More Work is Needed for Prachand LCH to Become an Superior Asset

More Work is Needed for Prachand LCH to Become an Superior Asset

Vijainder K Thakur, a military analyst, recently voiced worries in his most recent article over the state of the Prachand Light Combat Helicopter (LCH). He contends that although the Prachand exhibits potential, much more work needs to be done in order to make it a genuinely powerful operational tool for the Indian military.

Thakur says that India needs many more battle helicopters than the 156 that the Defense Acquisition Council (DAC) says it needs right now. He thinks that if HAL and the DRDO deliver on the Prachand's potential, additional orders for more sophisticated versions will unavoidably follow.

In order to ensure safe and efficient operations along the battlefront, Thakur highlights the significance of providing the Prachand with the required sensors, weaponry, and communication suite. He cautions that neglecting to do so would be detrimental to the country and its people.

He doesn't think that the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China will be worried about the Prachand right now. But if outfitted and armed as planned, the Prachand might pose a serious threat to the PLA.

Thakur says that a big task for the DRDO and HAL is to add capabilities to the Prachand without making it heavier. A "weight spiral" would effectively undermine the purpose of the Prachand's design, he cautions.

The Prachand LCH's future is dependent on HAL and the DRDO's ability to address Thakur's concerns. To make this potential helicopter a useful tool for the Indian military, it will be imperative to equip and improve the Prachand while adhering to its weight limits.

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