IAF Streamlining Fighter Jet Fleet for Enhanced Efficiency, Aims All-Indigenous by 2070


The Indian Air Force (IAF) is embarking on an ambitious transformation, set to revolutionize its fleet and bolster its domestic aerospace capabilities.

Over the next two decades, the IAF plans to streamline its diverse fleet, phasing out older models like the MiG-21 and Mirage-2000. These will be replaced by a core group of five fighter jets, with a heavy emphasis on domestically produced aircraft.

The Tejas MkII and Mk1A, both developed in India, are expected to become the backbone of the IAF, making up approximately 50% of the future fleet. This move not only simplifies logistics and training but also signals a significant step towards self-reliance in defense production.

Adding to this domestic dominance, the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), a 5th generation fighter jet currently under development, is slated to join the ranks by 2040. With the AMCA, the IAF projects that nearly 60% of its fighter jets will be made in India.

While the Tejas and AMCA take center stage, the Rafale and Su-30MKI will continue to play crucial roles, remaining operational until at least 2070. Their eventual replacements are envisioned to be part of the next generation of Indian-made fighter jets.

The IAF's long-term vision extends even further, with the goal of achieving a 100% indigenous fighter jet fleet by 2070-80. This ambitious target underscores India's growing prowess in aerospace engineering and its commitment to self-sufficiency in defense.

This transformative plan is a testament to the IAF's determination to modernize and strengthen its capabilities, ensuring its position as a formidable force in the skies for decades to come.
arent you aware that india has a no first use policy. And india being the first one to use nukes against pakistan will be an absolute humiliation. It would mean admitting india cant beat pakistan in a fair fight.
Against Pakistan we can definitely beat them in a conventional war. The nuke option is more useful against China.

As for the no first use concept that is only a phrase that sounds good to foreign countries and on paper. At the end of the day in war your either winning and if not then your losing and when your losing your not going to get a second chance of keeping the country safe and hold onto power.
A surprise quick attack can let us lose significant amounts of land. Then if we threaten to use nukes, Us etc. will ask us both to do a ceasefire, making us lose land. If we don’t threaten, we will keep losing land. So doing a significant invasion without the use of nukes is highly possible.
China can’t launch a surprise attack now as it lost its advantage when they tried and lost in Galwan. We have dug in very well now with a significant amount of preparation done to stop that from ever happening with major infrastructure projects, upgrades, more hardened bunkers, roads, tunnels, ammunition, missiles, more bases, drones, air surveillance, satellite imagery etc.

Just because the USA might ask for a ceasefire it doesn’t mean that we have to agree to it. Look at Israel and its constant refusal to accept a ceasefire from Hamas which the USA has put a lot of pressure on. We have enough defence coverage but what we need is offensive fire power. We need at least another 4 permanent strike corps on the LAC backed by ITBP which will give us more advantage.

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