Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

Amca should design with 6 th generation features. Our all problem lie with engine only. It is the most deplorable that india is not able to develop any engine. Due to lack of eco system.
AMCA by 2028?? its not an ambitious target but a wishfull dream at the most.. a 5th gen fighter ... who is he trying to mislead?. if he really said that. All these gov bearcats utter some nonsense to get attention and then retire and go away while the indian public is being mislead. NO accountability. The first flight of the lca mk2 itself is being planned for first flight 4 yrs from now .
Have you ever wondered that CCS cleared the use of funds for prototyping only a month ago?
We bought what we could afford.
That's the problem. You save a few billions buying junk but then u pay the most expensive price for it.

Loss of a young skilled energetic and patriotic irreplacable Indian soldiers.

Same thing happening with russia. Lost all their real skilled soldiers in first 6 months and now they have cowardly conscripts who are just go and die in the battlefield.
USA was not offering India anything. They were supporting Pakistan from day 1.
They were not the only sellers in the market. Ther was France UK germany Italy Spain south africa others

Don't forget indias first aircraft carrier and VTOL jet was British.

India mostly used the French folland gnat and British hawker hunter jets in 1965 and 71 wad.
India has already laid out a roadmap on the AMCA project which is very clear. The AMCA MK1 will be a standard 5th generation stealth fighter and the AMCA MK2 will be a 5.5th generation stealth jet with having some capabilities of a 6th generation jet. We will only manufacture 1-2 squadrons of the AMCA MK1 version which will hold a lower amount of indigenous technology and equipment.

Most of our jets will be the AMCA MK2 variant because it will have a higher amount of indigenous technology and parts which includes the more crucial part and technology of our own indigenously developed engine with Safran.

These jets will be in service for at least 40+ years and within that time they would be developing our own 6th+ generation jet which may hold 7th generation technology, parts or equipment etc.
India needs to quickly develop these prototypes as they are very important for our national security. We need to make sure that we place orders ahead of time, develop materials on time, manufacture it on time but we need to implement that on a larger scale for the large parts and components that are manufactured and used. At the very least we should be increasing the amount of indigenous technology and parts we use in each jet so it's grows our military industry and cuts down on expensive imports.
HAL is not at helm till prod versions are readied. Read the fine print carefully
During development phase more HAL engineers and scientists were working on AMCA as compared to ADA. And HAL is also the manufacturing partner for prototypes which means HAL is in charge of production of prototypes as well, and will be coordinating with all other agencies and vendors. Indeed, read the fine print carefully.
Turkey is flying a glorified RC model - a country which had never developed a 4 gen fighter itself in its lifetime will develop a 5th gen in 5 years - nice dreams. Turkey is just copying the same CCP route --- only sound & no substance in attempt to capture the potential mullah market for 5th gen fighters. Erdogan has to show something to remain relevant. The TB2's fate in Russia showed only how much Turkish engineering can do
At least they are flying something unlike us who is taking 20+ years even for LCA mk2. And TB2 was hugely successful. It did the job it was made to do-destroy targets and provide surveillance in uncontested airspace. That stopped the entire Russian army from proceeding.
Why the air intakes protruding out, won't it increase it's radar sign?
To be fair the funds were'nt released up until now.
The papers for release of funds were submitted less then a year back. After the defense budget was approved. So GoI actually took money from contingency funds and approved them. Compare that to 16 years they took to submit the papers in the first place.
The main issue is the engine. They need a 120-130KN medium weight engine for AMCA which does not exist as of now.
First successfully execute AMCA product, then think about other products, only having visions without any output at the end makes no sense
An unfortunate truth, but we do need to join one of these 6th generation programs. Otherwise, we'll be stuck playing catch-up for the next couple of decades.
By the time world is on 7th Generation, we will be having 5.5 Version, hard truth
Dear lord! about time we stop this madness. We are struggling to produce LCA MK-2, a patently 4-4.5 generation fighter, and we are having wild fantasy for developing 6 generation fighter, when we cant even produce Tejas MK-2 on time. If we continue this way, we will become the laughingstock of the world and will be ridiculed for this madness.
Yea, indigenous product but main heart the engine being imported from other countries, we have become a laughing stock

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