US Shows Renewed Interest in Joint Venture for AMCA Engine


India and the United States had previously initiated discussions on co-developing an engine for AMCA program. These talks had stalled due to disagreements over technology transfer. However, last month, during the second meeting of iCET between NSA Ajit Doval and Jake Sullivan, US officials have expressed renewed enthusiasm for the collaboration, signaling a willingness to reconsider India's demands for greater technology sharing.

US officials have privately conveyed that American engine manufacturers like General Electric (GE) and Pratt & Whitney (P&W) possess unparalleled expertise in next-generation fighter jet engine development. They have indicated a readiness to fulfill many of India's earlier requirements, even those previously seen as difficult to secure congressional approval for.

Currently efforts are underway to obtain clearance for an 80% technology transfer of the F-414 engines for local manufacturing by HAL. There are indications that the US might be open to exceeding this 80% mark specifically for the AMCA program.

However, DRDO Chief has previously reiterated the aspiration for a cutting-edge engine, rejecting mere upgrades to existing 4th-generation engines. The goal is to develop a brand-new engine from the ground up, incorporating 6th-generation technology. This engine would not only power the 5th-generation AMCA but also serve future platforms, ensuring its longevity for the next 40-50 years.

Currently, French company Safran is reportedly leading the race with an offer for a new engine for India's AMCA program. The renewed US interest adds a new dimension to this competition, signaling a potential shift in the landscape of India's defence partnerships.
Cutting edge and France are opposite poles, Safran still has old 4th gen engine , even for their 5th gen jet FCAS they are getting the engine from German MTU, So either Saturn, GE or Pratt &Whitney or MTU o r RR should help as they all have stealth engine’s.
RR's is looking like it's 6gen aircraft offering aircraft engine generator would be interesting especially they will be getting help from IHI Japan within their GCAP Tempest group
GE-414 EPE is already has Thrust developed to 116kN for F-18. why they will with minor R&D will hand over 100% ToT for India. India want 100% IPR with Eco-system of 100% Engine components should b manufactured in India with Indian vendors .they r Guarding GE-414 ToT for remaining 20% how they will do 100% ToT in AMCA Engine .GE-414 is oudated Tech and u think they will do 100% ToT for AMCA Engine of 110 kN Thrust with 20% more potentional with out major upgrade.
We want 100% ToT's and IP ownership, RR's already offering itself to ourselves 😹😹😹 why not take it a bite of the whole chicken
Not on engine, they let GTRE run merry go round everytime, that’s the reason we are talking to GE and RR today.
Well they made the offer. It was GTRE which refused to take their help. That’s why now GoI is forcing them to take Safran’s full help this time and is not letting GTRE wriggle out of it.
India should go with European Engine Giants i.e Safran or RR, cant Trust US & Development Cost is more . Boeing already failed in Fulfilling offset clause to set up Test facilities for Aero-Engine .
Actually we should go with RR, UK has given many technology fully so we should go with RR
There is no doubt that the Americans have the best engine technology which is at least 20 years ahead of others, even not accounting for the variable cycle NGAD engines and India can leapfrog generations with collaboration but there are huge challenges to overcome to make it a reality - 1. US laws, threats, sanctions; 2. TOT, IPR rights; 3. Use during war, 4. Ability to make changes, enhancements and exports to 3rd countries, 5. Local production, spares, MRO; 6. Biggest threat which may emerge in 25+ years is if US and India have major disagreements and ambitions….Once India surpasses $25T economy before 2050 and starts behaving like a great power contrary to US interests - which I foresee by then, what happens then…I would suggest we take the opportunity now, but also develop clean slate alternatives just to have some insurance…No US ally is truly independent militarily except France to some extent.
RR's is looking like it's 6gen aircraft offering aircraft engine generator would be interesting especially they will be getting help from IHI Japan within their GCAP Tempest group
RR also has another engine F136 which is a stealth engine they originally developed with the help of GE for F35 but for some reason Pentagon decided to use only US made engine from Pratt&Whitney in F35.
Cutting edge and France are opposite poles, Safran still has old 4th gen engine , even for their 5th gen jet FCAS they are getting the engine from German MTU, So either Saturn, GE or Pratt &Whitney or MTU o r RR should help as they all have stealth engine’s.
French bashing made by an incompetant, as usual that clown repeat the same lies day afer day....Keep going American Dalah. And he wrote "even for their 5th gen jet FCAS they are getting the engine from German MTU??? The 5th generation is already made? The SCAF is a 6 generation project. GE-414 is still a 4th generation. The M88 has been developped after the GE-404.
What key they have, France themselves depend on Germany for their 5th gen FCAS engine, they only have keys to develop 4th gen engine.
5th gen FCAS engine????Completly false...SCAF is a 6 generation project....What a credibilty that guy has with false information and a biased and weak mind.
US is systematically making us dependent on them, be it killing whap or mpatgm or kaveri engine development. Better limit US into projects where we don't have any desi designed products.
What key they have, France themselves depend on Germany for their 5th gen FCAS engine, they only have keys to develop 4th gen engine.
France have developed Rafale on its own while Euro-Fighter u know how many countries involved.
We want 100% ToT's and IP ownership, RR's already offering itself to ourselves 😹😹😹 why not take it a bite of the whole chicken
RR condition is Join Tempest project ,while India wants Engine for AMCA project.
Actually we should go with RR, UK has given many technology fully so we should go with RR
But some people still salty and cringey if we mentioning the RR's of UK or the GE's and Pratt and Whitney of US because those two are anglosphere nation
RR condition is Join Tempest project ,while India wants Engine for AMCA project.
Never heard or read that news LMAO send some hot sauce source of your's bruh😹😹😹

edit... Or send me us keyword for google search and name of the said site you've got it
France have developed Rafale on its own while Euro-Fighter u know how many countries involved.
france is former member of EFT and go distance itself to continue their own version that is now Rafale... What you said about it is misinformation bruh you can google it
5th gen FCAS engine????Completly false...SCAF is a 6 generation project....What a credibilty that guy has with false information and a biased and weak mind.
100% Truth, German MTU is supplying MTU Aero engine for FCAS/NGF.
France have developed Rafale on its own while Euro-Fighter u know how many countries involved.
French learned everything and left half way from Eu’s EFT project, so French didn’t make Rafale alone, Rafale has EFT DNA also.
Actually, among the 3 RR is the only one that hasn’t developed any (fighter) engine on its own at least in the last4 decades. Even in the F35 prototype, their contribution had nothing to do with the engine but with the vertical lift system. For something as old as the Ador engine also they have to import the compressors.
Pegasus 11-61 (Mk.107) “Hello”, F136 “Hello” XG-50/EJ-200, LIFT system that powers F35-B STOVL Aircraft “Hello”.

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