Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

Only some traitors extoll PLA papercats and their paper fighters. On the ground, what happened to them in Galwan, Pangong so and Yangste are well publicised and known to all . The day ,J-20 shoots down a single Tejas , Rafal e or Sukhois , people should talk about them . Till then , don't extoll papercats.
Get some help, try to touch some grass and find a l3wd bbb¡Tch to slap on. Stop malding and coping 🙃 it's bad for your help
I second you. You talks sense. I respect folks who engage in rational debate based on facts.

China has mass produced J-20 as well. I believe, they are continuously updating and sharpening it.May be in 2030 they might have atleast 300 J-20s while India is still testing first prototype. Quantity has its own quality in battlefield.
Yes of course it's always better to have more jets regardless of its capabilities. I'm simply stating that our integrated SAM and air defence shield plays a big role as most modern Air Force around the world mostly allows SAM to take out incoming threats and they are backed up with our jets so our air defence capabilities isn't as weak as people might think so.

We are also going to modernise our Sukhoi jets into the Super Sukhoi which will be a complete overhaul and install more modern indigenous jet technology like radars and jet computer etc. We will also overhaul our other jets to extend its life service which will allow us more time to make more Tejas MK1A jets. We could of reverse engineered and produce more Sukhoi or Mig jets like what China does regularly by disregarding signed technology and critical parts contracts to cut down on foreign expensive imports from Russia.

With the AMCA program we have been given permission to build several prototype jet which will allow us to manufacture the jet and install all of the indigenous technology, parts, components, sensors etc that we have developed and tested to a certain extent so progress has been made but it has been slow as well because we are developing most of the technology 100% indigenously to cut down on expensive foreign imports which keeps us reliant on foreign technology.
Say whatever you want, but they are multiple times bigger an economy & have a much better efficiency due to high levels of indigenisation.
During war between 2 equals, even if I consider them as equals, only efficiency matters. For every 10 aircrafts lost, China could reproduce 8-9 aircrafts whereas India could produce only 4-5 in a fixed amount of time.
China can't go to war against India because of the nuclear threat that we will fire several nuclear missiles against them if they launch any major military offensive thrust against us. This is because we might have a weaker military in some areas so the only way to stop China is the threat of us launching a devastating strike against them to save our military and country.

Despite having a large economy thanks to the western world by importing heavily from them, which they now regret because they are too heavily reliant on China for raw materials and manufacturing products that the west need. The only way we can beat China militarily is nuclear weapons and economically we need to hike import duty, tax and increase subsidies support to get more manufacturing factories into a service.
EVEN the proposed AMCA MK1 is . likely to be a 5th generation fighter and will likely be just another 4.5++ generation fighter. We after all dont have any expertise in die-electric composites and until recently were also importing the composite fiber materials. Dielectric composites have a very different chemical composition as compared to Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP).
Current stealth fighters don't have a 100% complete stealth technology as our jet radar or IRST can detect it from many different angles on certain parts of the jet.
Good to be ambitious but this is pure gas...AMCA must aim high but be realistic and understand that we neither have the money, nor R&D capability nor the processes to get world-class overnight...This is a long term journey and it is okay to be behind as long as we have a plan and know what needs to be done...If AMCA Mk-1 can have the same capability like F-22s (in 2000) when it starts production in 2030, we are okay, as long as we know that AMCA-Mk-2s will eventually get to the F-22s current capabilities, say by 2040...We must think in generations and decades and one idea might be to start some thinking/preliminary work on 6th GEN - best/fast way would be to become a member in GACP with a equity stake, provided Japan+UK+Italy play ball (I think they will if we play well and nicely).
This is what you call A-class cope, they're doing this so they can justify the delays in production and R&D pipeline, someone needs to take action so this doesn't cause a disaster.
Get some help, try to touch some grass and find a l3wd bbb¡Tch to slap on. Stop malding and coping 🙃 it's bad for your help
PLA propaganda can't prove me wrong until it shows its prowess in the battlefield. Till then ,you can keep your finger crossed. I fully believe in the capabilities of IAF that shot down PAF F-16 by 50 years old Mig-21. U need all type of help including psychiatric,if your loyalty is towards CCP criminals.
I was born when LCA project was started and am a father of two kids still have not seen a combat capable Tejas wonder if I would be alive to see this wonder plane they are talking about
Khayali Pulav can incorporate the best of the 7th and 8th gen airplanes too.

Contrast this with how Chinese J-20 came into being.

Barely any speculative article were present in the media and the world would come to know of the existance of J-20 through an osint photograph of a prototype in testing.
Sirji, basking on the beach & dreaming does not cost us anything; its free; so we keep dreaming & coming out with computer graphic pics of our dreams; What you are talking about is the hard painful reality on the ground of our adversary China, which many here on forum don't want to hear. J-20 is real & out there.. as of today its 200+ with the PLAAF.
I also don't want to discuss with china apologists . U can live in your dreamland . In real world, IAF will always beat PLAAF at least in Tibetan plateau.
Sirji, will beat or has beaten.. in either case its bad to be in conflict if we dont keep Tibet for ourselves annexing it if & when we take it from them Chinese.
Get some coolaid bruh, facts is facts AMCA is paper specs 5gen wannabe without any working prototype
But sir, computer graphic pics look so great & with our IAF flag on it.. makes us feel powerful.. We are on the way to 5th gen, and whenever we get it, I mean whenever, by that time the Chinese would be producing 6th & 7th fighters.
LMAO j20 paper dragon vs AMCA is literally paper without anything to prove.... Get real bruh... Even tho China is enemy we should not get on our ego and always vigilant.... Over confidence and prideful keeps soldier on the spot when it start stepping on battlefield because of lack of experience 😹😹😹
Sirji, so true as you said: "LMAO j20 paper dragon vs AMCA is literally paper without anything to prove.... Get real bruh..."; AMCA is just some lines scribbled on paper but there are 200+ J-20s active & ready for combat. We need to stop dreaming, its time now.
Those Chinese jets are not really fifth generation stealth fighters at all. China regularly makes claims of it being a technology marvel. Every Chinese weapon or technology developed is always riddled with faults, unreliable technology, poor metal and material composition, big radar faults and unable to detect jets at the long range they say it can do and it requires a very large radar cross section before it can detect threats, unreliable and poor performance of its missiles and bombs, major engine problems with poor metal composition and not able to provide the amount of thrust it can claim it can do and it has a low number of flight hours before the engine is finished etc. There's just so much wrong which China never reveals as it continues to maintain its superiority perception over other countries.
Good news as you say they are 2nd & 3rd rate dummies, not real fighters capable to being 3rd, 4th, 5th gen etc; So, why worry and spend billions to catch up to China.. ?? why are we going to waste so much money.. for nothing; as China is just piece of toilet paper .. Yes ???
Yes of course it's always better to have more jets regardless of its capabilities. I'm simply stating that our integrated SAM and air defence shield plays a big role as most modern Air Force around the world mostly allows SAM to take out incoming threats and they are backed up with our jets so our air defence capabilities isn't as weak as people might think so.

We are also going to modernise our Sukhoi jets into the Super Sukhoi which will be a complete overhaul and install more modern indigenous jet technology like radars and jet computer etc. We will also overhaul our other jets to extend its life service which will allow us more time to make more Tejas MK1A jets. We could of reverse engineered and produce more Sukhoi or Mig jets like what China does regularly by disregarding signed technology and critical parts contracts to cut down on foreign expensive imports from Russia.

With the AMCA program we have been given permission to build several prototype jet which will allow us to manufacture the jet and install all of the indigenous technology, parts, components, sensors etc that we have developed and tested to a certain extent so progress has been made but it has been slow as well because we are developing most of the technology 100% indigenously to cut down on expensive foreign imports which keeps us reliant on foreign technology.
Sir, I like the way you think.. its very productive ... based on a .... "We CouldA, We ShouldA, We WouldA" regimen;
Only i was in the Forum to say AMCA MK1 is 5.5TH Gen & AMCA MK2 is 6th Gen Features
Sirji, I like the way you think; .... So now AMCA is 5.5 Gen instead of 5th Gen & AMCA MK2 is with 6th Gen Features... Really ?? Sirji, my car has 4 muffler exhaust pipes... it doesn't mean it has four of the 4 cylinder engines under the hood; Visually & on paper it is, but on the road its just a 4 cylinder engine car with dummy visual features ..
Good news as you say they are 2nd & 3rd rate dummies, not real fighters capable to being 3rd, 4th, 5th gen etc; So, why worry and spend billions to catch up to China.. ?? why are we going to waste so much money.. for nothing; as China is just piece of toilet paper .. Yes ???
Nobody is saying that we shouldn’t develop our own jets and of course we need to manufacture more of it in India like the AMCA program which has received clearance. But we need to focus and make more nuclear weapons as that is the only major threat to China which is why they can’t go to war against us. It also gives us time to start manufacturing and indigenising our own conventional fire power and capabilities.

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