Su-35's High-Stakes Bid for India's Skies, Can It Outshine the Su-30MKI?

Su-35's High-Stakes Bid for India's Skies, Can It Outshine the Su-30MKI?

Russia's Su-35 fighter jet, a cutting-edge marvel of aviation technology, is making a bold bid to conquer Indian skies. This state-of-the-art aircraft, boasting a formidable arsenal and advanced avionics, is vying for a major contract with the Indian Air Force (IAF) under its multi-role fighter aircraft (MRFA) tender. But will it be enough to impress the IAF?

The Su-35, with its blistering speed of 2,500 km/h and an extensive range, is a technological powerhouse. Its diverse arsenal includes air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, precision-guided weapons, and a 30mm cannon, making it a versatile asset in any combat scenario. The jet's phased array radar, capable of detecting targets from 100 km to 400 km, coupled with its advanced information and control system, ensures superior situational awareness for its pilots.

However, the Su-35 faces a formidable competitor—the IAF's existing fleet of Su-30MKI fighter jets, a customized variant of the Su-35 family designed specifically for India. Often referred to as the "Indian Super-30," these jets are already a force to be reckoned with. Upcoming upgrades could potentially elevate the Su-30MKI to one of the most advanced Flanker variants, raising questions about the necessity of acquiring the base model Su-35.

The Su-35's fate in India's skies ultimately hinges on a rigorous evaluation by the IAF. The decision will likely depend on a meticulous assessment of its capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with the existing infrastructure and systems.

While the Su-35 boasts impressive specifications and capabilities, its success in securing the Indian contract is far from guaranteed. The IAF's final decision will be shaped by a complex interplay of technical, financial, and geopolitical considerations.

Will the Su-35's advanced features and versatility be enough to sway the IAF? Or will the existing Su-30MKI fleet and other competing options prove more appealing? Only time will tell.
Su35 is history now…. It could be the better choice in 2010s…
Rafale is way ahead than Su35 technologically… additionally IAF can’t afford another heavy class fighter given limited budget…
I think Indian Air Force is waiting for F 35 to be offered in MRFA.
problem is we can only buy 70 Rafales for the budget $20Bln alotted, we need 114 jets.
Cheaper??? We were asked to pay 250 million dollars, plus 6 billion dollars in development costs, over 10 years ago. And that didn’t include any missiles or stuff. Imagine the costs now.
still cheaper than $300+ million 4th gen Rafale.
100 million usd vs 250 million usd??? Kuch bhi?

Firstly, the deal for 12 Su30 mki in 2019 was pegged at 120 million per plane. That had no weapons, no additional ToT, no infrastructure, no training, nothing. Just the planes. Not even things like AESA radars and stuff.

On the other hand, Egypt paid 150 million ISD for Rafale’s second tranche. They had the infra, offsets, some weapons etc. Not to mention that Rafale kicked Su35’s rear. So a better plane for a lower cost…sounds like a deal.
Egypt paid $150Mln for Rafale F3 with no weapons package, Egypt has sanctions against getting Meteor, spike and other French Missiles.
Egypt bought their planes at 150 million usd for second tranche. Including weapons and stuff. We paid 120 million for just the plane for Su30 mki with Bars radar.
Egypt paid $150Mln for Rafale F3 with no weapons package, Egypt has sanctions against getting Meteor, spike and other French Missiles.

Repeating the same lies won’t make it true.
Now, Rafale costs 300+ millions usd per jet for make in India by DRAL-Dassault! Just buy 114 nos. of F15EX jets now and add more later on; for a grand total of 226 nos. of F15EX jets- and PLAAF will be defeated easily; especially if Boeing-TASL can integrate Astra2-3 Meteor-NG and Rudraam-III AWACs killer missiles.
F15 would be redundant with Super SU-30, I think F21 wiuld be perfect made by Tata and later on TATA taking over Tejas MK2 project.
The way American deep state is trying to discredit current Indian dispensation and going to the extent to undermine RAW chief and NSA, I think either state department will tone down after election or GoI will have to wait till US general election in November hoping some change of policies. If both doesn't happen , Bharat may have to rethink on current acquisitions plan that may result even in cancellation of MQ-9 and GE engine. In that situation MRFA for 114 Rafales will become urgent with possibly further orders until our Kaveri -2 becomes operational for Tejas mark-1A and SAFRAN -GTRE jet engine of 110-130 KN class is produced here in Bharat .
we don’t have $45Bln for Rafale.
India should fast track the su-30 upgrades and maybe procure used su-30 from the users like Malaysia etc to increase squadron strength rather than buy brand new su-30 which has little impact in the modern day(old design ,rcs ).against modern day fighter like rafale or typhoons if it wins mrfa competition. What india should consider is either design a more powerfull engine or go for a more modern engine(improved al41)for su-30 with Russia if possible.
Geopolitics is changing , any imported jet is a danger, better to focus on local jets, cancelling MRFA is the best option.
That’s why Russia officially said that India should have backed off from LAC and given its land to China? Directly from the government on record, not even some newspaper or think tank.
Then France also said that.
I am not saying they will become subservient to China. However, their dependence on China is increasing quite rapidly. Simply put, we have to take a much more neutral approach towards Russia moving forwards.
it is just Business relationship, Rusdians helped China when they fought US in Vietnam, so it is give and take.
Egypt paid $150Mln for Rafale F3 with no weapons package, Egypt has sanctions against getting Meteor, spike and other French Missiles.

Repeating the same lies won’t make it true.
Egypt had weapons. Mica and all were given.

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