Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

Are they bringing the money from their houses?? Resource allocation and their reallocation is the primary job of the gov to retain and nourish talent thereby upgrading the technology levels of the society. Is it so complex for their understanding. Beside their is a need to deliver things on time.
But still many people believe mk1a will arrive after 2027 (already completed), mk2 will arrive 2035 and amca will be a reality in 2050.
Many people are still living in inferiority complex.
Instead of writing comments and making announcements, wait till first flight to troll them
The IAS system of recruitment needs a serious revamp. They are taking in people who have a great memory, excellent general knowledge, write up ability. They can be good journalists and editors. What our country needs are bureaucrats with good reasoning and fast decision making skills. The travel time of the files should be shorter and faster.
Another fake article by DRDO. These officials provided mission mode funding to Rustom, provided 1.5 billion dollars for ISE for Rafale, are providing 90% funding to L&T for FICV, and approved 500% additional budget for various delayed and failed DRDO budgets. They approved AMCA project earlier knowing this cost. IAF chief is giving daily statements on AMCA knowing this cost. They approved 6billion dollars to HAL for FGFA. But they argued about 1.8 billion dollars for this project? Pure non sense. 15 years in designing didn’t delay the project but 11 months in approval made it obsolete?

Fact is, DRDO is a lying and cheating organization. ADA has an embarrassing track record. So checking each and every word of the file became necessary. In a real competitive environment, every single person associated with ADA would have been fired if anything. But MoD gave funds from the emergency reserve for this project. That is why this article, like many others, has no specific names or sources but only vague accusations. GoI must learn narrative building from them.
But still many people believe mk1a will arrive after 2027 (already completed), mk2 will arrive 2035 and amca will be a reality in 2050.
Many people are still living in inferiority complex.
Some people also believed Mk1a will come out on time. Some people also believed mk2 will be rolled out in 2022 as promised by HAL chief. But alas…
I have never seen any other country announcing each and every update to public domain especially with the crucial projects.
Russia announced it publicly when it sent design sheets of Su57 to manufacturers. So publicity isn’t bad. Problem is, when you publicize it, then meet the deadlines too. That doesn’t happen with these DRDO/DPSU people.
Another fake article by DRDO. These officials provided mission mode funding to Rustom, provided 1.5 billion dollars for ISE for Rafale, are providing 90% funding to L&T for FICV, and approved 500% additional budget for various delayed and failed DRDO budgets. They approved AMCA project earlier knowing this cost. IAF chief is giving daily statements on AMCA knowing this cost. They approved 6billion dollars to HAL for FGFA. But they argued about 1.8 billion dollars for this project? Pure non sense. 15 years in designing didn’t delay the project but 11 months in approval made it obsolete?

Fact is, DRDO is a lying and cheating organization. ADA has an embarrassing track record. So checking each and every word of the file became necessary. In a real competitive environment, every single person associated with ADA would have been fired if anything. But MoD gave funds from the emergency reserve for this project. That is why this article, like many others, has no specific names or sources but only vague accusations. GoI must learn narrative building from them.
Yes 100% true.... Missing deadlines and giving excuses and then again giving unrealistic timelines has become a habit of these government organisations
KF-21 is anything But 5th gen in its current iteration firstly, Secondly Lockheed is providing extensive consultation to the Koreans. The Kaan at the moment is a glorified RC Model Aircraft at best with at least a decade way from anything "5th gen standard" fruitful. Also Turkiye being a NATO member has been getting extensive consultation from BAE & other western partners. There is a reason it suddenly appeared in the World Defence Exporting Map 5 years back. So India is no way behind & India has a complete different approach in its aircraft development ideology & is also going majorly indigenous way for its program barring the engine for Mk1 & with the technology & supply chain for aircraft manufacturing maturing over the last decade for LCA, things will only get better from here.

Bureaucrats were skeptical ONLY because they are going to miss out the HUGE Kickbacks from current 5th gen manufacturers. Its a Gods blessing that India has such a Nationalist with Hindustan First Policy government at the helm for long term for the first time since its independence
Bro amca mk1 a 4.5 gen aircraft, when it enters production in 2035 will already be obsolete.. it's time to accept the reality
Bro amca mk1 a 4.5 gen aircraft, when it enters production in 2035 will already be obsolete.. it's time to accept the reality
It won't be obsolete. As the American, Chinese, and Russian Air Forces are now realising, you cannot have a large air force comprised exclusively of fifth generation fighters unless you are ready to spend truly absurd amounts of money. They are considerably more expensive than older aircraft, and the imposition of stealth means they have to compromise on things such as payload.

Similarly, AMCA will not be a one-size-fits-all replacement for all our older aircraft, and in a 'clean' configuration, would be close to a 5th generation fighter in most aspects. Hence, it would also be used in a similar manner to what the F-35 is proposed to be used as: A guiding beacon for stand-off munitions fired from 4.5th generation aircraft from increased ranges.
The IAS system of recruitment needs a serious revamp. They are taking in people who have a great memory, excellent general knowledge, write up ability. They can be good journalists and editors. What our country needs are bureaucrats with good reasoning and fast decision making skills. The travel time of the files should be shorter and faster.
IAS system is needed only for non important mundane departments.

Departments such as Defence, Aerospace, Nuclear etc need technocrats who have first hand experience in the relevant field.
Officials opposing AMCA must be working on enemy payroll. They are more dangerous than Pannun, Hafez , Masood and Dawood. They must be identified and served the harshest of punishment including secret executions . Bharat should have no place for traitors.
Some amount of red tape is desirable when talking about multi billion dollar programs. It encourages greater scrutiny and prevents laidback approach on the part of the developing agency.

But for such an important strategic project, where time is of the essence, opposition should not have happened.
These b*sterds wants commission form foreign OEMs and their Indian counterparts(indian screwdriver companies) as electoral bonds,rafale watches and foreign tours . There are hundreds such pimps like sp tyagi's among the top positions of govt and armed forces who pull back atmanirbhar barath program two steps down when others take it one step up. Untill an agressive and innovative defense minister is bought instead of a sleep 😴 one we will see mig21 and imported jets along with other equipments serving in the forces.
Going by history it always happens.. only NAVY was exceptional... LCA IOC can be inducted in 2012 but inducted in 2016...delay in 4 years.. the GSQR had been change multiple times for LCA mk1 FOC to delay the program.. IAF took 5 years for pricing of MK1A... MK2 fund approved in 2022 only but fund release only in 2023.. AMCA project should sanction in 2016 itself.. but fund got approve in 2024.. Now this is our air force.. For army and air force, fascination in foreign mall is decade old.. Arjun tank was built on GSQR of army but when it came out suddenly army change the requirement and go for T-90. Light tank was developed in 2001 btu for last 20 years army was sleeping. Army tried its best to reject ATAGS but thanks to current GOI policy they have to accept.. but till date they have not placed the order... They are waiting something happens and they are allowed to purchased ATHOS. LCH is another example... the excuse of ATAGM on LCH army delaying the process... in fact army itself denying HELINA integration on LCH. They want helfire from US. Also waiting something happens and they allowed to purchased more Apache... I ask one question is this not surprise everybody that the country can built ICBM, nuclear submarine can land on Moon can't make an good assault rifle....???? everybody must ask this question... where is MCIWS, where are SSS defense rifles.. why those was not inducted...
From Russia ukraine war one thing is certain. Either u lose expensive military hardware or you use extensively trained and motivated soldiers who are very difficult to replace.

The Indian military and govt have to choose which one is worth losing.

From whatever I have I can say they would prefer to lose valuable soldiers. Since india already has such a huge population. They prefer to use meat grinder tactics like Russia and china.
When we can have difference of opinion in comments section then it's obvious there will be difference of opinion in decision making. However there is a possibility that some of the decision makers are driven by arms dealers who want to import, so their financial monitoring is required by revenue intelligence. AMCA is the need of the hour without falling into the trap of Chineese or Turks. But one thing for sure our Defence PSU need to improve performance as their reputation still gives an impression that these funds will go waste and they will take 2 decades to build a 5th gen fighter despite giving funds on time.
But still many people believe mk1a will arrive after 2027 (already completed), mk2 will arrive 2035 and amca will be a reality in 2050.
Many people are still living in inferiority complex.
May b they forgot to take medicine Regular.

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