Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

You have no idea! Tejas and J20 are not in same category. One can't have confidence in something that doesn't exists. AMCA doesn't exist as of now.

(He don't even know what he is talking about.)
You have no idea about how our tiny gnats were shooting down then mighty American star fighters and sabrejets in 1965 ,1971 wars . Some anti Indians may say anything. What were those so called 6 th generation J-20 doing when IA occupied several strategic mountain peaks on kailash range taking vital PLA bases and highways in direct firing range? They fled with tails between legs . IAF today is capable to make mincemeat of PLAAF. Only thing between IAF and Tibetan hinterland is array of chinese SAMs ,not their useless fighters.
Just make it fast , we will do that this, already India is behind years from developing Fifth generation aircrafts.
Don't take another 15-20 years to productionize these fighter aircrafts.
Its 10 years away, my friend. Dont wait for it, you will get old.
How can you be so confident about real capabilities of J-20 when it is still heavily underpowered by using WS-10C engines ? Reports about all chinese hardwares deployed in active warzones say otherwise. Have confidence on AMCA.
It may be an exaggeration. But at least it is inducted and in rather large numbers. It can be used in real combat. It can be flown if a war breaks out. The hats far more than what can be said about AMCA.
Bharat doesn't have other options except to rely on indigenous development of AMCA including their power plants . For now, mass produced Tejas variants will do the job .Our skilled pilots flying 0.3 sq metre RCS Tejas armed with Astra variants can well shoot down any PLAAF fighters including J-20 in potential aerial engagement over Tibetan sky .
And HAL won’t let them do that either with its shameful production of Tejas.
Do remember that HAL is the manufacturer here, and there is such a thing as manufacturer's bias. Take everything they say with a grain of salt.
You have no idea about how our tiny gnats were shooting down then mighty American star fighters and sabrejets in 1965 ,1971 wars . Some anti Indians may say anything. What were those so called 6 th generation J-20 doing when IA occupied several strategic mountain peaks on kailash range taking vital PLA bases and highways in direct firing range? They fled with tails between legs . IAF today is capable to make mincemeat of PLAAF. Only thing between IAF and Tibetan hinterland is array of chinese SAMs ,not their useless fighters.
(Past is not present.👈 Learn it well)

You are definitely a speculator who avoids rational discourse based on facts.

I have no interest in someone who is not engaging constructive dialogue. I came here to engage in meaningful discussion.
(Past is not present.👈 Learn it well)

You are definitely a speculator who avoids rational discourse based on facts.

I have no interest in someone who is not engaging constructive dialogue. I came here to engage in meaningful discussion.
I also don't want to discuss with china apologists . U can live in your dreamland . In real world, IAF will always beat PLAAF at least in Tibetan plateau.
Very low quality article. Just full of speculations and hyperbole. We are still a decade behind other countries, even China has already fielded 200 of its J20s and we still can't rollout our first prototype on time.
Just clickbait article. I would disregard any further aticles until few years from now, other than those giving status updates
The way the unrealistic articles are being published on week after week, would surely raise questions about the credibility of as a serious website for defence and if is actually a promotion agency for and HAL. High time, is realistic and publishes articles which will not compete to be on Kapil Sharma's comedy show!!
Yes, it will start as a 5.5 gen and then it will be progressively upgraded to 6.75 gen by adding loyal wingman drones, DEW, laser weapons, EMP weapons and other sci-fi stuff. It will also have a zero RCS, smaller than a bumblebee. Full scale production will be in 2035 and HAL will be able to deliver all mockups by 2040 latest.
Still struggling to make Tejas 1a or Rustom drone properly and day dreaming about 5.5 aircraft.
Good way to hood wick enthusiastic people of the country and keep wasting tax payers money
Production for Tejas MK1A jets have started and it's going through its usual long tests which is standard for every newly developed jet. At the same time they will manufacture more Tejas trainers so they can start training more pilots which takes a few years as standard.
Bharat doesn't have other options except to rely on indigenous development of AMCA including their power plants . For now, mass produced Tejas variants will do the job .Our skilled pilots flying 0.3 sq metre RCS Tejas armed with Astra variants can well shoot down any PLAAF fighters including J-20 in potential aerial engagement over Tibetan sky .
Cynical forum who doubt Indian abilities then a Indian runs the world's biggest firm 3/4 the size of Indian economy which is mostly his work in making it so . Maybe if India had gave up on family politics, family crony businesses, and family judiciary and so on then this country would have progress and became competitive with fifteen trillion dollar economy by now as we were better off then China in 1960s, But we had conversion raj such a degrading system that we were made to feel shame to be Hindus while these looters lived high on the hog on public money denying everything wrong in this world. Brain drain is a serious issue facing the country. If we do not aim to be the best, then how would India utilize its talented people.
Last year itself it flew with 2x WS-15 (156 kN) and knowing China they will retrofit all the older models within 5 years lol.
Those Chinese jets are not really fifth generation stealth fighters at all. China regularly makes claims of it being a technology marvel. Every Chinese weapon or technology developed is always riddled with faults, unreliable technology, poor metal and material composition, big radar faults and unable to detect jets at the long range they say it can do and it requires a very large radar cross section before it can detect threats, unreliable and poor performance of its missiles and bombs, major engine problems with poor metal composition and not able to provide the amount of thrust it can claim it can do and it has a low number of flight hours before the engine is finished etc. There's just so much wrong which China never reveals as it continues to maintain its superiority perception over other countries.
Lol, as expected....IAF wants this plane to fight the war on Battlestar Galactica. They will continue to ask for random sci-fi fanboy upgrades instead of following what sanity a simple F-22 first (vanilla 5th gen with rcs 1/10 of Rafale) before asking for Lasers, Anti-Gravity, Water-Landing, Moon-flying etc.
It may be an exaggeration. But at least it is inducted and in rather large numbers. It can be used in real combat. It can be flown if a war breaks out. The hats far more than what can be said about AMCA.
Those Chinese jets are not really fifth generation stealth fighters at all. China regularly makes claims of it being a technology marvel. Every Chinese weapon or technology developed is always riddled with faults, unreliable technology, poor metal and material composition, big radar faults and unable to detect jets at the long range they say it can do and it requires a very large radar cross section before it can detect threats, unreliable and poor performance of its missiles and bombs, major engine problems with poor metal composition and not able to provide the amount of thrust it can claim it can do and it has a low number of flight hours before the engine is finished etc.

Despite having a very low number of jets we still have a very good capability to defend. India has developed a integrated SAM defence shield which can take out jets before they can cross the border by using the ballistic missile defence shield, S400, MR-SAM, Akash, Spyder, SAMAR MK1 and MK2 and more upcoming SAM like QRSAM, Akash NG and Project Kusha which is the indigenous S400 SAM and more.

There's just so much wrong with China's weapons and technology which it never reveals as it continues to maintain its very high superiority perception over other countries. Also we do need more fighter jets and progress is being made but it's far too slow and the government should consider giving a license to several private sector companies to manufacture the jets much more quickly without the government having to open expensive new buildings and production lines whereas the private sector can use their existing facilities and workers.
Those Chinese jets are not really fifth generation stealth fighters at all. China regularly makes claims of it being a technology marvel. Every Chinese weapon or technology developed is always riddled with faults, unreliable technology, poor metal and material composition, big radar faults and unable to detect jets at the long range they say it can do and it requires a very large radar cross section before it can detect threats, unreliable and poor performance of its missiles and bombs, major engine problems with poor metal composition and not able to provide the amount of thrust it can claim it can do and it has a low number of flight hours before the engine is finished etc.

Despite having a very low number of jets we still have a very good capability to defend. India has developed a integrated SAM defence shield which can take out jets before they can cross the border by using the ballistic missile defence shield, S400, MR-SAM, Akash, Spyder, SAMAR MK1 and MK2 and more upcoming SAM like QRSAM, Akash NG and Project Kusha which is the indigenous S400 SAM and more.

There's just so much wrong with China's weapons and technology which it never reveals as it continues to maintain its very high superiority perception over other countries. Also we do need more fighter jets and progress is being made but it's far too slow and the government should consider giving a license to several private sector companies to manufacture the jets much more quickly without the government having to open expensive new buildings and production lines whereas the private sector can use their existing facilities and workers.
EVEN the proposed AMCA MK1 is . likely to be a 5th generation fighter and will likely be just another 4.5++ generation fighter. We after all dont have any expertise in die-electric composites and until recently were also importing the composite fiber materials. Dielectric composites have a very different chemical composition as compared to Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP).
Scientists, engineers designers , foremen , technicians with outstanding records need not be retired at 60 or 65 yrs of age . They still have great potential experience capability and result orientation , whilst they may relinquish their high offices , post they must be retained as consultants , team leaders for full time , half day on contract basis or even as teachers , motivators , selectors and other jobs of planning , budgeting , meetings and Sales to foreign entities . Sent to foreign countries , they can scout for talent , technology , machines and work processes in developed countries . With longer life spans retention upto 70 , 75 , 80 years can be granted every two three years .
These retards can't even make a proper 5th gen like f22 and f 35 and they are dreaming of 6th gen ! 🤣

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