IAF to Test Family of Rudram Missiles and Long-Range Glide Bombs on Specially Modified Su-30MKI Jet


The Indian Air Force (IAF), in partnership with the DRDO, is set to conduct a series of crucial flight trials involving a specially modified Su-30MKI fighter jet. This aircraft will serve as a testbed for evaluating the performance and integration of several indigenous air-launched weapons, including the Rudram series of anti-radiation missiles and the Long-Range Glide Bombs (LRGB).

This initiative, spearheaded by the Aircraft and Systems Testing Establishment (ASTE), aims to assess the integration and effectiveness of these indigenous weapons systems in real-world conditions.

The Su-30MKI, known for its versatility and combat capabilities, is an ideal platform for these trials. Its ability to simulate diverse flight profiles and engage in combat scenarios will provide invaluable data on the performance of the Rudram missiles and LRGBs.

The Rudram series, developed by DRDO, is designed to neutralize enemy radar and air defence systems.

Rudram-1, with a range of 150km, is India's first indigenous anti-radiation missile. It utilizes a passive homing head to detect and lock onto enemy radar and communication systems, effectively disabling defenses before a strike.

Rudram-2, a hypersonic missile with an extended range of 350km, offers enhanced precision and comes in two variants: one for anti-radiation missions and another for ground attack. This missile can be launched from varying altitudes to destroy enemy radar positions. Notably, Rudram-2 incorporates an imaging infrared (IIR) system for advanced targeting.

The most formidable of the series, Rudram-3, boasts a range of 550km and a sophisticated guidance system. This two-stage missile, with a dual-pulse motor in its second stage, weighs between 600-700 kilograms and carries a 200-kilogram warhead. Its 16 control surfaces provide exceptional maneuverability.

Complementing the Rudram missiles are the Long-Range Glide Bombs (LRGB), designed for precision strikes against stationary targets from standoff distances. These bombs, with ranges exceeding 100km, are equipped with GPS and INS guidance systems for pinpoint accuracy. The development of the LRGBs signifies India's growing self-reliance in precision-guided munitions.

These combined trials will not only evaluate the individual performance of the Rudram missiles and LRGBs but also assess their operational effectiveness when deployed together. This includes analyzing their ability to evade enemy countermeasures, maintain target accuracy, and deliver the desired impact.

By testing these systems in a multi-role context, DRDO aims to ensure the Su-30MKI can effectively execute complex missions, such as suppressing enemy air defenses and conducting precision strikes against ground targets, all within a single sortie.

The trials are expected to provide critical insights that will further refine these indigenous weapon systems, ensuring the Indian Air Force maintains a decisive edge in modern warfare.
Instead of Buying 12 Su-30 , it should order 15 Su-30 additional should b Given to DRDO & HAL for Testbed , Nice development for testing Rudram Family & Glide Bomb
These missiles will definitely give IAF the required capability to dent any enemy offensive operations.
If IAF can take out enemy RADARs and blind them , Indian Airforce can enforce its air dominance.
Once Indian airspace is secure Indian army can freely operate without the fear of any enemy air attacks.
Make additional 80+ Super Su-30MKI-powered by Al-41 engines to test FAB series of Glide bombs also and ! IAF should also buy 126 F-15EX-II and GBU series of bombs,and USA origin hyper sonic missiles carried by F-15X-II
It’s crucial that we develop and install our own 100% indigenously developed and manufactured missiles, LGB, precision bombs and glide bombs on one jet and one mission. We need to be able to use different missile and bombs in one mission or at the same time so we need to make sure we give an integrated attack using this.

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