Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

without proper testing facility how one can develop Engine........???
Who said they don’t have testing facilities? GoI pays for testing abroad. Do they want to test or they want to make excuses?
I cant believe a nation which wants to have an engine of his own doesnt have its own flying test bed. Govt. Should create a seperate fund for creating test facilities, labs all over the country, in universities.
I hats the point of testing facility when there is no engine to test in the first place? Recently it was reported that DRDO made a hypersonic test facility but there was only 1 program and it was lying idle otherwise.

First let there be some work for these facilities. Till then use off the shelf facilities abroad.
To Whoever it may concerned . This the right decision for approaching , autheticating and executing solutions to test Indigenous Turbo Jet Engine technologies in Indigenous IAF IL76 aircraft. Congrats for GTRE, DRDO and IAF for saving future crores of investment money of Bhaarath for our prestigious Make in India Initiative regarding Defence Technology of Bhaarath. I humble salute Indian(Bhaarath)Air Force if they really help ourselves regarding our country's future defence projects. Jai Bhaarath.🫡
This drama continues...Hope GOI takes congnizance of this and does something...if DRDO cannot test then how can we hope to fly our own engines..too stingy attitude will take us nowhere..Modi Ji please do something here...Rajnath Singh till now have not been able to solve this.
This shows India as a country how we are , we don't have test bed aircraft for aero engine testing.
We can understand civilian defense officials don't understand its importance but surprisingly why Indian air force is not putting its weight behind DRDO GTRE request for test bed aircraft for aero engine testing.
This deal is very important keeping in mind India's ambition regarding future engine development. I would prefer going for a used boeing or airbus 4 engine platform. It can be bought easily on open market. IAF has already got very few of these IL76
Who said they don’t have testing facilities? GoI pays for testing abroad. Do they want to test or they want to make excuses?
Lobbyist again
Why France don't take engine to ukraine to test on some antonov or IL76, they could lease some? Why they have airbus testbed for it?
Has anyone said that on record? Anyone other than the liars and cheaters at DRDO. Or has it been cleared for use on anything that flies?
Yes you know more than DRDO and all those press release are fake, are you even indian national? Or you sold your soul to french
Yes you know more than DRDO and all those press release are fake, are you even indian national? Or you sold your soul to french
I am an Indian who wants his country to succeed instead of being a socialist liar.

As for DRDO, CAG, the auditor who is constitutionally mandated to check the work of DRDO, has said on record and submitted in written to our Parliament that DRDO lies about its projects even to MoD, in written files. So forget some press release where no specific information is even mentioned.
Lobbyist again
Why France don't take engine to ukraine to test on some antonov or IL76, they could lease some? Why they have airbus testbed for it?
Because they have a working engine. They actually have more than one working engine. So their government can trust them. In fact, their government doesn’t even provide them with anything. The private companies themselves manage it all. Based on funds from the government and their own revenues.

On the other hand, last time DRDO took the engine to Russia, it ended up blowing the entire plane up.

Socialist sympathizer spotted,
it should happen Long before Testing Engine in Russia cost more waste of Time it will b easy if IAF agree to IL-76 sharing with GTRE for Testing various Engine From Dry to AMCA 110kN -120kN
We have better option than Il-76. Rolls Royce uses Boeing 747 for as test-bed. We have Air India's 747s lying in Mumbai Airport. Instead of scrapping them, they should be sent to Boeing facility for extensive overhaul for this purpose. Then hand them over to GTRE.

Also GTRE should not blame others in future for test-bed delay. Utilise this time and keep your engine prototypes ready, whatever test bed is chosen.

(Note: Quad engine test bed options in commercial use includes Il-76, B747 and A340. Nothing else!)
Because they have a working engine. They actually have more than one working engine. So their government can trust them. In fact, their government doesn’t even provide them with anything. The private companies themselves manage it all. Based on funds from the government and their own revenues.

On the other hand, last time DRDO took the engine to Russia, it ended up blowing the entire plane up.

Socialist sympathizer spotted,
Lol in which parallel universe that happened? I'm not socialists but I wouldn't consider lobbying legal, it's bribery with sugar-coated name

No country can develop complex platform like turbofan engine with efficiency without dedicated testbed, labs

Look at china for example they have all resources one could have but still struggling behind russia in engines
I am an Indian who wants his country to succeed instead of being a socialist liar.

As for DRDO, CAG, the auditor who is constitutionally mandated to check the work of DRDO, has said on record and submitted in written to our Parliament that DRDO lies about its projects even to MoD, in written files. So forget some press release where no specific information is even mentioned.
DRDO did lied to justify it's funding which is peanut compared to any project of west both successful and failures with some reforms and accountability they can be more efficient and progressive but armed forces should be blamed equally too

IAF wanted mach 1.2 super cruise from first prototype of AMCA, being well aware that no engine in this class exist all over the world also willingness of seller once they develop such engine for themselves but they were justifying sub standard quality Su-57 with so many deficiencies and Russians not even allowing our pilots to inspect cockpit

Or case of Arjun when they trailed it for 10 years, fired more than 1 lakh rounds yet ordered token number of it and still expected everything to be indigenous

Once Arjun vs T90 trail took place T90 had 15-20 or even 35% relaxation on every parameter
Lol in which parallel universe that happened? I'm not socialists but I wouldn't consider lobbying legal, it's bribery with sugar-coated name

No country can develop complex platform like turbofan engine with efficiency without dedicated testbed, labs

Look at china for example they have all resources one could have but still struggling behind russia in engines
Happened in this very universe. And don’t sugar coat or hide it. You are nothing but a socialist rat trying to defend DRDO. GTRE had a blank check budget but couldn’t develop anything. So give all the resources and money but not to DRDO. Give it to someone who can perform.
DRDO did lied to justify it's funding which is peanut compared to any project of west both successful and failures with some reforms and accountability they can be more efficient and progressive but armed forces should be blamed equally too
At least you accepted DRDO lies. It gets unlimited budgets and support and delivers nothing. Arjun is a case study on how not to run a program. Thankfully it wasn’t ordered in numbers. Only a socialist will believe that it was worthy of anything. Only and only DRDO is to be blamed for its mess and it can never ever deliver.
Govt should invest and develop all sort of test fecility . Relying on Russian and others for test fecility can't take u anywhere but depending on others engine. some one was saying that inorder to have test fecility one should have a working engine. If u have a working engine then what is need for a test fecility also what are they taking to Russia to test , it is a prototype engine and not some french crosent.
At least you accepted DRDO lies. It gets unlimited budgets and support and delivers nothing. Arjun is a case study on how not to run a program. Thankfully it wasn’t ordered in numbers. Only a socialist will believe that it was worthy of anything. Only and only DRDO is to be blamed for its mess and it can never ever deliver.
Speak for yourself, Arjun was successful tank far better than T90 in 90% parameters and what unlimited funds you're talking about? 1B for tejas development, korea invested more then 3B in Fa50 which is far underperformed aircraft to tejas

Arjun was delayed because program was supposed to fail since day 1
Happened in this very universe. And don’t sugar coat or hide it. You are nothing but a socialist rat trying to defend DRDO. GTRE had a blank check budget but couldn’t develop anything. So give all the resources and money but not to DRDO. Give it to someone who can perform.
Blank check budget? Compare it to any foreign project lobbyist "Give it to someone who can perform" and give up autonomy why government doesn't cancel agni program and buy super expensive trident II which failed in 3 consecutive times and ask your paymasters from abroad permission to even test fire it?

India's AMCA to Gain Air Superiority with LPI Technology​

India's pursuit of a cutting-edge, domestically developed fighter jet is taking a significant leap forward with the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program.

A central focus in the AMCA's design is the integration of advanced Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) radar technology – a hallmark of modern stealth aircraft designed to minimize their electronic footprint.

The LPI Advantage​

LPI radars operate by emitting radio frequency (RF) signals in a manner that makes them incredibly difficult for traditional radar systems to detect.

This is achieved through a combination of techniques, such as using specialized waveforms, spreading signal emissions across a wide frequency range, and carefully controlling signal power.

The AMCA's stealth capabilities don't end there. The aircraft's physical design plays a vital role, too. Engineers carefully shape the aircraft with specific angles and use materials designed to deflect radar waves away from their source.

Additionally, special coatings on the aircraft's surface help to absorb incoming radar energy, significantly reducing its radar cross-section (RCS).

The Importance of Stealth in Modern Warfare​

By minimizing its radar signature, the AMCA gains a crucial advantage in aerial combat. It will be able to penetrate contested airspace with a lower risk of detection, allowing it to conduct surprise strikes or gather intelligence without alerting the enemy.

This reduced detectability also enhances the AMCA's survivability by making it more difficult for enemy radars to track and target the aircraft.

The Challenges and Future of LPI Technology​

While LPI technology offers clear advantages, it's important to understand its limitations. True invisibility is unachievable, as any radar system, no matter how stealthy, must emit some level of signal in order to function. The ongoing challenge lies in striking the right balance between minimizing those emissions while still allowing the radar to perform its essential tasks.

Furthermore, as radar detection technology continues to evolve, LPI systems must also adapt to remain effective. India's commitment to sustained research and development in this field will be key to maintaining the AMCA's technological edge in the years to come.

India's Pursuit of Self-Reliance​

The AMCA program, and its focus on advanced technologies like LPI radar, represents a bold statement in India's drive for self-reliance in critical defence sectors.

The successful development of a homegrown 5th-generation fighter jet with potent stealth capabilities would serve as a testament to the nation's growing technological prowess.
There are others like China, Turkey, South Korea building 5th generation fighters. The Indian AMCA has to be distinctly superior to these. That will make AMCA a true wait and build superior fighter.

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