

I guess they are going for testing from next year , currently there is no need for upgrades engines as GaN consumes lower power than GaA radars
Our government & IAF should think about decommissioning MIG-21. SU-30 is very far from reality. Rafale is too expensive for the features they provide & lack of provisions to integrate Indian weaponry plus no technology transfer. We should go for joint development of su-57. it will help Russia as well as India. America & western nations are good for nothing. Infact, we should keep looking opportunity to improve relationship with China. China has crossed all levels of tech advancement even left behind America. Now, our future enemies can be those are our current western friends...
Going by the production sequence, we have the first batch of 50 Russian-built Su-30MKIs, and then the 30 Phase I and 20 Phase II Su-30MKIs that were assembled from knock-down kits by HAL. Granted, some of these have probably been lost, but these would probably need retirement by 2040 or so rather than 2045, assuming we don't hold airframes for the sake of holding airframes. That would logically be followed by the 40 Phase III airframes in the late 2040s, and then the 40 Phase IV airframes by the early 2050s. That would leave the 40 airframes ordered in 2007, the 42 ordered in 2010, and the 12 attrition replacements. Theoretically, these could remain until the late 2050s, but we should not be aiming to keep them past 2055 or so. None of this 2060 or beyond thing, please.
After integrating GaN based radars ( with 2400 TR modules , Radar absorbing paint , Astra Mk2 , mk2 & Mk3 , Brahmos ER & brahmos NG , Rudram series ) & Super Sukhoi Upgrade these jets would be the next best after FC-31 in the Indian sub-continent , proposed timeline 2030-31...

Also to mention Item 30 engine ( AL-51 ) will be ready by that time & IAF which has been interested in that engine due to its stealth feature will make our Super Sukhoi 30 a very potent jet , IAF & HAL never shown any interest in AL-41F

Hopefully things materialise as planned 🤞
After integrating GaN based radars ( with 2400 TR modules , Radar absorbing paint , Astra Mk2 , mk2 & Mk3 , Brahmos ER & brahmos NG , Rudram series ) & Super Sukhoi Upgrade these jets would be the next best after FC-31 in the Indian sub-continent , proposed timeline 2030-31...

Also to mention Item 30 engine ( AL-51 ) will be ready by that time & IAF which has been interested in that engine due to its stealth feature will make our Super Sukhoi 30 a very potent jet , IAF & HAL never shown any interest in AL-41F

Hopefully things materialise as planned 🤞
Boss, while the Super Sukhoi Su-30MKIs will be formidable aircraft, they will be formidable aircraft for the 2020s and the 2030s. That is not going to remain the case in the 2050s.

Moreover, these airframes will all be at the end of their usable lives by that point, which would mandate retiring the aircraft anyways.

Finally, coming to the AL-51, my perspective is that we won't be going for that engine, and will instead continue on the path of increased indigenisation of the AL-31FP, perhaps even with some upgrades done domestically.
Boss, while the Super Sukhoi Su-30MKIs will be formidable aircraft, they will be formidable aircraft for the 2020s and the 2030s. That is not going to remain the case in the 2050s.

Moreover, these airframes will all be at the end of their usable lives by that point, which would mandate retiring the aircraft anyways.

Finally, coming to the AL-51, my perspective is that we won't be going for that engine, and will instead continue on the path of increased indigenisation of the AL-31FP, perhaps even with some upgrades done domestically.
I didn't talk about the aircraft capabilities after 2040 , i mentioned everything for next decade...

Regarding Engine , All the SU-57 technology was supposed to go into Super Sukhoi programme , but now we can make everything on our own , except the engine..

I talked about Al-51 because in future there is definitely a need for a replacement of engines in Su-30mki , and after F-22 & F-35 engine only Al-51 possess stealth features... You won't be flying a aircraft in 2040 with an engine technology of 1970-80s
Boss, while the Super Sukhoi Su-30MKIs will be formidable aircraft, they will be formidable aircraft for the 2020s and the 2030s. That is not going to remain the case in the 2050s.

Moreover, these airframes will all be at the end of their usable lives by that point, which would mandate retiring the aircraft anyways.

Finally, coming to the AL-51, my perspective is that we won't be going for that engine, and will instead continue on the path of increased indigenisation of the AL-31FP, perhaps even with some upgrades done domestically.
Indians have the world's highest foresight, even arranging things for 20 years from now. The craftsmanship spirit of Indians is also the highest in the world, surpassing Japan, which is known for its craftsmanship spirit: the LCA fighter jet began development in 1983 and made its maiden flight in 2001; The Arjun tank was developed in 1974 and delivered for use in 2004; Vikrant Aircraft Carrier was built in 2005 and will enter service in 2022.
Our government & IAF should think about decommissioning MIG-21. SU-30 is very far from reality. Rafale is too expensive for the features they provide & lack of provisions to integrate Indian weaponry plus no technology transfer. We should go for joint development of su-57. it will help Russia as well as India. America & western nations are good for nothing. Infact, we should keep looking opportunity to improve relationship with China. China has crossed all levels of tech advancement even left behind America. Now, our future enemies can be those are our current western friends...
The MiG-21s are around 25-30 years beyond retirement date. As for the Su-57, you do realise we backed out of joint development years ago for some very valid reasons, right? The Russians themselves are having so many problems with manufacturing the Su-57 that they have cancelled most of the orders and are instead manufacturing aircraft like the Su-35 in larger numbers.

See, our partnership with the West needs to grow, but it is a case of "Waqt aane par gadhe ko bhi baap banana padta hai". Long term, there will be friction, but as of today, we need them just as they need us.

That said, we are already working on seeing how our relationship with China can be improved. However, we have also made it clear that this rapprochement has to be on an even footing.

As for technology, China is ahead of the West in some area, and far behind in others.
One solution hive off mk1a production to other public or private Indian companies and let HAL ADA concentrate on MK2 Amca TEDBF ORCA. MKI need to retire earlier as it’s RCS is just way too much.

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