DRDO Advances Development of 360-Degree Radar Dome for Enhanced AWACS Capabilities

DRDO Advances Development of 360-Degree Radar Dome for Enhanced AWACS Capabilities

The Indian Air Force's (IAF) Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) capabilities are poised for a significant upgrade as the DRDO continues to advance its development of a dome-mounted radar system. This technology promises to provide comprehensive 360-degree coverage, addressing a current limitation of the existing Netra Mk1A AWACS systems.

The existing Netra Mk1A, while a valuable asset, relies on a dual Active Antenna Array Unit (AAAU) configuration positioned on the fuselage, resulting in a 240-degree coverage area. The dome antenna, in contrast, will be mounted atop the aircraft, eliminating blind spots and enhancing overall surveillance capabilities.

This development occurs concurrently with the ongoing procurement of six additional Netra Mk1A aircraft and the development of the Airbus A-321-based AEW&C MkII program. By pursuing the dome antenna technology in parallel, DRDO ensures the IAF can seamlessly transition to a more advanced AWACS system when program approvals are granted.

AWACS aircraft play a critical role in aerial surveillance, detection, and command and control functions. The enhanced capabilities offered by the 360-degree radar dome will significantly bolster the IAF's ability to monitor and defend Indian airspace.

While a specific timeline for the deployment of this technology remains undisclosed, the ongoing development by DRDO underscores India's commitment to advancing its air defense capabilities and maintaining a technological edge in the region.
Those shameless screw driver specialist like TATA would dream of ADA Or another to design it,. This why Tats is shameless. Tata does not take risks as crony capitalist.
Oh! If TATA is shameless.for screwdrivers what do u think about HAL and most of our PSU, that throughout their miserable existence of over 70 years are yet to deliver anything concrete with respect to original technology.
Why ARE YOU VERY GREEDY AND THINK YOU OWN THIS COUNTRY. There IS A NATURAL INTEREST TO develop competition environment and not to have monopolies for development of country. Crony capitalist are dangerous for the country. Read a little how Private in America had at least initiative to design and develop something then asked for funding. But why then only Tata are not there billions of Indians some more deserving? Tata wants screwdriving as it is secured unquestioned profits, and shameless love that they destroy any progress of country. Dead is RTA and MTA because crony capitalist. China is orders hundreds of their developed planes, but shameless are just in India filling a monopolist coffers so they become richer and there be no competition that will allow the next will spend more for white elephants then development so that TAta could be given a factory and be proud screwdrivers.
Indeed, there should be competition. That’s why HAL should not get any more orders and orders should now go to Tata, Ambani, Adani and others. No more orders to any DPSU. No money ever to DRDO for any project. Right?
Pay attention how the shameless illiterates/ semi-illiterate run the country that bribe/commission is more important then development. It is systematic problem.
Exactly. Development should be more important than these shameless DPSUs.
Haha like this govt has made India top notch.
Much better than where we were. Reforms pending since Kargil have finally been implemented. Indigenous purchases as well as exports are at record high. Still a long way to go, but far ahead of where they were.
I think among all the 3 arms, IAF is the least efficient when it comes to procurement planning....some can say Army is worse but i give our army planners a discount since they have to plan for 1.3 million troops with varying requirements across different terrains and capabilities.

Now our IAF....be the number of bases, platforms, types of ammunition, ...everything is 10x less complicated than Army....

eg: all they had to do was an outright purchase of 500 BVRs outranging AMRAAMs in 2012 (Astra was nowhere in sight bk then) when PAF started procuring latest F-16s.....but no....these idts were busy asking for cluster bomb integration on Jaguars (about to retire in next 5-7 yrs).......nobody cares if the Russian ones were ineffective....having one integrated on Su-30 is a warning enough to F-16s that they will be outranged...and hence PAF would not have dared to respond for the fear of loosing 2-3 F-16s.

Now, same is this nuisance of having Apaches and fighting with Army......lol...idts cant focus on what they need ...Army Aviation Corp should be the one flying them cos they would need them for blowing up Pk/Chin tanks...instead IAF wanted Army to call them everytime in need and they would do them a favour

Another example.....the entire MRCA drama could have been long shut and over if they quietly bought 54 Rafales and another 120 odd Mig 35s in 2010...granted Mig 35s were subpar...but guess what, we needed planes to counter PAF and Mig 35s would have taken out anything and everything PAF had to throw at us...I also would like to have the expensive BMW/Audi.....despite getting 4 Fortuners in the same price...and because of me behaving like a spoilt insistent child, I continue to drive my Bolero...

....jokers of the highest orders....list goes on and on
IAF is at it's LOWEST potential ever in 2024 and beyond actually! In late 1980's thanks to Soviet MIG's and Jaguars and few Mirage2000's IAF had almost 2,200 fighter jets in its fleets. Now, barely 700 usable jets are in service i.e., 35 squadrons. ONLY option now is to import 400 nos. 4.5 to 5th gen. fighter jets and then ALSO, make in India 1,200 HAL-ADA fighter jets as quickly as possible. Rafale and Typhoons are simply OUT of the equation' since they both costs WELL OVER 300 millions usd per jet on make in India. F35's are NOT offered to India and even if offered these costs almost $55,000 per sortie ops costs! BEST options are F15EX ; KF21 Boramae and SU57. Later on, even modified SU75 must be considered in order to get upto the 2,000 or 100 squadrons fighter jets mark; in order for IAF to be better able to handle PAF and PLAAF together joint ops on 3 fronts...
If not done this way then only DISASTER awaits India post 2032 years when wars will break out all over the whole world...
Why ARE YOU VERY GREEDY AND THINK YOU OWN THIS COUNTRY. There IS A NATURAL INTEREST TO develop competition environment and not to have monopolies for development of country. Crony capitalist are dangerous for the country. Read a little how Private in America had at least initiative to design and develop something then asked for funding. But why then only Tata are not there billions of Indians some more deserving? Tata wants screwdriving as it is secured unquestioned profits, and shameless love that they destroy any progress of country. Dead is RTA and MTA because crony capitalist. China is orders hundreds of their developed planes, but shameless are just in India filling a monopolist coffers so they become richer and there be no competition that will allow the next will spend more for white elephants then development so that TAta could be given a factory and be proud screwdrivers.
You do realise China is ordering hundreds of their aircraft because they have an aircraft, right? We don't, and even if we had the RTA, Airlines would still be ordering the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 family because using two 90-seater RTAs is less economical than using a single 160-seater A320, if the route has a requirement for 150 seats.

Oh, and how long do you expect our airlines to wait? NAL was working on the Saras for years, and they have absolutely nothing to show for it besides one prototype crashing and the other one parked.

What you keep suggesting every now and then with your nonsensical tirades against private companies is essentially a worse version of what the Soviets did. The Soviets nationalised everything, but they atleast allowed individuals to form and head corporations. The Soviets used that model, and how are they doing today? Oh, right, they haven't existed for 33 years now! Are you looking forward to an utter destruction of the Indian economy with those flights of fantasy of yours?
Haha like this govt has made India top notch.
No, but this government has atleast made matters a lot better than they were. Don't even look at distant history. Compare 10 years of UPA with 10 years of NDA, and factor in stuff like multiple wars and a pandemic during the NDA years. You'll see how things are by yourself.
IAF is at it's LOWEST potential ever in 2024 and beyond actually! In late 1980's thanks to Soviet MIG's and Jaguars and few Mirage2000's IAF had almost 2,200 fighter jets in its fleets. Now, barely 700 usable jets are in service i.e., 35 squadrons. ONLY option now is to import 400 nos. 4.5 to 5th gen. fighter jets and then ALSO, make in India 1,200 HAL-ADA fighter jets as quickly as possible. Rafale and Typhoons are simply OUT of the equation' since they both costs WELL OVER 300 millions usd per jet on make in India. F35's are NOT offered to India and even if offered these costs almost $55,000 per sortie ops costs! BEST options are F15EX ; KF21 Boramae and SU57. Later on, even modified SU75 must be considered in order to get upto the 2,000 or 100 squadrons fighter jets mark; in order for IAF to be better able to handle PAF and PLAAF together joint ops on 3 fronts...
If not done this way then only DISASTER awaits India post 2032 years when wars will break out all over the whole world...
The IAF never had 2,200 jets in it's roster at a single point in time! If you want to dispute that, provide the numbers.

Do you even realise that 2200 aircraft would mean some 120 squadrons? Are you out of your mind?

We need 42, and ideally 51, squadrons. That adds up to some 1000 fighters or so. We cannot afford 2000 jets as you so easily just write. Oh, and take your warmongering to a platform where it is received better.
I think among all the 3 arms, IAF is the least efficient when it comes to procurement planning....some can say Army is worse but i give our army planners a discount since they have to plan for 1.3 million troops with varying requirements across different terrains and capabilities.

Now our IAF....be the number of bases, platforms, types of ammunition, ...everything is 10x less complicated than Army....

eg: all they had to do was an outright purchase of 500 BVRs outranging AMRAAMs in 2012 (Astra was nowhere in sight bk then) when PAF started procuring latest F-16s.....but no....these idts were busy asking for cluster bomb integration on Jaguars (about to retire in next 5-7 yrs).......nobody cares if the Russian ones were ineffective....having one integrated on Su-30 is a warning enough to F-16s that they will be outranged...and hence PAF would not have dared to respond for the fear of loosing 2-3 F-16s.

Now, same is this nuisance of having Apaches and fighting with Army......lol...idts cant focus on what they need ...Army Aviation Corp should be the one flying them cos they would need them for blowing up Pk/Chin tanks...instead IAF wanted Army to call them everytime in need and they would do them a favour

Another example.....the entire MRCA drama could have been long shut and over if they quietly bought 54 Rafales and another 120 odd Mig 35s in 2010...granted Mig 35s were subpar...but guess what, we needed planes to counter PAF and Mig 35s would have taken out anything and everything PAF had to throw at us...I also would like to have the expensive BMW/Audi.....despite getting 4 Fortuners in the same price...and because of me behaving like a spoilt insistent child, I continue to drive my Bolero...

....jokers of the highest orders....list goes on and on
Again baseless rants against IAF without knowing the facts.

IAF had chosen Rafales in 2010 itself, which were supposed to come with Meteors. They were constantly being told till 2016 that the deal is almost done. But HAL bungled it all. And yet we will blame IAF.

Apaches. IAF never said army shouldn’t have them. They said IAF should have them too. Because CAS is still a role designated to IAF. Will Army not call the IAF when they need CAS and need Jaguars and Mirages? In fact, even if Army is given Apaches, they will always have to call IAF because Apaches and other attack helicopters can’t take care of SAMs and stuff. So if only one of them can get Apaches, it has to be IAF.

And again, the MMRCA. IAF was told by MoD that they can buy 126 of any plane they want in the world. Else they had asked for Mirages. They tested Mig35 and found them absolutely rubbish and good for nothing. Pak was getting F16s which would have made mince meat of those jets. This whole ordeal could have been closed much earlier if HAL had better productivity or MoD had agreed to throw HAL out of the deal. Simple as that.

Jokers are the ones who blame them without knowing the facts.
The government already developed 3 NETRA MK1 AWACS on a Embraer plane. Now we are developing another 6 upgraded NETRA MK1A on Embraer planes and another 6 NETRA MK2 on Airbus planes which will be larger and better with more modern technology and capabilities. So the government is giving the funds but they want them to be indigenously designed and developed in India at a cheaper price rather than just making imports costing billions more than an indigenous AWACS system.
Nothing made by DRDO/HAL is ever going to be cheaper. Tejas costs 73 million usd per plane. Su30 mki made in Russia costs 40 million usd and made in India costs 68 million usd (~2019 figures). Insas and Arjun cost more than AK47 and T90 respectively despite being insanely inferior and useless.
Nothing made by DRDO/HAL is ever going to be cheaper. Tejas costs 73 million usd per plane. Su30 mki made in Russia costs 40 million usd and made in India costs 68 million usd (~2019 figures). Insas and Arjun cost more than AK47 and T90 respectively despite being insanely inferior and useless.
It will be much cheaper than importing foreign made AWACS which can easily cost over a billion and leave us heavily reliant on them for around 40 years and make a large amount of profit by issuing spares, parts and periodical upgrade. At least we can indigenously develop our own AWACS but the main expense is buying the platform/plane and getting the OEM to install our technology and equipment so we can operate the AWACS.

Also the 83 Tejas MK1A cost won’t cross the $50 million per jet price tag. How much the new contract for 97 Tejas MK1A will be is still unclear as they will still be negotiating the contract price but estimates have been between $60-70 as most of the technology will stay the same or similar.

Also when developing the Sukhoi 30 jets it cost more because we used a lot of foreign technology and equipment like the avionics, EW, helmet mounted display etc which is why it cost more. Also with the T90 most of the technology has been indigenously developed and installed and the price for a general T90 tank was to replace the T72 tanks retiring. As for the Arjun tank then it performed much better than the T90 and its technology was more advanced which was developed indigenously. The INSAS gun had a problem at the start but after making changes to it and upgrading it then the gun worked absolutely fine which is the most common gun used by the paramilitary. We have also made a deal with Russia to manufacture the AK 203 gun which the army and paramilitary can use in heavy conflict areas against terrorists and urban naxals so we can replace the older AK 47 gun.
It will be much cheaper than importing foreign made AWACS which can easily cost over a billion and leave us heavily reliant on them for around 40 years and make a large amount of profit by issuing spares, parts and periodical upgrade. At least we can indigenously develop our own AWACS but the main expense is buying the platform/plane and getting the OEM to install our technology and equipment so we can operate the AWACS.

Also the 83 Tejas MK1A cost won’t cross the $50 million per jet price tag. How much the new contract for 97 Tejas MK1A will be is still unclear as they will still be negotiating the contract price but estimates have been between $60-70 as most of the technology will stay the same or similar.

Also when developing the Sukhoi 30 jets it cost more because we used a lot of foreign technology and equipment like the avionics, EW, helmet mounted display etc which is why it cost more. Also with the T90 most of the technology has been indigenously developed and installed and the price for a general T90 tank was to replace the T72 tanks retiring. As for the Arjun tank then it performed much better than the T90 and its technology was more advanced which was developed indigenously. The INSAS gun had a problem at the start but after making changes to it and upgrading it then the gun worked absolutely fine which is the most common gun used by the paramilitary. We have also made a deal with Russia to manufacture the AK 203 gun which the army and paramilitary can use in heavy conflict areas against terrorists and urban naxals so we can replace the older AK 47 gun.
Our AWACS cost is not clear yet but as I said, nothing made by DRDO and DPSUs is ever cheap.

Cost of 73 Tejas mk1a has been confirmed to be 73 million usd at the time of deal signing. HAL has said cost for next order will be similar. In fact he was talking about not increasing the cost much, so the cost can go up as well. Parliament has been told that Su30 mki costs is 68 million isd. So Tejas costs far more.

Arjun tank never ever performed better. It’s just a rumor spread by DRDO. If it performed better than T90 then either army would have ordered it or it would have been a massive export success. Fact is that Arjun is absolutely useless.

Coming to Insas. The gun had problems even till the very end. BAF DGP gave the numbers in media, claiming that AK47 jams about 0.02% and Insas jams 3%. These are numbers after 2014, when Insas was not being produced and in fact a replacement was being sought. So Insas always was a junk.
Those shameless screw driver specialist like TATA would dream of ADA Or another to design it,. This why Tats is shameless. Tata does not take risks as crony capitalist.
Then what the pridefull Hal has delivered anything on time every projects are in delayed & in its entire Hal life what kind of risks they have taken which project they have built with there own fund for every project which has been manufactured is by govt funds only. You also forget Hal is the biggest screwdriver from su30 to migs every things are licenced production by Hal only.
Pay attention how the shameless illiterates/ semi-illiterate run the country that bribe/commission is more important then development. It is systematic problem.
These system was developed by govt and Hal is govt company hence you proved to change these govt has to privatise all the psu, best eg. is l&t a private company delivered k9 before it’s delivery time while ordinance factory failed to delivered dhanush guns and now expected delivery is 2026 of those guns.
Our AWACS cost is not clear yet but as I said, nothing made by DRDO and DPSUs is ever cheap.

Cost of 73 Tejas mk1a has been confirmed to be 73 million usd at the time of deal signing. HAL has said cost for next order will be similar. In fact he was talking about not increasing the cost much, so the cost can go up as well. Parliament has been told that Su30 mki costs is 68 million isd. So Tejas costs far more.

Arjun tank never ever performed better. It’s just a rumor spread by DRDO. If it performed better than T90 then either army would have ordered it or it would have been a massive export success. Fact is that Arjun is absolutely useless.

Coming to Insas. The gun had problems even till the very end. BAF DGP gave the numbers in media, claiming that AK47 jams about 0.02% and Insas jams 3%. These are numbers after 2014, when Insas was not being produced and in fact a replacement was being sought. So Insas always was a junk.
Nope you’re factually incorrect. For the first 87 Tejas MK1A the cost is between $40-45m. That price is clear and check on Google. What the cost for the new 97 jets will be I’m not sure as nothing has been signed. As for the price of the Sukhoi jets you haven’t said when that cost was.

Also the Arjun tank performed better than the T90 as it was the army who said so after testing it rigorously. They didn’t buy it because of its weight and size. Also there is still an order ongoing but it has been delayed by Germany for not clearing the technology transfer and purchase of their tank engine.

As for the INSAS gun they fired it and it worked. Jamming can happen for a number of reasons due to faulty gunpowder, not maintaining it properly, damaged barrel, inadequate cleaning etc. The AK47 guns we bought are decade old and been replaced by other AKM versions we imported from Eastern Europe and the ammunition round and the guns purpose is different as INSAS is more of a medium range carbine.
I do not know how many people knows that terroristan/beggeristan somehow managed to get many more AWACS or AEWCs from the world over.
Surely IAF does not have any vision about future requirements as it was addicted foreign maals for a long time.
Need to work at WARP speed to get more of AWACS and AEWCs.
The advantage that beggeristan has is that they are ruled by the army. They get whatever they want without there being a discussion or debate. No time wastage. They usually don't announce big ticket items until the deal is almost signed. India is a democracy and most politicians as well as DRDO officials like to boast about next purchase. The deal is usually sabotaged before it can take off.

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