India Receives Final Letter of Offer from US for Purchase of 31 MQ-9B Armed Drones

India Receives Final Letter of Offer from US for Purchase of 31 MQ-9B Armed Drones

The Indian government has received the final terms for purchasing 31 advanced MQ-9B armed drones from the United States, clearing a significant hurdle in the long-running acquisition process.

The final Letter of Offer (LOA) comes after the State Department's initial notification and a 30-day review period by US lawmakers.

The LOA outlines the negotiated price for the drones, a critical factor in India's decision-making. The Indian Navy, spearheading the acquisition, will conduct a meticulous review of the proposal.

Factors under consideration include cost, technical specifications, delivery schedules, and long-term maintenance requirements. If the Navy finds the terms agreeable, the proposal will advance to the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) for final approval.

The CCS, chaired by India's Prime Minister, has the ultimate authority over whether to proceed with the multi-billion dollar deal. The timeframe for the Indian government's decision remains unknown.

Strategic and Geopolitical Implications​

The potential acquisition of MQ-9B drones holds significant strategic value for India. These advanced unmanned systems can bolster India's surveillance and strike capabilities, particularly in the maritime domain.

The drones' long endurance and potential armament would enhance India's ability to monitor and respond to security challenges in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

The drone deal also reflects the deepening defence partnership between India and the United States. This partnership is seen as a counterweight to China's growing military power and influence in the IOR.

However, the final decision by the CCS will likely consider budgetary constraints, strategic implications, and the possibility of further negotiations with the US on technology transfer and potential co-production opportunities.
Like I was writing for a long time, never had a doubt in my mind about the fructification of MQ-9B and GE F-414INS6 deal.

In USA, there are 100 Senators and 435 Congressmen and all of them acts like a wannabe President in making foreign policy and arms policy and influenced by where they get their political contributions.

Overwhelming majority are with India on improving relationships.
Just normal pushing and pulling to showcase themselves too.

A little storm in teacup.
LOA is not 'Letter of Offer'... its 'Letter of Award'. There is no contract awarded yet by us to them.. It looks like they have submitted their final proposal with all qualifications, conditions & terms of sale.
will this include local assembly? or are we buying off the shelf?
Sir, normally these are partly dis assembled & flown in Cargo carriers. Then the minor nuts & bolts assy is done to fix some components & wings. Actually its a screw driver job. Absolutely no tech transfer .. US keeps control on buyers.
Final terms is US won't allow India to use these against Pakistan.
Just yesterday their Ambassador Blume gave official statement that Pakistan is a Partner of USA and the relationship is more than that of a friend.. So, what else is new ??? US keeps devils (not skeletons) in its cupboard to be released as and when the need arises.
Final terms is US won't allow India to use these against Pakistan.
What do you mean by it won't be used against Pakistan ? These drones will fly in Indian airspace well within the LAC / LOC otherwise it would be shot down by missiles during any conflict.

You don't fly drones in a contested airspace , these drones will mainly be used for reconissance role and would only be used near LAC or LOC in the absence of enemy air defences or aircraft for offensive roles.

We have been using P-8I along LOC and LAC , and in a war you don't care about those small (*) in a deal
Sir, normally these are partly dis assembled & flown in Cargo carriers. Then the minor nuts & bolts assy is done to fix some components & wings. Actually its a screw driver job. Absolutely no tech transfer .. US keeps control on buyers.
In later stages we will make indigenous parts & can replace US parts with Indigenous
Just yesterday their Ambassador Blume gave official statement that Pakistan is a Partner of USA and the relationship is more than that of a friend.. So, what else is new ??? US keeps devils (not skeletons) in its cupboard to be released as and when the need arises.
That’s why it has remained the superpower while UK, Germany, USSR and now China went down. We need to learn this skill if we want to grow and survive.
Sir, normally these are partly dis assembled & flown in Cargo carriers. Then the minor nuts & bolts assy is done to fix some components & wings. Actually its a screw driver job. Absolutely no tech transfer .. US keeps control on buyers.
Screw driving is always the first step. And the numbers are not big enough to make local manufacturing viable.
These drone are very advanced but also very expensive and the technology transfer and local production is very low than usual. India should of just bought these drones from Israel who could offer the same technology and capabilities but at a cheaper price.
Sir, normally these are partly dis assembled & flown in Cargo carriers. Then the minor nuts & bolts assy is done to fix some components & wings. Actually its a screw driver job. Absolutely no tech transfer .. US keeps control on buyers.
at least we will get maintenance knowhow, and exposure to cutting edge control station for these drones. It can provide some insipiration for Indian drone manufacturers
Just yesterday their Ambassador Blume gave official statement that Pakistan is a Partner of USA and the relationship is more than that of a friend.. So, what else is new ??? US keeps devils (not skeletons) in its cupboard to be released as and when the need arises.
Bhikharistaan was , is and will always be a US "Partner" to keep India in Check. Period. US will eventually partner with China also to strangle India. There is reason Bhikharistaan is kept alive on ventilator support by both US & its allies & China for decades

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