Why Tejas Mk1A Should Consider EuroJet EJ200 or Snecma M88 Engine Amidst GE Delays


While the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk1A program isn't actively seeking a new engine to replace the current GE F-404, potential delays or future considerations might warrant evaluating alternative options.

Two Western engines stand out as potential contenders: the EuroJet EJ200 and the Snecma M88. Let's compare them based on key performance metrics crucial for a light combat aircraft.

Performance Showdown​

  • Thrust-to-Weight Ratio (TWR): The M88 holds a slight advantage with a TWR of 8.40:1 compared to the EJ200's 9.17:1, potentially translating to slightly faster initial acceleration.
  • Thrust-to-Drag Ratio (TDR): The EJ200 boasts a superior TDR of 23.13 N/cm2 compared to the M88's 19.42 N/cm2, leading to better fuel efficiency and overall performance.
  • Fuel Consumption: The M88-2 emerges as the more fuel-efficient option in both dry thrust and afterburner modes, which could extend operational ranges and reduce costs.
  • Bypass Ratio: Both engines have low bypass ratios favoring supercruise capability. However, the EJ200's slightly higher ratio might offer a slight edge in maneuverability at lower speeds.
  • Maintainability: The EJ200 excels with fewer compressor stages and a modular design, promising easier and potentially cheaper maintenance.
  • Infrared Signature: While the EJ200 has a slightly lower inlet temperature, the M88 incorporates additional cooling channels and nozzle designs to minimize its IR signature, potentially offering a tactical advantage by reducing detection.

Wet Thrust Comparison​

  • The EJ200 offers a wet thrust of 90kN, surpassing the GE F404's 84kN.
  • The M88's wet thrust of 75kN falls short of both the GE F404 and even the older F-404 engines used in earlier prototypes, generating 78kN.

Choosing the Right Fit​

The ideal choice hinges on priorities. The EJ200 excels in peak fuel efficiency, maintainability, higher thrust-to-drag ratio, and a superior thrust-to-weight ratio. The M88-2 shines with its potentially lower IR signature and decent fuel efficiency.

Ultimately, if fuel efficiency and a reduced IR signature are paramount, the M88-2 remains a strong contender. However, if the focus is on enhanced thrust-to-drag and thrust-to-weight ratios, coupled with ease of maintenance and reliability, the EJ200 emerges as the clear frontrunner.
India should choose one who start supply this Engine from Indian Land, supply of First few batch From there Factory later batches should b manufactured in India.Even if OEM did not do ToT. India needs this Engine keep LCA MK1A in Air in Mid Life upgrade Indigenous kaveri can b Integrated in Early part of Next Deacade.
India should choose one who start supply this Engine from Indian Land, supply of First few batch From there Factory later batches should b manufactured in India.Even if OEM did not do ToT. India needs this Engine keep LCA MK1A in Air in Mid Life upgrade Indigenous kaveri can b Integrated in Early part of Next Deacade.
why M88 is even an option when even F404 is underpower engine for Tejas,
No point discussing these. Shows the lack of planning...a new engine now means more testing and with what HAL is capable of it will be another 15 years until those are complete and certified. So the best option is either go for Kaveri or wait till Uncle Sam decides its time to deliver engines.
No problem which ever choose .pic will b clear by september 2024.
This is just a ploy to divert attention from incompetent HAL.. They already have 75-40 =35 engines available, Let say they have used 10 in testing and given other 10 to airforce as a part of contract, they still have 15 engine. Atleast they can start delivering, but the truth is Mk1A is not yet 100% complete (either testing or certification pending). HAL has propagandist who share these stories to divert their accountability.
This is just a ploy to divert attention from incompetent HAL.. They already have 75-40 =35 engines available, Let say they have used 10 in testing and given other 10 to airforce as a part of contract, they still have 15 engine. Atleast they can start delivering, but the truth is Mk1A is not yet 100% complete (either testing or certification pending). HAL has propagandist who share these stories to divert their accountability.
Where do you see HAL incompetence? This engine delay may be deliberate on US part.
This is just a ploy to divert attention from incompetent HAL.. They already have 75-40 =35 engines available, Let say they have used 10 in testing and given other 10 to airforce as a part of contract, they still have 15 engine. Atleast they can start delivering, but the truth is Mk1A is not yet 100% complete (either testing or certification pending). HAL has propagandist who share these stories to divert their accountability.
Joke of the year lOl

people believe easily to base less comment ,but for truth it is very difficult Reality is 75 Engine deal of 404 is for Tejas mk1 & 99 404 for Tejas MK1A.your breakup is Full of dream assumption i dont want to exposed let see how many believe it
We can have kaveri engine instead of m88 considering the thrust levels.
why M88 is even an option when even F404 is underpower engine for Tejas,
with it's puny 50KN dry thrust, 🐷🐷🐷's can use sling to attack Tejas and forget about TOT, won't even get < 1% TOT.
India should choose one who start supply this Engine from Indian Land, supply of First few batch From there Factory later batches should b manufactured in India.Even if OEM did not do ToT. India needs this Engine keep LCA MK1A in Air in Mid Life upgrade Indigenous kaveri can b Integrated in Early part of Next Deacade.
we will get neither engines, at-least EJ200 is slightly compact, if we don't get US engines we have to forget about EU engines too.
A working Kaveri engine will make every engine maker to open a manufacturing or assembly line india. And they will much better deal particularly to stop the Kaveri for further developments
Except China and countries it good business relation to, every country has been having supply chain problem. Choosing another engine won't help. Rubbish article and equally rubbish comments.
F-404 is not under power ,specially Indian variant is powerful GE-404-IN20 Engine dont spread rumour.
You can say it was oversight of HAL or ADA, but Tejas Mk1 didn't perform as envisaged due to higher weight than anticipated and lower thurst engine. that's why we have Mk2 program and there is no naval tejas order.

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