Russia Courts India with Su-75 Checkmate Amid MiG-29 Replacement Push


In a bid to replace India's aging MiG-29 fleet, Russia has intensified its efforts to attract India's interest in its Su-75 Checkmate light fighter jet. The single-engine, lightweight stealth fighter, unveiled in 2021, is being positioned as the ideal successor to the MiG-29s, which India and several other nations are looking to replace.

Russia is particularly focused on India, a long-standing partner with a pressing need to upgrade its fighter jet fleet. A 2021 promotional video for the Checkmate, featuring pilots from potential buyer countries, including India, underscored Russia's strategic marketing approach.

Despite Russia's aggressive sales pitch, India has yet to commit to the Su-75. Several factors might be influencing India's cautious stance. The absence of a functional prototype is a key concern. While Russia claims a 2025 maiden flight for the redesigned Su-75, India may prefer a fighter jet with a proven track record.

Moreover, India is actively pursuing its own indigenous solution, the Tejas MkII, specifically designed to replace its MiG-29, Mirage-2000, and Jaguar fleets. This program aims to fulfill India's requirement for nearly 200 new fighter jets, potentially offering greater long-term benefits in terms of self-reliance and technology transfer.

Russia's renewed push to involve India likely stems from the lack of confirmed international buyers for the Checkmate program. High-profile marketing tactics, such as featuring pilots from potential buyer nations in promotional videos, highlight Russia's eagerness to secure partnerships.

Russia is offering the Checkmate at an attractive price point of $30-35 million per unit, with a cost per flight hour projected to be significantly lower than the Lockheed Martin F-35. The Su-75 boasts impressive specifications, with a designed maximum speed of Mach 1.8, a range of 2,800 km, and a maximum takeoff weight of 26,000 kg.

However, India's commitment to its indigenous defense programs, including the Tejas MkII and the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), might influence its decision on the Su-75. With the Tejas MkII expected to replace a significant portion of its fighter fleet by 2035, and the AMCA slated to replace older Su-30MKI squadrons from 2040 onwards, India may prioritize self-reliance and domestic technological development.

While Russia's Su-75 Checkmate offers an attractive proposition on paper, India's decision will likely hinge on a careful evaluation of its operational capabilities, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with its long-term strategic objectives.
If it is lesser in cost than Tejas MK2, ask Russia to improve it with its own funds then buy 36-48 instead of buying second hand jets from Qatar. Experience of 5G jets in IAF may provide lot of inputs for AMCA and TEDBF programs. Check if we can get ToT for izdeliye 30 engine, if they are way better than AL31's used in MKIs then use them for 2nd or 3rd batch upgrades of MKIs.
Why restraining ourselves buying below 100.... The rest of the first batch would be spare parts in future
Still it will be a 4th gen tech. We already have few of them. Now it is upto us to learn and make Tejas MK2 better than Rafale.
We need stop gap till 2035-40. By this time Tejas MK2 and TEDBF may enter production. Our western neighbor may get 5th gen jets in a few years. Which will leave us vulnurable. Also, operating few SU-75s will help get some crucial experience of handling 5th gen jets. This feedback if received early can help AMCA.
If we want to catch up we need to choose between GCAP 6gen and su57 5gen
If the price is right we should instead join force to make a JV partnership to dodge future sanctions 😺🔥🔥🔥
this would help us against china
The Su-75, if ever produced, may well be the cheapest 5th generation jet. However, it's not going to cost 30 million USD. That is only a dream. At the very least, it will cost 2-2.5 times that amount.

Oh, and the MiG-21 was actually exceptionally cheap. In today's world, the Su-75, try as it may, will not reach that level of affordability unless Russia manages to sell a few thousand of those as well.
It will be rolled out next year and produced.
Promotional price.
Yes for a jet with stealth engine, Malaysia ordered 17 SU-57 yesterday, the single engine Izdeliye-30 that will go into SU-75 is (108KN Dry, 177 kN with after Burner) powerful than the total output of twin engine Rafale (50Kn dry, 75 with after burner, 150KN Total).
Introductory price but it might go to $40~50m IMHO 😺, but that's still cheaper than Tejas mk1a if its prototype perform well
And 1/9th the price of 4th gen Rafale that has old school 3rd gen engine.
If the price is right we should instead join force to make a JV partnership to dodge future sanctions 😺🔥🔥🔥
this would help us against china
YES. UAE was interested before, Next, we can approach Brazil also for coalition co-productions of Su75.
Whatever jet we buy should be made in india with tot so that we don't have to depend on the OEM for weapons integration,upgrades and spare parts. Whether it is from Russia America or France all will loot us whenever they get a chance so better stay prepared. Can't find su 75's place unless we cancell our mk2 program and goes for a jv with Russia with all tot/ip along with the new engine( al51)or else no use going for one more type of aircraft when iaf is trying to reduce the no of types in its arsenal. If they offer the engine with a deal which we can't resist then it can also be beneficial for su-30 upgrades and lesser dependence for an engine from outside.
Cancel useless tedbf program then.....
If it is lesser in cost than Tejas MK2, ask Russia to improve it with its own funds then buy 36-48 instead of buying second hand jets from Qatar. Experience of 5G jets in IAF may provide lot of inputs for AMCA and TEDBF programs. Check if we can get ToT for izdeliye 30 engine, if they are way better than AL31's used in MKIs then use them for 2nd or 3rd batch upgrades of MKIs.
It is SU-57 with single engine and even more stealth with small form factor, what else you need, it is also 1/9th price of a 4th gen French jet with 3rd gen engine in it.
Remember INS Vikramaditya?
It is a great ship that secures India’s western shore, what is wrong with that, you need Vikramaditya to secure French Islands or the mainland France instead.
Mirage is a proven design, India has experience of flying and maintaining them and they are being offered at a discount.
SU 75 exists ONLY ON PAPER. Its abilities are speculative, its price is unknown and Russian ability to develop a brand new platform while under sanctions is doubtful.
Have you heard about SU-57 that is used in Ukraine war, SuU-75 is just single engine model of that, we only have everything in paper, Tejas MK2, TEDBF, ORCA and AMCA so you support IAF buying retired scrape. metal than buying a 5th gen jet.
Still it will be a 4th gen tech. We already have few of them. Now it is upto us to learn and make Tejas MK2 better than Rafale.
We need stop gap till 2035-40. By this time Tejas MK2 and TEDBF may enter production. Our western neighbor may get 5th gen jets in a few years. Which will leave us vulnurable. Also, operating few SU-75s will help get some crucial experience of handling 5th gen jets. This feedback if received early can help AMCA.
Tejas MK2 is already better than Rafale, now it is time to make AMCA better than J-20 and FC-31, if we make SU-75, we will gain experience working on a 5th gen jet, that would be really helpful when to make AMCA.
India should send IAF team to Russia to check Su-75 fighter strength and weakness !
IAF is already impressed with the latest variant of SU-57, SU-75 is nothing but a single engine SU-57, it borrows everything from that program, so it will be impressive.

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