France Opens Doors to Nuclear Submarine Collaboration, India Eyes Pump-Jet Technology

France Opens Doors to Nuclear Submarine Collaboration, India Eyes Pump-Jet Technology

BREST, FRANCE - In a landmark development in Indo-French defense ties, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Anil Chauhan was given an in-depth briefing on France's advanced nuclear submarine capabilities during his visit to the French naval base in Brest. The briefing highlighted the potential for collaboration between the two nations, particularly in the transfer of non-nuclear submarine technology, which could significantly boost India's indigenous defense capabilities.

A highlight of the defense dialogue was the exploration of sharing pump-jet propulsion technology, a key component of France's Le Triomphant-class ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs). This advanced propulsion system, combined with pressurized water K15 nuclear reactors and electric drive, offers submarines enhanced maneuverability, stealth, and operational endurance – attributes that could significantly benefit India's own nuclear-powered conventionally armed attack submarine (SSN) program.

While India's SSN program is still in the developmental stage, France's expertise in pump-jet propulsion presents a unique opportunity for synergistic collaboration. By integrating this technology into its submarines, India could not only enhance their operational capabilities but also bolster its strategic deterrence posture in the Indian Ocean region.

General Chauhan's visit to France underscores the growing strategic partnership between the two nations, particularly in the defense sector. Both countries share common concerns over maritime security in the Indo-Pacific and are committed to deepening their bilateral defense cooperation to address these challenges effectively.

The exchange of submarine technology and expertise between India and France holds immense potential for both nations. India could benefit significantly from France's vast experience in submarine design, construction, and operation, while France could gain a foothold in the burgeoning Indian defense market.

Although any potential collaboration on nuclear submarine technology is a complex and sensitive issue, the willingness of both countries to explore such a partnership signifies a new level of trust and cooperation in their bilateral relationship.

General Chauhan's visit to France marks a crucial step in this direction, laying the groundwork for deeper defense cooperation and strategic alignment between the two nations. As both countries continue to navigate the complexities of the 21st-century security landscape, their partnership promises to be a stabilizing force in the Indo-Pacific region.
France is highly unreliable and double speaking country. They will talk big but never deliver. Even Helicopter engines was not given as TOT despite 40+ years of collaboration & joint production.
Lol...besides Russia, they are the only ones that actually deliver.....they aren't cheap...but they give whatever they commit....Mirages, Rafales, Scorpenes, numerous technological bits for everything including AESA, hull weldings techniques, etc.....
I will share one concrete example.....when Scorpene was signed, MDL folks welded the first hull based on their learnings from Russian subs repairing.....French ended up writing off the entire hull and retrained the engineers to help them learn how underwater hull has to welded for reducing noise and it...

the problem is that indian babus are low skilled scredrivers who cant do much as they have no incentives to do anything beyond assembling
France and French industries has just one Mantra only in their business practices.
To not transfer technology and to support its own MSMEs for sub-assemblies' productions, and extract maximum payouts for upgrades of the armaments they supply, e.g. Mirage-2000 upgrade.

India must not get into lengthy negotiations and get bogged down in the hopes.
India already has its own miniaturized Nuke Reactors so it must keep building their SSBNs and SSNs.

All TOTs and offsets are bogus. my reply to Shryujanam's comment...French are business folks running their own independent foreign policy...they do what they commit...the biggest challenge is always to make them commit, but they dont muck around after that
France is the only country that does real ToT. Example- AESA TRMs.
Well a pittance of offset fulfillment?
They transferred to make RBE2 AESA radar but did it get into our Uttam radar?
If it did, then why we are buying Israel EL/M-2052 AESA radar?
We should quickly seal the deal for pumpjet propulsion in exchange for additional scorpene submarine order and get moving with SSN.
Well a pittance of offset fulfillment?
They transferred to make RBE2 AESA radar but did it get into our Uttam radar?
If it did, then why we are buying Israel EL/M-2052 AESA radar?
We are buying it because we already signed the deal and our DRDO took too long even to assemble the radar. They transferred the whole tech and we are even supplying it to France itself now.
No one ever gives 100% ToT bus as far as percentage of ToT the Shakti engine is quite a good deal, better than anyone else can offer.
There was no TOT on Shakti. It was DRDO that indigenised it part by part. France only agreed to sell the engine parts individually rather than insisting that India buy whole engine. That is why India went ahead with HTSE1200 engines by indigenising the parts France was unwilling to share.
France is the only country which will give us any major tech. Like the radar TRMs.
When did France give radar TRM? India has developed it for UTTAM on its own. UTTAM is undergoing user trials now. The only changes/problems in UTTAM was in terms of software/algorithm, not in terms of TRM quality
Lol...besides Russia, they are the only ones that actually deliver.....they aren't cheap...but they give whatever they commit....Mirages, Rafales, Scorpenes, numerous technological bits for everything including AESA, hull weldings techniques, etc.....
I will share one concrete example.....when Scorpene was signed, MDL folks welded the first hull based on their learnings from Russian subs repairing.....French ended up writing off the entire hull and retrained the engineers to help them learn how underwater hull has to welded for reducing noise and it...

the problem is that indian babus are low skilled scredrivers who cant do much as they have no incentives to do anything beyond assembling
Is hull welding a big technology? Moreover, it was part of contract that basic tech will be given by France like welding, assembly etc. France only gave that part. Also, Indian babus don't develop technology but DRDO, ISRO does. DRDO/ISRO has indigenised Su30, Brahmos, satellites & SLVs, BMD, semiconductor upto 28nm size. All of these show high competence. France refused to transfer any major tech, be it AESA radar, helicopter engine or anything of complex nature
We are buying it because we already signed the deal and our DRDO took too long even to assemble the radar. They transferred the whole tech and we are even supplying it to France itself now.
No way, Jose.
I have been following the AESA radar developments in India.
India sent RFIs to Thales, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and Elta.
Thales refused to submit the response at all.
Raytheon and NG did not even respond to it at all.
Only Israeli Elta responded but only to supply and not to share TOTs so we bought their EL/-2052.
Those are the facts that I know. my reply to Shryujanam's comment...French are business folks running their own independent foreign policy...they do what they commit...the biggest challenge is always to make them commit, but they dont muck around after that
I read MDL MDs interviews with Ajai Shukla and few other places and he painted a grim picture that Naval Systems hardly transferred any TOT and said MDL may have gotten about 40% or so knowledge.

Read my posts above about AESA radar technolgy
No way, Jose.
I have been following the AESA radar developments in India.
India sent RFIs to Thales, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, and Elta.
Thales refused to submit the response at all.
Raytheon and NG did not even respond to it at all.
Only Israeli Elta responded but only to supply and not to share TOTs so we bought their EL/-2052.
Those are the facts that I know.
Then you should update your knowledge. BEL got complete tech transfer for RBE2 TRMs as part of offsets, including training of engineers, and has supplied entire front sections of the radar for Rafale.
Helicopter engine tech was refused. DRDO indigenised most of Shakti-Turbomecca engines but for the core, France refused and India went ahead with HTSE1200 program
Again, where did India officially sent a request? Show me that. If we didn’t ask they can’t refuse.
When did France give radar TRM? India has developed it for UTTAM on its own. UTTAM is undergoing user trials now. The only changes/problems in UTTAM was in terms of software/algorithm, not in terms of TRM quality
BEL received TRM tech as part of offsets for Rafale and has supplied entire front sections of RBE2 for Rafale. The fact that the Uttam prototype came after the deal and DRDO is the nodal agency and aggregator for all ToT also proves that this tech is used in Uttam.
Then you should update your knowledge. BEL got complete tech transfer for RBE2 TRMs as part of offsets, including training of engineers, and has supplied entire front sections of the radar for Rafale.
Read what I wrote above and understand may be with dictionary.

Uttam is a solid-state gallium arsenide (GaAs) based active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar under development by the Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), a laboratory of the Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Started in 2012 and full scale model displayed in 2017.

Thales website ----
" The modules produced in India are then integrated with the RBE2 radar in France."

Go away.
BEL received TRM tech as part of offsets for Rafale and has supplied entire front sections of RBE2 for Rafale. The fact that the Uttam prototype came after the deal and DRDO is the nodal agency and aggregator for all ToT also proves that this tech is used in Uttam.
Who said that BEL got TRM from France? Swordfish AESA radar was already with India before. UTTAM was a miniaturisation of the TRMs which is not too hard, considering Swordfish was made in 2009.

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