Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

How can they be so stupid?? Must be named and asked to explain. What will happen to your treasury when china attacks with J20s and FC31s??
You know the basic logic, that we don't need 5th gen fighter to intercept 5th gen fighters.
Need it be mentioned that the amount allocated to the Tejas back in the 1980s, when adjusted to 2023, amount to roughly 1 billion dollars? In contrast, AMCA is taking around 1.8 billion dollars equivalent.

These bureaucrats don't seem to understand the fact that you can't just jump to a sixth generation jet while even a 4.5th generation fighter has still not completed development. Utter morons, these bureaucrats.
I have had such arguments where people claim that funds for Tejas was allocated decades ago yet even today the delivery is not proper. They claim what's the point of giving funds to PSU where they will again delay AMCA and force us to import as stop gap(just like rafale).
KF-21 is anything But 5th gen in its current iteration firstly, Secondly Lockheed is providing extensive consultation to the Koreans. The Kaan at the moment is a glorified RC Model Aircraft at best with at least a decade way from anything "5th gen standard" fruitful. Also Turkiye being a NATO member has been getting extensive consultation from BAE & other western partners. There is a reason it suddenly appeared in the World Defence Exporting Map 5 years back. So India is no way behind & India has a complete different approach in its aircraft development ideology & is also going majorly indigenous way for its program barring the engine for Mk1 & with the technology & supply chain for aircraft manufacturing maturing over the last decade for LCA, things will only get better from here.

Bureaucrats were skeptical ONLY because they are going to miss out the HUGE Kickbacks from current 5th gen manufacturers. Its a Gods blessing that India has such a Nationalist with Hindustan First Policy government at the helm for long term for the first time since its independence
Even AMCA MK1 won't be in 2037-40. What's ur point? They have five fully functional prototypes that are already flying and thus they will enter service far before our AMCA.

An AMCA MK1 post 2040 is virtually useless and dead in arrival as by then the threats I would fave would make it far too obselete.

That ideology is exactly the one that makes little sense. They try to do everything at once and when one if sub system development falls behind schedule, the induction of entire project is endlessly delayed, year after year. Rather than adopting an iterative program development model where priority is on putting the platform into production they follow the most risky model with multiple fault points.
It won't be obsolete. As the American, Chinese, and Russian Air Forces are now realising, you cannot have a large air force comprised exclusively of fifth generation fighters unless you are ready to spend truly absurd amounts of money. They are considerably more expensive than older aircraft, and the imposition of stealth means they have to compromise on things such as payload.

Similarly, AMCA will not be a one-size-fits-all replacement for all our older aircraft, and in a 'clean' configuration, would be close to a 5th generation fighter in most aspects. Hence, it would also be used in a similar manner to what the F-35 is proposed to be used as: A guiding beacon for stand-off munitions fired from 4.5th generation aircraft from increased ranges.
Oh don't compare the networking and sensor fusion on KF-21:with AMCA. I seriously doubt we can even match the processing on F-16 Block 70/72. We have been late to realize importance of networking and sensor fusion and we just recently started a project to consolidate and interlink IAF commands under unified information network.
Another fake article by DRDO. These officials provided mission mode funding to Rustom, provided 1.5 billion dollars for ISE for Rafale, are providing 90% funding to L&T for FICV, and approved 500% additional budget for various delayed and failed DRDO budgets. They approved AMCA project earlier knowing this cost. IAF chief is giving daily statements on AMCA knowing this cost. They approved 6billion dollars to HAL for FGFA. But they argued about 1.8 billion dollars for this project? Pure non sense. 15 years in designing didn’t delay the project but 11 months in approval made it obsolete?

Fact is, DRDO is a lying and cheating organization. ADA has an embarrassing track record. So checking each and every word of the file became necessary. In a real competitive environment, every single person associated with ADA would have been fired if anything. But MoD gave funds from the emergency reserve for this project. That is why this article, like many others, has no specific names or sources but only vague accusations. GoI must learn narrative building from them.
300 km MLRS suppose to make by some pvt companies.. GOI is ready to fund that also... But surprising now GOI turns to that lying and cheating organization to make 300 km MLRS... and according to you they idiots can't even make 300 km rockets with funding can make a fifth gen jet if funding provided.... we are not fool boss...
The nation on a historic take off stage . Decision making in the dirty dark corridors of south block service HQs , finance , Pmo and DRDO must be streamlined , enhanced and reduced to international standards . Indian babus need to deployed in foreign service in places like Singapore , Dubai , Scandinvian countries , western europe to imbibe best practices and sent for deputation as undersecys , deputysecys and director rank officers . Others be deputed for working experience in big Indian firms like Tatas , reliance , TCS , INFOSYS , and many other world class companies .
Officials opposing AMCA must be working on enemy payroll. They are more dangerous than Pannun, Hafez , Masood and Dawood. They must be identified and served the harshest of punishment including secret executions . Bharat should have no place for traitors.
Not really my friend not everybody is your enemy if they have a different opinion. Even i oppose AMCA. It's too late to start a 5th gen program. Scrap it and work on developing a 6th gen jet. Having is a vision for the future is more important than being a atmanirbhar at a one generation old jet. Bas worldclass worldclass airforce bolne se koi bhi airforce worldclass nahi banjaati. It requires vision and dedication. Either make AMCA a 6th gen jet program or scrap it. Stop importing rafale. Start importing 5th gen from outside. This would have been much better thinking.
300 km MLRS suppose to make by some pvt companies.. GOI is ready to fund that also... But surprising now GOI turns to that lying and cheating organization to make 300 km MLRS... and according to you they idiots can't even make 300 km rockets with funding can make a fifth gen jet if funding provided.... we are not fool boss...
Please show me where was the relevant tender released for this 300 mm rocket. We are not fools boss.
Not really my friend not everybody is your enemy if they have a different opinion. Even i oppose AMCA. It's too late to start a 5th gen program. Scrap it and work on developing a 6th gen jet. Having is a vision for the future is more important than being a atmanirbhar at a one generation old jet. Bas worldclass worldclass airforce bolne se koi bhi airforce worldclass nahi banjaati. It requires vision and dedication. Either make AMCA a 6th gen jet program or scrap it. Stop importing rafale. Start importing 5th gen from outside. This would have been much better thinking.
U appear to be confused . Bharat/ ADA is rightly progressing from 4 to 4.5 to 5 to 5.5 generation fighters before jumping to 6 th generation fighters. Our main enemy is PLA that is still struggling to make a true 4.5 generation fighters called J-20. As you have suggested, Bharat has already stopped trying to acquire foreign 5th generation fighters. Acquisitions of additional Rafales in my view will hardly go beyond 36 Rafales more . Bharat is perfectly on time if it rolls AMCA in 2025-2026 and makes them ready for induction in 2030-32 . U have no other choice except to develop AMCA at faster timelines.
Some people also believed Mk1a will come out on time. Some people also believed mk2 will be rolled out in 2022 as promised by HAL chief. But alas…
Actually some people don't want to go deeper. Just search for line to criticize... Fund sanction of MK2 happen in 2022 and Fund release on 2023..
Not really my friend not everybody is your enemy if they have a different opinion. Even i oppose AMCA. It's too late to start a 5th gen program. Scrap it and work on developing a 6th gen jet. Having is a vision for the future is more important than being a atmanirbhar at a one generation old jet. Bas worldclass worldclass airforce bolne se koi bhi airforce worldclass nahi banjaati. It requires vision and dedication. Either make AMCA a 6th gen jet program or scrap it. Stop importing rafale. Start importing 5th gen from outside. This would have been much better thinking.
I understand what you are saying , still one cannot walk before learning to stand up by him/herself. I agree we are notorious for delays ( in every aspect be it ,planning research , development or manufacturing ) but we are really making progress especially in the last 10 years and hopefully within the next 2 decades we will attain the position what every Indian aspires .
This is BS. .. compare the money spent by the so called pioneers in the world thai is peanuts. Unless we immerse ourselves into R&D we will never be atmanirbhar.
If this true we are screw up🤭😹😹😹
Looks like we should go all the way to "plan B" instead by joining 6gen aircraft project like GCAP so that we can maintain some edge in technology and knowledge
Those officials do such things on the directions of foreign weapon d@l@ls.
For decades, foreign weapon d@l@ls had access in defence ministry. NDA regime blocked their way to ministry, but still they'll be in contact with several officials.
But still they failed in there objectives and amca program got approval.
Nah if that's the case we need hard evidence that would point them taking payrolls
Officials opposing AMCA must be working on enemy payroll. They are more dangerous than Pannun, Hafez , Masood and Dawood. They must be identified and served the harshest of punishment including secret executions . Bharat should have no place for traitors.
Are you proposing of summary execution of those government officials??? Without trial because we just see it as treasonous act without proper evidence why they opposing to further continue AMCA???
If that's the case, wow China and other communist countries will clapping us and congratulations because we're becoming like their government 😹😹😹😹
I love our Wadafaq version of DEMOCRACY we have if that it🤭🙃
Not really my friend not everybody is your enemy if they have a different opinion. Even i oppose AMCA. It's too late to start a 5th gen program. Scrap it and work on developing a 6th gen jet. Having is a vision for the future is more important than being a atmanirbhar at a one generation old jet. Bas worldclass worldclass airforce bolne se koi bhi airforce worldclass nahi banjaati. It requires vision and dedication. Either make AMCA a 6th gen jet program or scrap it. Stop importing rafale. Start importing 5th gen from outside. This would have been much better thinking.
Meh Im also with you... AMCA is so delay and late for us.... Look those trying hard Turks they are on way of designing their Kaan mk2 after testing it's prototype.... Same goes to d@@mn Koreans they are so fast... After kf21 Boramae mk1 prototype flies they are ordering 40+ of it price $65m each while now they already have mk2 of it's prototype in 2028 and production to 2030.... While our AMCA is still no where near be seen it's prototype 😹😂🤣
U appear to be confused . Bharat/ ADA is rightly progressing from 4 to 4.5 to 5 to 5.5 generation fighters before jumping to 6 th generation fighters. Our main enemy is PLA that is still struggling to make a true 4.5 generation fighters called J-20. As you have suggested, Bharat has already stopped trying to acquire foreign 5th generation fighters. Acquisitions of additional Rafales in my view will hardly go beyond 36 Rafales more . Bharat is perfectly on time if it rolls AMCA in 2025-2026 and makes them ready for induction in 2030-32 . U have no other choice except to develop AMCA at faster timelines.
Bruh your confuse ADA/HAL is very too late for AMCA... They focus too much on many projects like Tejas, orca, TEDBF, AMCA and many more that's why most of the project got delayed now the MRFA procurement is like delay tooo without any exact decision until next election IMHO.... How can you see if they can develop AMCA faster when they are not working faster because of tight funding.... If we want AMCA we should spend more funding than hating other people comment that because we already see it's coming.... AMCA is so late we need another plan.... Or are you like those people malding and still coping because your ultranationalistic view got shattered by the current reality that we on the edge of loosing more our air force capabilities because of so many delay projects.... We are still luck at least HAL can deliver a very small batch of Tejas mk1a 😹😹😹

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