IAF Streamlining Fighter Jet Fleet for Enhanced Efficiency, Aims All-Indigenous by 2070


The Indian Air Force (IAF) is embarking on an ambitious transformation, set to revolutionize its fleet and bolster its domestic aerospace capabilities.

Over the next two decades, the IAF plans to streamline its diverse fleet, phasing out older models like the MiG-21 and Mirage-2000. These will be replaced by a core group of five fighter jets, with a heavy emphasis on domestically produced aircraft.

The Tejas MkII and Mk1A, both developed in India, are expected to become the backbone of the IAF, making up approximately 50% of the future fleet. This move not only simplifies logistics and training but also signals a significant step towards self-reliance in defense production.

Adding to this domestic dominance, the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), a 5th generation fighter jet currently under development, is slated to join the ranks by 2040. With the AMCA, the IAF projects that nearly 60% of its fighter jets will be made in India.

While the Tejas and AMCA take center stage, the Rafale and Su-30MKI will continue to play crucial roles, remaining operational until at least 2070. Their eventual replacements are envisioned to be part of the next generation of Indian-made fighter jets.

The IAF's long-term vision extends even further, with the goal of achieving a 100% indigenous fighter jet fleet by 2070-80. This ambitious target underscores India's growing prowess in aerospace engineering and its commitment to self-sufficiency in defense.

This transformative plan is a testament to the IAF's determination to modernize and strengthen its capabilities, ensuring its position as a formidable force in the skies for decades to come.
A conventional war that only seeks to humiliate or get a settlement from the other side without attacking major population centres or invading large swathes of territory is very possible. Such a conflict wouldn't go nuclear easily either.
No it wouldn’t. China would pay a very high price if they tried to as they would lose thousands of troops and equipment. India is dug in very well across the entire border now and with infrastructure improvements it will improve our capabilities even more so losing that many people will bring no advantage to China but will weaken it even more against the other powers.

The nuclear option is only as a last resort but threatening to use them and escalating the war will certainly worry the rest of the world. That will bring a huge amount of diplomatic pressure from the world on China as well so it can work to our advantage.
Of course we can use nukes if China goes to war and make a serious invasion. Also just threatening to use nukes will set alarm bells ringing with the USA, Europe and Russia which will put an immense amount of diplomatic pressure on China.

Obviously we won’t use nukes straight away because it’s impossible for China to make a serious invasion without losing thousands of their troops and India is already dug in very well so that scenario is unlikely. That would give China no advantage at all.
A surprise quick attack can let us lose significant amounts of land. Then if we threaten to use nukes, Us etc. will ask us both to do a ceasefire, making us lose land. If we don’t threaten, we will keep losing land. So doing a significant invasion without the use of nukes is highly possible.
except US, all other leading countries are collaborating with other countries for manufacturing Fighter planes. China steals/ copies technology. Russia is lagging behind. So it would be better if India also collaborates with global leaders like UK, FRANCE Or even SWEDEN and acquire 5th/ 6th gen planes in the larger interest of the nation rather than being humilitated like in 1962
IAF expects to become 100% with MRFA?

I hope that Indian-Govt will encourage (pressure) both IAF & IN to establish a JV to invest in:-
  1. AMCA
Alongside Tejas-Mk2, the above 2 Aircraft will insure commonality of engines, weapons & avionics to boost Logistical synergy as well as Indian defence & Aerospace industry.

Neither IAF nor IN has the Budget to buy large number of foreign Aircraft.

Or else even in year 2050, Indian Aerospace industry won't reach anywhere.

Those who blame PSUs should realize that neither ATAGS nor Kalyani Group's other Artillery system have been bought by IA, only foreign Equipment seems to be suitable for them.
Where is the engine, GE engine is stuck in limbo, without a foreign engine, nothing is possible, we have some 90 GEF404 engines that we can use to make 90 Tejas MK1A’s, after that we can start making twin engine ORCA and TEDBF using Klimov RD33-MK engines that we license build, as an alternative we could also use single izdeliye-30 engine for Tejas-MK2.
How dum are you? Pakistan or China can't attack India at all because we have nuclear weapons which can destroy their entire country.
arent you aware that india has a no first use policy. And india being the first one to use nukes against pakistan will be an absolute humiliation. It would mean admitting india cant beat pakistan in a fair fight.
Their defense budget dwarfs that of India's. Whereas, most of our defense budget are likely ending up as pensioners & salaries, etc.
Difference is in outlook and priorities. They also have invested ~24 billion USD for Semiconductor chip and machinery R&D. Similar budget is now allocated for next 4-5 years. While we are busy in importing and renaming.
These fighter jet tejas and tejas mk2 service is enough for 2050 . AMCA service enough for 2055. Stealth 6th gen ( super Stealth Tejas , Super Stealth Tejas mk2 ) and Super Stealth AMCA mk2- mk3 is enough for service upto 2070 . That would carter sufficient service of stealth fighter jets to IAF ( Bharath Airforce )
I hope the GoI doesn’t put any such force on our forces. Inducting different types of planes, which the forces themselves don’t want or need, will create massive logistics leakages. Better to make them buy whatever they need in larger numbers.

As for DPSUs, remember that the forces do buy armored vehicles, drones etc. from the private sector when DRDO is not involved. The problem comes when DRDO interferes and ruins the product. Even then our forces make massive concessions and buy products at super inflated prices.
Please share the incidents when DRDO has deliberately hampered any project.

DRDO & similar organizations have been participating with Indian Pvt sector.

Indian Military is the one that isn't clear with the technologies & Indigenous limitations such as Opting for 5.56X45 calibre when India wasn't sharing Good relationship with the West or Requesting for a 120mm rifled 4-Men MBT but then Opting for 125mm Smooth bore 3 Men crew MBTs.

Indian Military wasn't ready for CDS but then Indian Govt insured implementation of CDS by forcing the Military to modernize their ways.

If Indian Military was that good in long term decision making & boosting Indigenous technological base then India won't be struggling with Small Arms.

The reason India's ICBM, Space & Nuclear programs are able to become a success are due to direct supervision from PMO.

I hope that Indian-Govt will make give Aircraft & Marine Engine development the same importance as ICBMs.

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