Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

are you mentally ill???how can anyone defend HAL??

TUrkey is flying KAAn
🦃 is getting the fund at the right time here those concerned are sitting on the file and taking tour all around the 🌍 in the luxurious jets in saying so I am not defending hal they r almost pathetic to the department they comes under.
🦃 is getting the fund at the right time here those concerned are sitting on the file and taking tour all around the 🌍 in the luxurious jets in saying so I am not defending hal they r almost pathetic to the department they comes under.
Tekjas mk2 have not flied yet. project is 20 years old...

have some shame.. or be ready for another humiliation like balakot..
Though it was formally approved in September 2022, the CDR was already complete in 2021, which indicates the project continued to receive funding on with an informal funding arrangement.
What makes u think that!?
By going with this logic, AMCA wasn't on a comma for a year until CCS recently approved it right!?
Good initiative for 5th generation AMCA project.
But l do believe AMCA is a day dream project.
India should learn something from Turkey's Kaan fighter jet project and south Korean KFX fighter jet project.
Excellent strategy, hope this'll augment our production capacity. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Product comes after ur funds .... No funds= No project
Product should come when promised. No promises can be made without funds. Or it’s called a lie. And a lie by the head is a lie by the organization.
Delay gg!
Well GOI is to be blamed for the delay.

The files of CCS have been sent way back....there have already a PIB report of discussion of approval of AMCA CCS approval almost 2 years ago. Go and check it.
PIB report specifically says that the file is sent in April 2023. After the budget. So the government has actually allocated emergency funds to an organization that is known to lie to it.
Official date of rollout what kind of question is that!? Ban rha hai plane.....koi bolta hai isi December, koi bolta hai agle saal September koi bolta hai early 2026
Jo manufacturer ka head bolta hai wo date official hoti hai. Else use jhootha bolte hai.
PIB report specifically says that the file is sent in April 2023. After the budget. So the government has actually allocated emergency funds to an organization that is known to lie to it.
PIB report on AMCA
Date 2022
Product should come when promised. No promises can be made without funds. Or it’s called a lie. And a lie by the head is a lie by the organization.
No funds{= No product
My statement still stands strong
Jo manufacturer ka head bolta hai wo date official hoti hai. Else use jhootha bolte hai.
Aisa tujhe kisne bola, mei engineer hu, jab tak mera design finalize aur approve nhi hoga manufacturer pe koi dhyan tak nhi deta....

Kam karta tab pata chalta n...Ben 10 dekhna chod de
Doubt anyone notes the Irony? The low observable di-electric composite skin is going to be developed by DRDO/MIDHANI? MIDHANI/DMRL as an organization was created to develop metallurgical alloys, can someone at DRDO care to explain as to why did they think an organization specializing in metallurgy was thought to be good enough to take a lead on developing low observable composites?

That right there amply demonstrates the malady afflicting DRDO projects. The program inception phase itself is screwed with having people ill-equipped to handle the projects take lead role in the project. Not surprised most of their projects are horribly managed and rarely reach fruition.
While on the face of it, it doesn't seem logical for a lab named after metallurgical research to be working on composites, it may have been done for administrative convenience as well as taking advantage of translatable skills and expertise.

Whether it is metals or composites, you still need materials engineers and chemists.

India's Fighter Jet Dilemma: Does AMCA Signal the End of the MRFA?​

The Indian government's recent green light for the ambitious Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program has sparked renewed debate about the long-delayed Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) tender.

This tender aims to procure 114 fighter jets from foreign manufacturers. Despite mounting pressure to abandon the MRFA in favor of indigenous production, sources close to the program suggest that scrapping the tender remains unlikely.

The MRFA: A Protracted Process​

The MRFA tender, designed to bolster India's dwindling fighter squadrons, has drawn interest from global aerospace giants. Each offers advanced aircraft to fulfill the Indian Air Force's (IAF) needs.

Yet, the tender's progress has been frustratingly slow. It remains stalled at the pre-Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) stage, leaving the IAF with a troubling shortage of fighter jets while domestic options like the AMCA and Tejas MkII remain under development.

The IAF strongly backs the MRFA's plan for 114 jets to be built in India with technology transfers. But the lack of a finalized deal signals a potentially lengthy journey to completion.

Alternative Paths: Government-to-Government Deals​

Amid this bureaucratic tangle, India's government isn't ruling out alternatives, specifically government-to-government (G2G) purchases.

This route could see India acquiring fighters directly from a favored manufacturer, like Dassault Aviation and its Rafale aircraft.

A G2G deal could significantly speed up procurement, providing the IAF with much-needed reinforcements.

AMCA: The Future vs. The Urgent Need​

The AMCA represents India's bold technological leap towards defence self-sufficiency. However, the IAF's urgent operational requirements must also be met. Calls to cancel the MRFA and focus entirely on domestic production ignore this immediate crisis.

A G2G deal needs careful analysis. India must balance cost, the fighter's capabilities compared to other MRFA contenders, and how it dovetails with India's long-term defence goals. The choice must prioritize combat effectiveness, dependable support, and affordability.


The AMCA's approval highlights India's determination to build its own cutting-edge defence technology. Yet, the MRFA tender's uncertainty and the IAF's dwindling combat power create a complex dilemma.

The Indian government must navigate a delicate path, balancing future aspirations with the immediate necessity to bolster its air power. The final decision will have far-reaching implications for the IAF's capabilities and India's defence industry.
  1. What exactly is there to debate? Unless HAL can somehow magically start producing 40 or so aircraft a year, MRFA is needed to ensure the IAF doesn't fall below a critically low strength and doesn't have a MiG-21 saga part 2.
  2. It is not easily appreciated, but having a very small number of squadrons also means you tend to lose trained pilots very quickly. After all, fewer squadrons means lesser training and more pilots who aren't assigned to an active squadron.
  3. "Production of Tejas Mk II and AMCA is still a year away": Say what now? Did I sleep for a decade or so suddenly? How exactly does that statement make anything close to the remotest semblance of sense? Mark my words: The Tejas Mk II is atleast half a decade away from Limited Series Production (let alone full production), and AMCA is atleast a decade away from that milestone. All of that assumes, of course, that the parties involved in development, testing, and manufacturing won't bring about any more delays, which, let's be honest, is a hopelessly optimistic assumption that will almost certainly prove to be unfounded.
Lol ! debate ?? Only the author thinks so. For anyone with common sense, it is cleat that even today AMCA is no more than a fantasy. MRFA is absolutely necessary if India is serious about its security!
Bharat should go for 36/54 Rafales through G to G deal and scrap MRFA. With sanction of Tejas Mark-2 and AMCA, MRFA is almost dead for good .
No need of MRFA as within the same timeline, AMCA will be ready. Rafale will not be available before 2030 if we give orders now. F15, F21, MIG 35, GRIPPEN are already outdated by present technology standards.

So, best option is to spend money on AMCA and start manufacturing it as soon as possible.
Even if the AMCA matches the standards of
KF 21, still it will be far better than any of the fighters on offer in MRFA including Rafale.

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