India Demands Full Domestic Manufacturing for MRFA Fighter Jet Program


In a move signalling a bold shift in its defense acquisition strategy, India's government has seeking a new policy mandating complete fighter jet production within the country for its upcoming Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) program. This decision signifies a significant departure from previous 'Make in India' initiatives that focused on partial domestic production.

Under this revised policy, any company bidding for the lucrative MRFA contract, estimated at $23 billion, must be willing to establish a manufacturing facility in India capable of producing the entire aircraft. Additionally, the government seeks comprehensive technology transfer and a joint venture with a local partner for full-scale production.

This move is seen as a clear step towards India's goal of achieving 'Atmanirbhar Bharat' (self-reliance) in defense. While the policy change may delay the much-needed acquisition of fighter jets for the Indian Air Force, it is aimed at bolstering the domestic aerospace industry and reducing reliance on foreign suppliers.

Several leading aircraft manufacturers, including Dassault, Boeing, SAAB, Lockheed Martin, and others, are reportedly vying for the MRFA contract. However, the new policy raises the stakes for these companies, forcing them to re-evaluate their bids and propose a comprehensive plan for complete aircraft production in India.

Industry analysts expect a new global tender incorporating these stringent requirements to be issued soon. However, the policy shift is also anticipated to further delay the MRFA acquisition process, given the complexity of setting up full-fledged manufacturing and technology transfer.

The Indian Air Force currently operates with 31 fighter jet squadrons, significantly below the sanctioned strength of 42. While the new policy aims to build long-term capabilities, it also underscores the immediate need for the Air Force to bridge the gap in its fighter fleet.

The success of this ambitious policy change will hinge on effective collaboration between the government, foreign vendors, and domestic partners. The challenges ahead are considerable, but if successful, the MRFA program could significantly boost India's domestic aerospace industry and propel it towards greater self-reliance in defense.
When did IAF shortlist which plane they want in MRFA to blame MOD?
When AoN is released then the process of tender will start and then the option to evaluate fighter jet by the IAF will be open how IAF can select any fighter when tender is not out their in the first place surely MoD is more responsible in jeopardize national security. Bureaucracy of these babus are just so poor!!
I don't understand why Indian-Govt & Military thinks that any sensible Nation will share their Strategic Military technology with another Non-allied Nation?
1) No aircraft OEM makes the entire aircraft. For example, Boeing or Lockheed does not make engines, avionics, landing gear etc. If India is looking for a comprehensive aircraft manufacturing footprint with all systems, sub-systems included, it should ask for consortiums to bid.
2) Since such consortium formation in private sector is difficult, it will be have to be implemented through a Govt to Govt deal. The foreign government should have enough influence over its industries to make them form consortiums to set up such manufacturing footprint in India. France can ask Dassault+ Thales+ MBDA to form such consortium (Rafale), USA can ask Boeing/ Lockheed+ GE/ Pratt & Whitney+ Northrop Grumman+ Raytheon/ Collins to form such consortium ( F-15) etc.
3) This will increase cost and price of the aircraft significantly ( read 2x) because manufacturing footprints will be set up without economy of scale.
4) Therefore, the GOI may ask for final assembly of the aircrafts in India with certain key technologies Indianized. That formulation ( list of technologies that it would ask for indigenization) is to be seen.
IAF wanted US Engine,Second it was cheaper than other Engines.One thing India is Experincing is Whether it is Offset clause or Defence/Weapon supply deal Foreign companies Just want to win the contract and do Dily-dally Once they win they make Dance us on there Finger Atmanirbhar is the only way
That’s wrong. IAF and MoD wanted Kaveri to go on LCA. It was ADA which chose F404 when they were making prototypes. And when Kaveri tanked, they decided to keep it.
Dassault and French are playing dirty games.
Btw cost of Rafale is more , should go with Gripen or HAL should offload production of Tejas to some private players.
Gripen failed the trials. As for cost, Rafale has been chosen as L1 every single time by India so they are the cheapest. No dirty gaming by them.
One thing is for sure, MRFA deal is not going to happen in the near future.
Don’t be so sure. The is a lot of activity in recent weeks in this front. You may see some movement this year
Many few can remember what has happen to tender , After 2016 36 Rafale deal , IAF pushed for single Engine Fighter jet Tender Then after waster valueable time they started MRFA Process with inclusion of Twin Engine Figter jet & allowing Su-35 to take part in the MRFA.IAF itself not knowing what is there Requirement is Only Two have shown interest in Single Engine tender Gripen & F-16,
Nopes. It was the genius Parrikar ji who floated this idea. It was a waste of time and wasted precious years for IAF.
It seems to be a renewed tender, may require fresh bids.
Nopes. Thus is just a rehash of old news. This was always required. Remember Su30mki? Officially it is locally manufactured 100%. But we all know the truth. When they say locally made, it just means locally assembled from the sub assembly stage.

And anyways. No tender had anyways been issued. Mod is yet to grant AoN.
First it was one lost soul IAF ACM that demanded 5th gen. tech's and that MRFA jets must be upgradeable to full 5th gen., and that all DRDO developed 5th gen. tech's must be compatible to MRFA jets [utter nonsensical imbecile requests]. Now, GoI wanting 100% ToT's and 100% manufacturing in India! IAF will be very FUCQKED in a few years when fleet strength falls to below 30 squadrons. And PAF is the 4th technically strongest and largest AF in the whole world; will be at 38 squadrons with majority 4.5 gen. fighter jets...
Oh dear! The MOD seems to be high on drugs, if they think they can enforce such ridiculous terms. No such thing as total tech transfer in the world of defense and unless u either buy out OEM, you are not going to have total control of designs.

No OEM will part with IP on critical components design and manufacturing, as doing so jeopardizes not just future business, but also integrity and confidentiality of classified data.
There are no such terms bro. Chillax. Even Su30 mki is 100% locally manufactured as per official statements but we all know the truth. They are not saying all the components have to be manufactured locally. These are just some random articles. Most likely someone gave a snippet to media and they came up with their own interpretation.
1) No aircraft OEM makes the entire aircraft. For example, Boeing or Lockheed does not make engines, avionics, landing gear etc. If India is looking for a comprehensive aircraft manufacturing footprint with all systems, sub-systems included, it should ask for consortiums to bid.
India already does that. MBDA and Safran were tier 1 vendors during the Rafale deal (I think Thales too), apart from Dassault. They were individually responsible for their offset obligations and other penalties.
This deal makes sense. India needs the jets capability much more than owning any IPR. Nobody will give 100% of the technology and getting piecemeal technology of some minor parts that’s not critical is pointless.

It’s better that the entire jet is made 100% of it in India and with 100% of Indian raw materials and content. It’s best that the manufacturer that wins should open up several production lines here and use Indian workers and Indian content from the defence industry who can provide whatever parts are available or need to be made. This is the only way that India will receive some success in the MRFA.

However it’s highly doubtful that India will ever start the MRFA. The key is to focus on manufacturing more Tejas MK1A jets on time, quickly develop the Tejas MK 2 jet and get production started along with the AMCA jet which are the most important jets. At the same time they should upgrade the current jets that we have with the Super Sukhoi program, Mig 29 and Mirage 2000. At the same time we can either make more Mig 29 and Sukhoi jets along with buying more used Mirage jets which are still capable of flying and the technology is modern which have similar capabilities to our jets.
De facto shortlisting the 3: F-21/ Rafale/Russian

Boeing wont get any approvals to shift entire F-15EX or even F-18. Americans will hand over F-21 production lines that IAF will junk. Grippen is no go due to Mk2
Leaves Su-57 and Rafale to be realistic...wait and watch...this basically is India, for the first time, arm twisting the vendors instead of getting arm twisted by them. I also think this is India telling France...enough of BS..handover produciton or we are byung Su-57
This will prevent Western GOVTS from fooling India anymore, they are least interested in any tech transfer, only want to waste India's time leaving it defenseless. India should pursue its old partner Russia and dump the west.

India must not waste time getting into any engine tech manufacturing with any western power, it will not succeed. Spend money on indigenous development with private parties. Buy russian SU57 in the meantime. Please wake up? Don't get fooled, any engineer will tell you this. Politicians are novices when it doesn't come to making illegal money?

Dump the idea of fighters that cannot be seen by radar. It's a waste of time. All planes can be seen by modern radars. Even Indian ones.
i always said every Nut/bolt ready to manufacture company will win MRFA ,But after GE-404 Engine delay drama India should b careful & should not over depend on US.India think two front war if supply chain is not good how to fought war.Not only Fighter jet under MRFA should b manufacture in India But opportunity exist in Exporting this jets to Freindly nation too. India needs Complete Eco-system of Fighter jet & Engine used in that Jet to b manufactured in India.Even some weapons too should b manufactured under License.

In Article F-15Ex & Su-35 is missing whether or not win is next Thing But they 2 are also contenders of MRFA .
Good lessons learned for taunting every MRFA related article with Rafale picture , so it is almost 100% certain that Rafale lost the Race and so as Gripen and any US jets, there is a slight chance for EF Typhoon along with EJ200 Deal, but will they do it against their big brothers ,so the only option is from a old friend, either SU-57 or SU-75 in the form of FGFA to mask the transaction.

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