Spain Raises Stakes in India's Submarine Bid: Exclusive Invite to Witness Next-Gen AIP Trials on S-80 Plus Submarine

Spain Raises Stakes in India's Submarine Bid: Exclusive Invite to Witness Next-Gen AIP Trials on S-80 Plus Submarine

Spain is making a bold move to secure the lucrative Project-75I contract, a multi-billion dollar deal to supply the Indian Navy with six advanced submarines.

The centerpiece of their offer is an invitation for Indian Navy officials to witness firsthand the capabilities of their cutting-edge Bioethanol Stealth Technology (BEST) Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) system.

Trials will be conducted on the newly commissioned S-80 Plus-class submarine, a vessel that promises to boost India's underwater warfare capabilities.

Understanding AIP: The Submarine Game-Changer​

Air-independent propulsion (AIP) systems allow conventional diesel-electric submarines to remain submerged for extended periods without the need to surface and recharge batteries.

This drastically enhances a submarine's stealth factor and its overall operational range. The integration of advanced AIP technology is a key requirement for India's ambitious Project-75I.

Spain's AIP Advantage: BEST Technology​

Spain's state-owned Navantia shipyard is touting its proprietary BEST AIP system as a clear winner over competing designs. This "third-generation" AIP technology leverages a bioethanol fuel-cell system to significantly prolong underwater endurance.

Navantia asserts that BEST offers distinct advantages over the German-made fuel-cell AIP system used in the Type-214 submarine offered by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS).

Key Strengths of BEST​

  • Extended Endurance: Equipped with BEST, submarines can remain submerged for upwards of three weeks, a performance that rivals pure battery-electric propulsion systems, but with a much smaller acoustic signature for reduced detectability.
  • Maximum Stealth: The BEST AIP system minimizes noise and emissions, making submarines even more elusive.
  • Combat Proven: Unlike some competing technologies, the BEST AIP system has successfully completed land-based testing and has been integrated into the newly commissioned Isaac Peral, the first of Spain's S-80 Plus-class submarines.

Project 75I: High Stakes Competition​

The Indian Navy's Project-75I is a major procurement program aimed at bolstering the country's submarine fleet with six next-generation vessels to be built domestically.

This offers a significant opportunity to further advance India's indigenous shipbuilding capabilities.

Navantia's S-80 Plus and TKMS' Type 214 are among the frontrunners, alongside other potential contenders.

The Takeaway​

Spain's invitation to the Indian Navy underscores the intense competition surrounding the Project-75I contract.

The demonstrated capabilities of the BEST AIP system could be influential in swaying the decision.

Beyond pure technical advantages, factors such as technology transfer agreements, the degree of domestic production, and overall cost will all play a significant role in India's ultimate selection.
It doesn't matter if the sub is German or Spanish one if they fulfills all the tech transfer and quality requirements set by navy/india. What matters is that if mdl wins the contract then we should start deciding which sub to be next bought for tech transfer after p75i. Both MDL & HAl are Siamese twins .
Despite the German submarine being good there is a major weakness as it doesn't have any VLS that we can use to launch any of our indigenous cruise missiles which would of had a longer range and hold larger missiles. Instead we have to launch it from the torpedo tube which limits the range and size of the missile. The only submarine that had this capability was South Korea and it was the ideal submarine which met all of our technology requirements and capabilities but unfortunately the navy weren't that interested and preferred the German submarine so eventually South Korea got fed up of the long delays and withdrew from the competition.
VLS and Lithium Ion Batteries (+AIP) is being planned for P-76s, which are being designed by WDB and may start building in 2030 (12 boats in 2 phases)...It is an evolution and we need constant development in phases...For SSKs we need both type of capabilities capabilities - 2000Ton boats (small, but very quiet with AIP) for coastal waters, and larger 4000Ton boats (with VLS, AIP+Lithium Ion Batteries) for longer IOR patrols...Beyond that are plans for Project Alpha - 6000Ton boats (VLS + Propulsers) with 190MW nuclear reactors, being built but operationalized in the 2032-2035 timeframe...I agree we need faster development but for that we need to really transform our procurement, approvals, R&D, TOT approach.
If the Germans are offering Type-214 then its better to go for Spanish S-80+ submarines. The Type-214 is a decades old design and Type-218, Type-212CD or a variant of Dakar class being built for Israel is a better choice. Though the S-80 is a new and unproven design it should have better adaptability to customization.
It is in fact Type 212CDE boats on offer...
Exactly, korea started at the same time with type 209 ,now they build their own subs.
Sir, their ITO (inquiry to Order) process & their OTR (Order to Remittance) process is very streamlined & in a timely manner with set time deadlines ... not like ours where the longer it takes, the more the free foreign trips with families on foreign companies expense are the targets.
it is, it affect's the aerodynamics of the Submarine, they have to make design changes to the hull to compensate for that.
Kakakakak 😹😹😹
Just for mean hydro dynamics not aero dynamics buddy

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