India Demands Full Domestic Manufacturing for MRFA Fighter Jet Program


In a move signalling a bold shift in its defense acquisition strategy, India's government has seeking a new policy mandating complete fighter jet production within the country for its upcoming Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) program. This decision signifies a significant departure from previous 'Make in India' initiatives that focused on partial domestic production.

Under this revised policy, any company bidding for the lucrative MRFA contract, estimated at $23 billion, must be willing to establish a manufacturing facility in India capable of producing the entire aircraft. Additionally, the government seeks comprehensive technology transfer and a joint venture with a local partner for full-scale production.

This move is seen as a clear step towards India's goal of achieving 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' (self-reliance) in defense. While the policy change may delay the much-needed acquisition of fighter jets for the Indian Air Force, it is aimed at bolstering the domestic aerospace industry and reducing reliance on foreign suppliers.

Several leading aircraft manufacturers, including Dassault, Boeing, SAAB, Lockheed Martin, and others, are reportedly vying for the MRFA contract. However, the new policy raises the stakes for these companies, forcing them to re-evaluate their bids and propose a comprehensive plan for complete aircraft production in India.

Industry analysts expect a new global tender incorporating these stringent requirements to be issued soon. However, the policy shift is also anticipated to further delay the MRFA acquisition process, given the complexity of setting up full-fledged manufacturing and technology transfer.

The Indian Air Force currently operates with 31 fighter jet squadrons, significantly below the sanctioned strength of 42. While the new policy aims to build long-term capabilities, it also underscores the immediate need for the Air Force to bridge the gap in its fighter fleet.

The success of this ambitious policy change will hinge on effective collaboration between the government, foreign vendors, and domestic partners. The challenges ahead are considerable, but if successful, the MRFA program could significantly boost India's domestic aerospace industry and propel it towards greater self-reliance in defense.
Isn't it the DPB that issues the AoN rather than the DAC?
There are different segments, based on the budget required. For some DOB can issue AoN. But above a threshold, they pass it on to DAC. And it’s rare that DAC doesn’t approve what DOB sends. This is because there is already an agreement among the officers and only proposals which have been unofficially approved are sent to DAC.

For example, AoN was given by DAC for refuelers and for Prachand.
They may consider previous trials in the interest of time.
I think it has been decided that they will test newer planes and new features of any previous planes which participated in MMRCA. I am not sure if this has been stated officially or not yet.

And if they do use older trials, then F18, F16, MiG 35 and Gripen will out right away. Only Su35, Rafale, EF and F15.
This circus will go on forever and will ultimately hold the dubious distinction of being the longest open contract in the history of the world that ended up going nowhere. Jai Ho
Most delays are because west has infiltrated our procurement system with agents like yourself. They do not have same requirements of domestic. Foreign products though totally unsuitable like terrorist Canadian Stryker are not able to perform on high altitude s, but then they request them to modify engines as to suit, but better Mahindra and Tatas they cannot tell even short commings. Then you want to depend on trojan products. Americans are most untrustworthy.
OH Tell Mr one single project delivered on time. Do u chumps even realize that tge very core definition of a project is its a "Time Bound Endeavor to achive a specificgoal or objective". Emphasis on TIME BOUND. Even the DPSU know there is no way they are going to meet target deadline. Yet tine abd again they take every one on a ride. Promising moon yet not even delivering peanuts. People such as u expect that specifications shoukd be watered down just bcoz we are buying from domestic sector . We'll in weapon design there is no such thing as partial fulfillment of requirements. It's either it meets specifications or it does not . PERIOD.
i always said every Nut/bolt ready to manufacture company will win MRFA ,But after GE-404 Engine delay drama India should b careful & should not over depend on US.India think two front war if supply chain is not good how to fought war.Not only Fighter jet under MRFA should b manufacture in India But opportunity exist in Exporting this jets to Freindly nation too. India needs Complete Eco-system of Fighter jet & Engine used in that Jet to b manufactured in India.Even some weapons too should b manufactured under License.

In Article F-15Ex & Su-35 is missing whether or not win is next Thing But they 2 are also contenders of MRFA .
So it will be MIG-35, this is how it should have been from the beginning(I am talking about 100%TOT), $10Bln wasted unnecessarily for only 36 Rafale, I don’t think any one will accept 100% TOT, too unrealistic goal, even Russia will only offer 100% TOT only on MIG-35 may be, which is the only jet no Country has bought so far, Russia will be more than willing to transfer 100%Tech, instead of buying MIG-35, we can fit two RD-33MK engines and make ORCA and TEDBF in parallel also.
Excellent move by gov. These western arm suppliers were busy arm twisting us. Now the companies who want to make money, let them come here and setup production line here. Complete manufacturing here, so that US deep state doesn't try to f@ck with us. This will apply to the deep state controlles slaves also.
Only LM F-21 and Boeing F/A-18 and F-15EX was willing to manufacture all of their fighters in India with an Indian partner.
Rostec and HAL tie-up was a disaster for India.

Do not hold your breath about MRFA at all.

Go full steam ahead with Tejas IA productions and Tejas Mk2 developments.
Bring in private players to put competition on HAL or else it will keep going with its lackadaisical attitudes.

No vision or planning and execution on parts of IAF, MoD, GoI, and above all HAL.
100% include engine also, so I don’t think any US jets have a chance and neither Gripen as it needs GE F414, engine is the main problem and this the reason there is rumor of fitting RD-33 engine in Tejas, this means there is a underlying problem between India and the US.
Um, the Gripen is powered by a F404 derivative.
Nope, F414 derivative that output 118Kn more than the output of one European twin engine jet SAB can switch the engines also for us may be EJ200 also.
So it will be MIG-35, this is how it should have been from the beginning(I am talking about 100%TOT), $10Bln wasted unnecessarily for only 36 Rafale, I don’t think any one will accept 100% TOT, too unrealistic goal, even Russia will only offer 100% TOT only on MIG-35 may be, which is the only jet no Country has bought so far, Russia will be more than willing to transfer 100%Tech, instead of buying MIG-35, we can fit two RD-33MK engines and make ORCA and TEDBF in parallel also.
Why on Earth would you want an ancient MiG-29 with the serial numbers filed off? The MiG-35 is essentially a repackaged MiG-29 that Russia itself isn't buying, not to mention the fact that a number of MiG-29 operators have started retiring the aircraft, or have dates in place to do so.
Just buy 6 squadrons of rafale and put more money into R&D for Tejas and AMCA, end this tender which is going on for decades with no progress, it's just a ticket for higher ups to visit foreign countries in the name of evaluation
This approach is long overdue. Lame excuses like squadron depletion should not be linked to this approach.
Lame excuses? We'll just tell the Chinese and Bhikaristanis not to pull any nonsense for the next 30 years since we are re-arming, right?
So it will be MIG-35, this is how it should have been from the beginning(I am talking about 100%TOT), $10Bln wasted unnecessarily for only 36 Rafale, I don’t think any one will accept 100% TOT, too unrealistic goal, even Russia will only offer 100% TOT only on MIG-35 may be, which is the only jet no Country has bought so far, Russia will be more than willing to transfer 100%Tech, instead of buying MIG-35, we can fit two RD-33MK engines and make ORCA and TEDBF in parallel also.
Might be Pappu Soga Gov in 2030 year, will come in and order 72 Rafale F5 version jets for IAF; when ACM starts crying for non-Russian jets perhaps so.....?? Until then ONLY MIG35's will save IAF and also India will be heavily sanctioned by west Japan SK and Singapore also!
So, they will not share their tech.....well and good. Now, they will not be able to have us in limbo and we will save a huge amount, about 23 billion. Simply.
That doesn't solve our problem of depleting fighter numbers, does it?
Nope, F414 derivative that output 118Kn more than the output of one European twin engine jet SAB can switch the engines also for us may be EJ200 also.
F414 derivative, yes. 118 kN, nope. The F414 derivative on the Gripen E/F seems to be capable of generating 98 kN wet thrust.
Why on Earth would you want an ancient MiG-29 with the serial numbers filed off? The MiG-35 is essentially a repackaged MiG-29 that Russia itself isn't buying, not to mention the fact that a number of MiG-29 operators have started retiring the aircraft, or have dates in place to do so.
Because your Favorite Company/Country doesn’t want to make in India or work with any Indian entity or ready to transfer even 1% Tech.

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