Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

Very low quality article. Just full of speculations and hyperbole. We are still a decade behind other countries, even China has already fielded 200 of its J20s and we still can't rollout our first prototype on time.
Just make it fast , we will do that this, already India is behind years from developing Fifth generation aircrafts.
Don't take another 15-20 years to productionize these fighter aircrafts.
Khayali Pulav can incorporate the best of the 7th and 8th gen airplanes too.

Contrast this with how Chinese J-20 came into being.

Barely any speculative article were present in the media and the world would come to know of the existance of J-20 through an osint photograph of a prototype in testing.
How can you be so confident about real capabilities of J-20 when it is still heavily underpowered by using WS-10C engines ? Reports about all chinese hardwares deployed in active warzones say otherwise. Have confidence on AMCA.
We definitely appreciate your effort....but can the current engine at AMCA or the engine we are going to make now provide the power for laser attack...? however the result, heartiest congratulations to Indian scientists for their efforts...
How can you be so confident about real capabilities of J-20
By virtue of numbers built.

I would have better chances of winning a war with 200 underpowered low-quality J-20s than with zero number of theoretically 5th and 6th gen AMCA.
Have confidence on AMCA.
I will have phull confidence the very day first prototype of AMCA rolls out.
Till then, I would continue to hold AMCA in the same league of aircrafts as IAIO Qaher-313(Must say Qaher-313 has very futuristic design).
Before chest thumping indian designers should also do one thing, shut their mouth untill it comes out.
Only i was in the Forum to say AMCA MK1 is 5.5TH Gen & AMCA MK2 is 6th Gen Features
Keep your fingers crossed and say no more HAL. Say only when you get somewhere.
By virtue of numbers built.

I would have better chances of winning a war with 200 underpowered low-quality J-20s than with zero number of theoretically 5th and 6th gen AMCA.

I will have phull confidence the very day first prototype of AMCA rolls out.
Till then, I would continue to hold AMCA in the same league of aircrafts as IAIO Qaher-313(Must say Qaher-313 has very futuristic design).
Bharat doesn't have other options except to rely on indigenous development of AMCA including their power plants . For now, mass produced Tejas variants will do the job .Our skilled pilots flying 0.3 sq metre RCS Tejas armed with Astra variants can well shoot down any PLAAF fighters including J-20 in potential aerial engagement over Tibetan sky .
How can you be so confident about real capabilities of J-20 when it is still heavily underpowered by using WS-10C engines ? Reports about all chinese hardwares deployed in active warzones say otherwise. Have confidence on AMCA.
Last year itself it flew with 2x WS-15 (156 kN) and knowing China they will retrofit all the older models within 5 years lol.
After few days we may get article that AMCA will get warp drive capable of going at light speed and will go at hypersonic speeds. The people pushing such ridiculous articles need to be kicked out asap. We are making a fool of ourselves by talking about paper designs which will not enter service atleast for a decade and half.
Currently, there's no fresh information, just a rehash of familiar narratives. It's time to move beyond this repetition.
Also by the year 2100 the design will incorporate features from X-wing of Star Wars with capability to project power beyond our solar system. However the first flight will still be a decade away and there might be design changes required as requirements still evolve.
Bharat doesn't have other options except to rely on indigenous development of AMCA including their power plants . For now, mass produced Tejas variants will do the job .Our skilled pilots flying 0.3 sq metre RCS Tejas armed with Astra variants can well shoot down any PLAAF fighters including J-20 in potential aerial engagement over Tibetan sky .
You have no idea! Tejas and J20 are not in same category. One can't have confidence in something that doesn't exists. AMCA doesn't exist as of now.

(He don't even know what he is talking about.)
Only i was in the Forum to say AMCA MK1 is 5.5TH Gen & AMCA MK2 is 6th Gen Features
In paper only. Soz what's the use of it. It is easy to dream, but hard to turn it into reality. Blame is on erstwhile UPA Govt. for not being future oriented.
Our weapon makers have turned into paper plane makers, endlessly speculating, fantasizing, and daydreaming, only to delay again and again, so they can speculate and fantasize further. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Still struggling to make Tejas 1a or Rustom drone properly and day dreaming about 5.5 aircraft.
Good way to hood wick enthusiastic people of the country and keep wasting tax payers money

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