Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

This is personal assumption, right?
Or you know the actual figures?

Bhai, figure do aur sink karwa do.
DOD estimates it will cost nearly $1.7 trillion to buy, operate, and sustain the F-35 and systems over its lifetime. This is total cost, including procurement and parts, But you can guess how expensive it is.
How can there be a risk when tax payers money will be funding the program.
Also the govt is ready to buy it at any cost so it's not like a product that might flop in the market.
It doesn't matter even if the private sector companies only want to manufacture parts and technology that they can do or have expertise because that will still help to grow the military industry and then HAL can just assemble and certify the jets made if they don't want to join the army or the special purpose vehicle.

One key change that we can make is increase the number of AMCA as we need more than just 120 as we need more stealth jets. If we plan to increase the number then they might some tempted to join because this is a guaranteed number of orders given that will definitely be increased later on so this is a great opportunity for the private sector of making most of the opportunity to earn some money again.
This will be sweet music to westerners.
They will give some tinpot business to our private players to convince them that they have everything to lose by joining GOI led projects.
HAL and other leftist unions will insist upon the work to be done under them.
All this could have been quietly managed by private players and selling the patent to govt.
Just shows how DRDO & HAL have been operating in development. compare to other world class established players . development cost of AMCA stealth Fightr plane to other steath Fighter projects. Both DRDO & HAL are saving Funds by developing Tech with minimun Funds compared to other world Experience & Established players.
AMca and other stealth fighters ! lol ! All fantasies and nothing else. Channeling funds down the black hole called HAL. If the funds were channeled to proper private players, the aircrafts had a chance of being developed on time with a fraction of the funds.
DOD estimates it will cost nearly $1.7 trillion to buy, operate, and sustain the F-35 and systems over its lifetime. This is total cost, including procurement and parts, But you can guess how expensive it is.
The cost of $1.7 trillion is the cost of building, maintining and operating 2470 units of F-35s through its expected life cycle of 66 years.

$ 1.7 trillion is not the design cost of F-35.
All Indian private sector companies use 50-70% contract labor, including illegal b'deshis to save labor cost to improve their profits. Such companies prefer to invest in products where there is guaranteed hefty return by screw driver assembling howitzers from South Korea or paint their logo on radars from Israel to qualify under ATMANIRBHAR scheme, than investing in R&D for a product whose success is not guaranteed.

AMCA's DAS: Giving India's Fighter Jet 360-Degree Vision​

India's Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) is set to become even more formidable with the integration of a cutting-edge Distributed Aperture System (DAS).

This revolutionary technology will give the fighter a level of situational awareness unmatched in the region, fundamentally changing how it operates in combat.

DAS: The All-Seeing Eye​

A DAS essentially blankets the fighter jet in high-resolution infrared (IR) sensors. This network creates an uninterrupted, 360-degree view of the battlespace for the pilot, allowing them to see in any direction at all times.

The DAS Advantage​

  • Situational Awareness Beyond Compare: Traditional radar has limitations and blind spots. DAS erases that, letting AMCA pilots track threats from behind cover, in darkness, or from any angle.
  • Precision Targeting: DAS offers superior tracking, enabling pinpoint accuracy when locking onto targets, even those employing evasive maneuvers.
  • Stealth and Missile Defense: IR sensors in DAS can spot the faint heat signatures of stealthy aircraft or missiles, vastly improving the AMCA's survivability against unseen threats.
  • Reduced Pilot Strain: Comprehensive battlefield information and automated threat detection offered by DAS significantly eases the pilot's workload, allowing better focus on strategy and execution.

India's Tech Edge​

Integrating DAS into the AMCA showcases India's growing prowess in aerospace technology. The DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) is spearheading the development of this system.

While the timeline for its full integration is uncertain, it's clear that DAS will make the AMCA a far more potent force on the battlefield.
Hope it will b develop end of Decade & Integration on AMCA MK1 .......................that is diffrence Between 4.75 Gen & AMCA .
The system is to be developed in 2 years of deal sign.
Idk why they have written AMCA's DAS when Tejas mk2 stands a fair chance to have this subsystem.
DAS provides unparalleled situational awareness when it comes to threat detection......I know it would be too much to expect that our system would be as good as that of F35 so I would discuss just the capabilities of F35's system......if our system would be even 1/2 efficient of American DAS.

•DAS IR sensor is mainly to detect heat signatures.......there is this official vid. available online where F35 was able to 'track' a space rocket launch from a distance of 1300 kms away. Yeah read that again - 1300 kms away. Point to be noted radar couldn't even detect the launch forget about tracking.

•DAS provides out of the world situational literally allows the pilot to see through his own plane in a field of view of 360°.

• it gives an exact idea of battlefield as it recognises threats and arrange and mark it in a way from a d@mn distance away.....this literally means that before pilot have even reached the battle aerospace, he would have an exact idea of
•what's going on there?
•Who shall he engage first !?
• how many threats are there exactly!?

With this system, atleast SAM stand no chance against the fighter again if the IR is good enough like that of Americans ...... even an enemy aircraft too would stand no chance.

In short, once it works simultaneously with ur EOTS,Radar& other sensors....then the plane would be literally next to immortal.
Another article that praises the picture and dreams about a product that IAF might get 10-15 years from now, if everything else falls into place and all the stars align in the right order, by the time HAL makes it, the tech we have planned to use today will be outdated by then anyway.
Stop the nonsense. Please deliver m0ther of all game changer: deliver the project on time to it's end users.
If India develops it 100% indigenously and if it will be used on our jets then that's great news. We should also install it on our other jets which will improve and enhance our combat capabilities.
Our forces must be having a hearty laugh every time these gamechanging articles come out, must be the highlight of their evening when they retire to their barracks etc 🤣 At least they n we can go to bed smiling. Thank you admin for your sense of humour 🙏
Name 5 game changing technology India has developed on its own and world doesn't have it yet.
I Can answer it but a few jokes are too classified.

Jokes a part we have many.

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