ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems' Stealth Submarine Design Clears Key Hurdle for Indian Navy's P-75I Program


ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) has successfully completed a critical design review (CDR) for its innovative submarine concept, featuring advanced "Stealth Shaping" technology, initially presented for the Indian Navy's prestigious P-75I program.

The design, drawing inspiration from the cutting-edge Type-212CD submarines under development for Germany and Norway, highlights its maturity and potential to fulfill the Indian Navy's demanding requirements.

The CDR involved a rigorous examination of over 100,000 pages of documentation, ensuring the design's adherence to approximately 6,000 contractual obligations, as confirmed by the German Ministry of Defence.

The Type 212CD, while not yet officially designated by TKMS for its Indian variant, represents a substantial evolution from its predecessor, the Type 212A, incorporating its core principles.

A cornerstone of the Type-212CD design lies in its superior stealth capabilities compared to conventional submarines with rounded hulls. The incorporation of angled hulls significantly minimizes the reflection of sound waves, resulting in a remarkably low acoustic signature. This tactical advantage enables the submarine to operate discreetly in contested waters, enhancing its operational effectiveness.

TKMS aims to equip the Indian Navy with a formidable submarine capable of executing missions within a challenging maritime landscape. The successful completion of the CDR marks a pivotal step in the development of this advanced submarine concept, bringing it closer to fruition.

The Indian Navy's P-75I program seeks to acquire six advanced diesel-electric submarines with air-independent propulsion (AIP) technology. The program aims to bolster the Navy's underwater capabilities and maintain a strategic edge in the region.
Navy almost completes nuclear, conventional submarine requirements, awaiting to order, Navy completes P17B frigates, p18 destroyer,rafale m,65k ton,45k ton aircraft carrier designs waiting for order. But Airforce yet to finalize MRFA,AWACS,Air refuellers.
TKMS might file Bankruptcy soon according to the latest News, they are bad in finance it seems, wonder what will happen to the submarine build if it does file, would be nice if Tata or Mahindra buys a Stake to shore up the finance and gets IPR on major tech.
This new design is a joint venture between Germany and Norway so the technology and details will not be randomly offered to our navy at all. Also they are still building their first submarine and it hasn’t even been tested yet including their AIP.

Our navy made it clear that the design, technology and capabilities had to be proven and be available for testing.
Germany has been building AIP submarines for a fair while now, be it the Type 212A or the Type 214 or the Type 209mod.

As for the Type 212CD, based on what is known publicly, most subsystems are ones that are already used, with the main differences being size (the Type 212CD is larger), and a new hull-form.
TKMS might file Bankruptcy soon according to the latest News, they are bad in finance it seems, wonder what will happen to the submarine build if it does file, would be nice if Tata or Mahindra buys a Stake to shore up the finance and gets IPR on major tech.
Not quite. The German government has already made plans to purchase a stake in TKMS and keep them going. For the Germans, TKMS is a strategic asset that cannot be lost.
The submarine is likely to be a modified, enlarged variant of the Singaporean U-218SG Invincible -class submarines, while incorporating some features like VLS module from either the Israeli Dolphin or Darkar class and may also incorporate and would likely an additional add--on VLS launch module.
VLS cells are highly unlikely. I have a feeling that will have to wait for Project 76 only.
Germany has been building AIP submarines for a fair while now, be it the Type 212A or the Type 214 or the Type 209mod.

As for the Type 212CD, based on what is known publicly, most subsystems are ones that are already used, with the main differences being size (the Type 212CD is larger), and a new hull-form.
Yes German submarines are very good with their advanced technology and capabilities. It's possible that they use similar equipment and technology but we would never get access to any of their latest submarine equipment and technology that’s similar to what they offer us.
MRFA is for real. At this stage TEDBF and AMCA are fantasies. Even Tejas is gasping for deliveries, thanks to HAL !! If anyone will kill the indigenous programs, it will be HAL.
HAL is not delaying the Order. HAL is just integrator of most of the parts made by private companies. Engines are delayed by 8 months by GE USA.
MRFA is for real. At this stage TEDBF and AMCA are fantasies. Even Tejas is gasping for deliveries, thanks to HAL !! If anyone will kill the indigenous programs, it will be HAL.
AMCA fund is released , So it is as serious as Tejas Mk2, But ADA should hurry up and honor the promised deadlines.
Type 212 CD weighs around 2,500 to 2,800 tons. Whereas, acc. to the tender, participating Submarine is expected to be around 3,000 to 4,000 tons when submerged. Type 212CD is still relatively short.

I think India should order it with increased indigenous content.
There is no weight restriction, what india should avoid is single vendor situation or negotiation with single vendor.
In MRFA, if we select Rafale then it will cost us 30 bln $ for 114 Jets. Rafale comes in 110 ml$ per aircraft w/o weapon package and maintenance infra package. If we order now then it will take 3 years means 2027-28 to delivered first aircraft from France. 1-2 years will go in establishing production factory. First Made in India Rafale will get delivered only after 2029-30. That will also 30-40% indigenous. Indigenous content will increase over the period.
Now I have 2 question to ask people who is in favor of MRFA. 1. Whether India can afford 30 bln $ cost for 114 aircraft when at the same time Tejas MK2 will be available in much cheaper rate. In 30 Bln$ India can purchase atleast 250 Tejas MK2. Some amount can be used in R&D of AMCA.
2. Why don't IAF go for ORCA? IAF version of TEDBF ? for stopgap measure India can purchase more Tejas MK1A and must go for 5th gen fighter instead of 4.5 gen fighters.

India needs more submarines, Minesweeper, Aircraft carrier, attack choppers, Tanks, FRCV. List are big. Spending 30 Bln$ for just 114 Rafale has no common sense. Budget should be use wisely.
MRFA is a quantitative necessity. Firstly, it won't kill any indigenous programs. Secondly, even if one assumes HAL can somehow get it's act together and start delivering aircraft in larger numbers, it is almost certainly the target of 42 squadrons won't be achieved for another 25-ish years, and depending on when the Su-30MKI phase-out begins, that target may not be reached for as far as the early 2060s. The six squadrons under MRFA will help maintain a capability and reach the 42 squadron target by the late 2030s.
I agree we need MRFA but suspect that given MODs attitude, it may die a slow death. Hope not, but unless we ink MRFA by 2025-2026, we won’t see any planes built in India before 2035, that makes us extremely vulnerable given delays in Tejas Mk2, AMCA Mk-1, and even HALs inability to deliver all Tejas Mk1As by 2030 (180odd ones 97+83)…Of course GE 404s are an issue which is unlikely to be solved even by 2026 - bad situation with no easy answers…

Even if GOI does a G2G with France for Rafales and decides 36 planes in fly away condition, can dasault deliver them before 2030, given their order book and also our Rafale M orders - highly unlikely despite claims by French propagandists and lovers…

Further the increasing threat of stealth jets by China and Pakistan…

Quite the quandary…Hope MOD, IAF have a plan?
Not quite. The German government has already made plans to purchase a stake in TKMS and keep them going. For the Germans, TKMS is a strategic asset that cannot be lost.
Agree, too much riding for the Germans for such a strategic asset…

Wonder if they would be open for MDL buying say a 20-30% stake in TKMS? Of course it stays in German control!
It won't be the Type 212CD by itself. In any case, the Type 212CD is optimised for Baltic operations. My guess is that the design on offer is a modified Type 214 design with some elements from the Type 212A and Type 212CD designs.
Non magnetic steel is important along with the stealth shaping and a larger almost 3000 ton boat, for AIP and Batteries! I suppose thinking of VLS or missile capability may be a bridge too far, despite TKMS building the Dakar boats for the Israelis!
3 scorpene AIP submarines.
2 S5 SSBN Arihant class on built. (Arighat and Arihant already in service).
6 Project 75 Alpha SSN (project approved and first submarine is expected in 2032).
6 Project 75i.
12 Project 76 conventional submarine (design expected to be completed by the end of 2024).

Navy is on the right track.
Yes, but these plans need execution on time and budget - then we can celebrate.
Not quite. The German government has already made plans to purchase a stake in TKMS and keep them going. For the Germans, TKMS is a strategic asset that cannot be lost.
we have to wait and watch, there is no official news of German GOVT buying a stake in TKMS yet.
3 scorpene AIP submarines.
2 S5 SSBN Arihant class on built. (Arighat and Arihant already in service).
6 Project 75 Alpha SSN (project approved and first submarine is expected in 2032).
6 Project 75i.
12 Project 76 conventional submarine (design expected to be completed by the end of 2024).

Navy is on the right track.
Order of 3 scorpene submarine are still not given!!
S5 class SSBN still on paper and need approval from GoI while S4 is on sea trials and S4* will soon on trials face
About SSN class alpha project approval of only 2 submarine is given only for now!!
6 Project 75I still need order from tha Navy
Project 76 is still on the paper and before 2028 expecting too much from this program will be a disappointment!!

As according to navy 2026 will be the year when AIP in scorpene submarine will be tested so it's going to be a long journey for the navy but yeah they are on the right track to balance themselves just their frigate and destroyer lacks firepower in the near future I hope these shortcomings will be improved!!
Order of 3 scorpene submarine are still not given!!
S5 class SSBN still on paper and need approval from GoI while S4 is on sea trials and S4* will soon on trials face
About SSN class alpha project approval of only 2 submarine is given only for now!!
6 Project 75I still need order from tha Navy
Project 76 is still on the paper and before 2028 expecting too much from this program will be a disappointment!!

As according to navy 2026 will be the year when AIP in scorpene submarine will be tested so it's going to be a long journey for the navy but yeah they are on the right track to balance themselves just their frigate and destroyer lacks firepower in the near future I hope these shortcomings will be improved!!
Won't be disappointment. Navy aims to induct 25 submarines by next 15 years. I can't explain bit by bit. It's tiresome.
Won't be disappointment. Navy aims to induct 25 submarines by next 15 years. I can't explain bit by bit. It's tiresome.
No, Arihant class refers to S2, S3 is Arighat and another one which will enter service in 2025 it is S4 class and currently under construction is S4* class
HAL is not delaying the Order. HAL is just integrator of most of the parts made by private companies. Engines are delayed by 8 months by GE USA.
These are just flimsy excuses ! When did HAL receive the order for Tejas jets ? Who committed timelines for delivery? HAL or GE ? How and why HAL committed timelines for delivery of the jets without control of supply of of critical parts like engines? Was HAL sleeping all along. As early as Jan 20204, HAL kept fooling everyone that delivery of Tejas MK1A would happen at end of Feb 24. Engine supply delay on part of GE only emerged after April this year. When bragging that Tejas ii developed by them, HAL is in the forefront, when delays happen they just shrug saying they are aggregators ?? Most shameless company !! Remember you are dealing with National security here, not sale of onions and potatoes !!

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