Opinion Why India Should Not Prioritize 6th Gen Fighter Jet Development Before 2040, US NGAD Program is a Lesson


The allure of developing cutting-edge 6th generation fighter jets is undeniable. However, India should proceed with caution, considering the significant strategic and economic challenges such an endeavor presents.

The United States Air Force’s Next-Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) program offers a sobering reality check. With an estimated cost of $300 million per unit, 6th generation jets represent an astronomical leap from the current generation of fighters. To put this in perspective, they are over three times more expensive than the Su-30MKI and significantly pricier than even the Rafale.

Beyond the initial acquisition cost, operational expenses are projected to be immense, exceeding $40,000 per hour. This represents a substantial financial burden, particularly for a developing nation like India.

Furthermore, the strategic landscape is likely to evolve drastically by the 2040s. Investing heavily in a single, extremely expensive platform might not be the most prudent approach. A more diversified strategy, encompassing advancements in unmanned aerial vehicles, directed energy weapons, and cyber warfare capabilities, could offer a more balanced and effective defense posture.

India’s own AMCA program, touted by its engineers as a “5.5 generation” fighter jet, presents a more realistic and achievable goal for the near future. Focusing on the AMCA’s development and ensuring its successful integration into the Indian Air Force would be a more pragmatic step toward modernizing India’s air power.

While the dream of fielding 6th generation fighter jets might be tempting, India would be wise to exercise restraint and prioritize a more balanced and sustainable approach to defense modernization.
Yes. Go step by step and not jump.

jumping from 2nd gwn to 4th gen caused a 40 yr mightmare in the form of tejas.

it will be far more challenging now.
master the art of 5th gen first and then go to 6th.
AMCA MK1 a 4.5++ gen. jet FOC in 2055 only, and MK2 in 2065 year... ADA LCA program have completed 41 years since inception of LCA idea and STILL combat full battle ready MK1A is NOT delivered to IAF fleets..
AMCA MK1 a 4.5++ gen. jet FOC in 2055 only, and MK2 in 2065 year... ADA LCA program have completed 41 years since inception of LCA idea and STILL combat full battle ready MK1A is NOT delivered to IAF fleets..
You must be new in defence field , french rafale took 30+ years to deliver first mass produced jet when they had already made 4 different jets..

See other timelines of jets around World too , Also to mention they had plenty of funds and access of technology..

Tejas program haulted after the pokhran attack , all access of limited technology from the West were restricted by the West , after India-US nuclear deal in early 2000's , things started getting better. We made avionics from scratch without any help of west or Russia.

In case of Tejas it was our second program after MARUT and that also but the dust due to unavailability of engines.. And in context of Delivery of Tejas Mk1A it hasn't been delivered yet due to new changes in the aircraft by IAF , it is currently going through air trails in the HAL facility in Bangalore..

Please know the status of equipments that India has mastered, from radars to Avionics, missiles then comment about the timeline of AMCA
We should pay and become part of the GCAP 6th gen program with UK, Japan & Italy…
India should concentrate more on electronic warfare better radars which are able to recognise this 5th & 6th generation aircrafts from longer distance & robost air defence systems while continuing development of 5.5 generation aircrafts along with short & long range missiles which will be more beneficial as from Ukraine war we have seen it's nearly impossible to achive complete air superiority even with big airforce
Make a huge nuclear bomb in such a way that if there is a war, we can trigger an explosion in india that kills everyone on earth. Best deterrent

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