2 Rafale Per Month: Dassault Seeks Full Control of India Facility, Promises Speedier Production

2 Rafale Per Month: Dassault Seeks Full Control of India Facility, Promises Speedier Production

Dassault Aviation, the French company behind the powerful Rafale fighter jet, has its eyes on a bigger piece of India's growing aerospace industry. They've made a bold move, offering to start building Rafales right in India – but there's a catch. Dassault wants full control of its existing Indian partnership, Dassault Reliance Aerospace Ltd (DRAL).

The Promise: Faster Jets for India​

Why does Dassault think this is a good deal for India? They claim that with full ownership, they could ramp up production and build two Rafale jets every month at their Indian facility. That's huge! If they keep that pace, India could get all 114 jets it wants for its upcoming fighter jet competition in just five years.

A Reality Check​

Hold on a second, says a defense analyst. He points out that Dassault's factory in France only managed to produce 13 Rafales in 2023, even though they aimed for 15. Could they really do so much better in India? Analyst also thinks that Dassault might be able to build even more jets (around 25 per year) in other countries.

Politics and Timing​

There's also the matter of India's upcoming elections. The official request for companies to compete for that big fighter jet contract probably won't happen until after the elections. This adds another layer of "wait-and-see" to the whole situation.

The Bottom Line​

Dassault wants to bring more investment to India's defense industry. But, there are questions! Can they really build jets as fast as they say? And, when will India even officially start that big jet fighter competition? India's government and air force will have a lot to think about as they weigh Dassault's offer against other options.
100% stake in DRAL ?? So total control in flow of technical data, tech information, design data, materials, metallurgy, production, funds & money movement etc; then yes.. they will consider local production using Indian labor force.. All hi tech engineers, finance & technical managers from France.. then making a cheaper version of Rafale to sell to African nations, specially French speaking nations.
So basically assemble in India. This trap needs to be avoided.
proposal for full control of the India facility to enhance Rafale production is strategic. However, it warrants careful consideration regarding technology transfer and national interests. Balancing efficiency with indigenous capability development is crucial for India's defense sector autonomy and long-term security objectives.
100% stake in DRAL ?? So total control in flow of technical data, tech information, design data, materials, metallurgy, production, funds & money movement etc; then yes.. they will consider local production using Indian labor force.. All hi tech engineers, finance & technical managers from France.. then making a cheaper version of Rafale to sell to African nations, specially French speaking nations. GB Whatsapp
Gaining full control of DRAL ensures seamless management of all technical and financial aspects, enabling efficient local production with Indian labor, while leveraging French expertise to create affordable Rafales for African markets.

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