Armenia Seeks Indian Pralay Missiles to Counter Azerbaijan's Israeli-made LORA System


Amid rising tensions in the Caucasus region, unconfirmed media reports suggest that Armenia has expressed interest in acquiring India's Pralay ballistic missiles. This move is seen as a direct response to Azerbaijan's use of the Israeli-made LORA (Long Range Artillery) system during the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

The Pralay, developed by India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), is a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) with a range of up to 500 kilometers. This extended range, compared to the 400-kilometer reach of the LORA, could provide Armenia with a significant tactical advantage.

The potential acquisition of Pralay missiles would not only bolster Armenia's defense capabilities but also enhance the reputation of DRDO as a global missile exporter. The deal could potentially open doors for India in the international arms market.

The LORA system, used by Azerbaijan to target a vital bridge in the Lachin corridor connecting Armenia to the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region, has raised concerns about regional security.

The Lachin corridor is a critical lifeline for Armenia, and its disruption could have severe humanitarian consequences.

In addition to the Pralay, DRDO has developed other missile systems that could be of interest to Armenia, such as the Prahaar tactical ballistic missile with a range of 200 kilometers. The diversity of India's missile arsenal offers a range of options for Armenia to consider.

Armenia's potential acquisition of Indian missiles could significantly alter the military balance in the Caucasus region. It could deter future aggression from Azerbaijan and contribute to stability in the region.

Disclaimer: This news article is based on unconfirmed media reports and available open-source information. The actual details of any potential deal between Armenia and India remain to be seen.

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