TAPAS UAV will be lightened to achieve 30,000-foot operational ceiling

TAPAS UAV will be lightened to achieve 30,000-foot operational ceiling

To address its current overweight condition, the locally developed Tactical Aerial Platform for Advanced Surveillance (TAPAS) 201 Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) will undergo weight reduction procedures. At now, the UAV's maximum altitude that it can reach is 28,000 feet (8,534.4 metres), which is lower than the 30,000 feet that the Indian Tri-Services have required as its operational ceiling.

The Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) of Bengaluru will work with companies in the private sector to reduce weight by 150–200 kg. There will also be an attempt to reduce drag, which has been impeding the UAV's capacity to sustain the necessary cruising speed for extended endurance.

Additionally, a locally manufactured and modified engine will be added to the Tapas UAV, improving its overall performance. The Tapas-BH drone, which used to be called Rustom-2, can fly up to 225 km/h, has wings that are 20.6 metres long, and can communicate via satellite up to 1,000 km away.

It is anticipated that the weight reduction strategies and engine modifications will greatly enhance the TAPAS UAV's performance, allowing it to fulfil the Indian Tri-Services' operational needs.

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