Su-35's High-Stakes Bid for India's Skies, Can It Outshine the Su-30MKI?

Su-35's High-Stakes Bid for India's Skies, Can It Outshine the Su-30MKI?

Russia's Su-35 fighter jet, a cutting-edge marvel of aviation technology, is making a bold bid to conquer Indian skies. This state-of-the-art aircraft, boasting a formidable arsenal and advanced avionics, is vying for a major contract with the Indian Air Force (IAF) under its multi-role fighter aircraft (MRFA) tender. But will it be enough to impress the IAF?

The Su-35, with its blistering speed of 2,500 km/h and an extensive range, is a technological powerhouse. Its diverse arsenal includes air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, precision-guided weapons, and a 30mm cannon, making it a versatile asset in any combat scenario. The jet's phased array radar, capable of detecting targets from 100 km to 400 km, coupled with its advanced information and control system, ensures superior situational awareness for its pilots.

However, the Su-35 faces a formidable competitor—the IAF's existing fleet of Su-30MKI fighter jets, a customized variant of the Su-35 family designed specifically for India. Often referred to as the "Indian Super-30," these jets are already a force to be reckoned with. Upcoming upgrades could potentially elevate the Su-30MKI to one of the most advanced Flanker variants, raising questions about the necessity of acquiring the base model Su-35.

The Su-35's fate in India's skies ultimately hinges on a rigorous evaluation by the IAF. The decision will likely depend on a meticulous assessment of its capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with the existing infrastructure and systems.

While the Su-35 boasts impressive specifications and capabilities, its success in securing the Indian contract is far from guaranteed. The IAF's final decision will be shaped by a complex interplay of technical, financial, and geopolitical considerations.

Will the Su-35's advanced features and versatility be enough to sway the IAF? Or will the existing Su-30MKI fleet and other competing options prove more appealing? Only time will tell.
Super sukhoi programme already going ,it less chance of Su-35 to win IAF can go for Higher Thrust Engine AL-41 for Super Sukhoi upgrade . Ithink if Russia offers Su-57 instead of Su-35 will make IAF think . AMCA even if inducted in 2035 will not b mature platform . Su-57 has Good chance to win if offered in MRFA . Under make in India. with Heavy weapon package.with Air Launch UAV(S-70 okhotnik ) will enhance its capabilities .
Yeah, no. The Su-30MKI is already a bridge between the Su-30 and the Su-35, and we most certainly do not want a repackaged Su-27 for a second time around.
Su35 is history now…. It could be the better choice in 2010s…
Rafale is way ahead than Su35 technologically… additionally IAF can’t afford another heavy class fighter given limited budget…
I think Indian Air Force is waiting for F 35 to be offered in MRFA.
Super sukhoi programme already going ,it less chance of Su-35 to win IAF can go for Higher Thrust Engine AL-41 for Super Sukhoi upgrade . Ithink if Russia offers Su-57 instead of Su-35 will make IAF think . AMCA even if inducted in 2035 will not b mature platform . Su-57 has Good chance to win if offered in MRFA . Under make in India. with Heavy weapon package.with Air Launch UAV(S-70 okhotnik ) will enhance its capabilities .
1. Russia has not offered the Su-57 under MRFA. In any case, we really do not want an aircraft that is difficult to produce (just look at Russia's production of the same). If you are going to go through so much trouble, you could just as well try to get an aircraft that atleast doesn't pretend to be a 5th generation fighter.

2. The AL-41 has already been put aside for the Super Sukhoi upgrade program, primarily due to costs.

3. Do you really want to do a bunch of high-profile arms deals with Russia? They are increasingly going into China's camp, not to mention the bootload of sanctions on them and the problems it has already caused us with processing payments to them.
serviceability is always an issue with Russian machines....espeacially planes...whats the point if at any given time the available aircraft are around 40 to 50% max....
Su35 is history now…. It could be the better choice in 2010s…
Rafale is way ahead than Su35 technologically… additionally IAF can’t afford another heavy class fighter given limited budget…
I think Indian Air Force is waiting for F 35 to be offered in MRFA.
They can keep waiting till the cows come home. Unless something truly massive changes, the F-35 isn't going to be offered to India. The only reasonable-ish course of action might be that if the F-15 or F-16 were chosen, the US might (and this is a very long shot) offer 2 squadrons of F-35s along. Of course, no software control or local manufacturing for those.
India shall buy Al-41 engine from Russia to make super sukhois
India shall instead go for Semi stealth Su-57 as it will be cheaper during Russia-Ukraine war
Su35 makes much better sense due to cost to benefit ratio being rafale cost 250 million USD 100 million su35 surely give almost same capabilities + IAF use to of Sukhoi jets from past 24 years as well as years of experience of indigenous weapon integration on Russian plateform is added benefit + getting al 41 engine tech will help in super Sukhoi program which in turn helps in better maintenance of the jets.
Better India go for 114 Rafale F-5 and 90 F-15-EX-II !
Uae buy 80 rafale at cost of 19 billion USD that was f4 without tot how much do you think 114 f5 rafale with tot will cost with our procurement budget for combine IAF + army and navy is 21 billion USD. In this budget spare parts + weapon system + support system is also included.

20k mahina kamane Wale iPhone ke sapne nahi dekhte. Budget is most important thing lene ko kuch bhi Lelo per paise bhi hone chahia.
They can keep waiting till the cows come home. Unless something truly massive changes, the F-35 isn't going to be offered to India. The only reasonable-ish course of action might be that if the F-15 or F-16 were chosen, the US might (and this is a very long shot) offer 2 squadrons of F-35s along. Of course, no software control or local manufacturing for those.
Ha matlab kichdi bana lo Russian, french, indian or ab American how will maintain these all different plateform. The mistake which we were doing previously repeating same mistake is just a fools work.
Ha matlab kichdi bana lo Russian, french, indian or ab American how will maintain these all different plateform. The mistake which we were doing previously repeating same mistake is just a fools work.
I am not suggesting at all that we go for the F-15 or F-16. Honestly, I am personally against those systems, partially for the reason you mentioned. What I was writing was the only circumstance under which the F-35 would fly with the IAF.
serviceability is always an issue with Russian machines....espeacially planes...whats the point if at any given time the available aircraft are around 40 to 50% max....
This issue has been improved a bit in the Su-35 although nowhere nearly as the Western aircraft.
Geopolitical considerations will be important factor while selecting MRFA if ever it is materialised . Due to heavy Russian reliance on china ,any Russian aircraft will be excluded . Current hostile attitude of Five eyes (evils) alliance openly conspiring against our heroes like RAW chief ,NSA excludes all American origin fighters for foreseeable future. Bharat has only two options - one is French Rafales and another is cancellation of MRFA with all investment in indigenous jet engine and fighters.
1. Russia has not offered the Su-57 under MRFA. In any case, we really do not want an aircraft that is difficult to produce (just look at Russia's production of the same). If you are going to go through so much trouble, you could just as well try to get an aircraft that atleast doesn't pretend to be a 5th generation fighter.

2. The AL-41 has already been put aside for the Super Sukhoi upgrade program, primarily due to costs.

3. Do you really want to do a bunch of high-profile arms deals with Russia? They are increasingly going into China's camp, not to mention the bootload of sanctions on them and the problems it has already caused us with processing payments to them.
If Su-35 is selected the only benefits will be time and costs. I am not advocating for it but thinking hypothetically. The Su-35 will be cheaper than the alternatives and we can easily use the Sukhoi factory in India. Our vast experience in Sukhoi production will allow us to simply start with a 50% indigenously content and rapidly expand it. Not only that but we can also include many of the same hardware from the Super Sukhoi upgrade. For Al-41 we can also get a deal possibly better than the F414 as instead of 400 units, taking into account all the Su-30s and a single lifetime engine change for all Su-35s we will need 800 engines so a massive ToT would make sense. But Ukraine war, Swift lockout makes it impossible.
Better India go for 114 Rafale F-5 and 90 F-15-EX-II !
Now, Rafale costs 300+ millions usd per jet for make in India by DRAL-Dassault! Just buy 114 nos. of F15EX jets now and add more later on; for a grand total of 226 nos. of F15EX jets- and PLAAF will be defeated easily; especially if Boeing-TASL can integrate Astra2-3 Meteor-NG and Rudraam-III AWACs killer missiles.
Uae buy 80 rafale at cost of 19 billion USD that was f4 without tot how much do you think 114 f5 rafale with tot will cost with our procurement budget for combine IAF + army and navy is 21 billion USD. In this budget spare parts + weapon system + support system is also included.

20k mahina kamane Wale iPhone ke sapne nahi dekhte. Budget is most important thing lene ko kuch bhi Lelo per paise bhi hone chahia.
For a make in India by DRAL-Dassault, each Rafale F4.2 jet will costs over 300 million usd!

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