Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

Classic PSU evasive maneuver. Propose to develop something radical and completely new so that the ensuing scope creep can then be employed to justify ridiculously long development cycles. Quite frankly it's now becoming boring, they need to work on new reasons as the current Modus Operandi is getting stale as its painfully apparent they are trying to build up an alibi for the delays in the project, which the project will invariably suffer.
Tell exact timeline for all projects. Give detail when tejasmk2 will fly. No publicity trends. Govt must release fund in time-bound manner. Then they will stop talking and cheating.
Dream merchants are at it again. Shameless ADA stull havent learnt a thing all the while the decades old on going projects are rotting on whiteboard.
India doesn't need a unmanned AMCA jet at all. They first need to focus on delivering a manned version which is very complex and difficult to achieve in the first place. Also any unmanned jet or drone is always at risk that the enemy will hack, disrupt, block or use any means to crash the jet or it can be hijacked by the enemy who want to steal any advanced technology, equipment and stealth material that they might want to use for their own programs or they can sell it on the black market or to other countries who are also interested in the technology. India should not develop a unmanned version at all but they can use AI or softwares to program the jet to return home if the pilot can't fly the jet successfully because he's unconscious or injured so we can create and develop some type of unmanned or pilotless control of the jet for certain scenarios. So India shouldn't develop a specific type or variant of the AMCA that's unmanned at all.
looks like this org is full of jokers. chalna ata nahi uadne ke sapne dek rahe hai.
This article along with the one "Best is the enemy of good" seems to be motivated.

So, I say do not shy away from developing the unmanned variant.
  1. The unmanned variant might be easier to develop.
  2. It's a great publicity for the new aircraft.
  3. Increases the possibility of a sale in the global market.
Let us first finish with manned AMCA and not waste time on next generation dreams. We are already late on AMCA and it is time funding issues are sorted. We need our own aero engine too. Only when we are almost self reliant, we can think of something else.
Tell exact timeline for all projects. Give detail when tejasmk2 will fly. No publicity trends. Govt must release fund in time-bound manner. Then they will stop talking and cheating.
There was an exact timeline given for Tejas Mk2. August 2022. And it was missed.
by the time the Manned amca is complete the demand will be for unmanned adca ..They are aware of their capabilities !!!
Only 2 things in my mind.. either this is just a mis information. ADA has not tell anything like that. Or we heard this thing about AMCA MK2 that it will be optionally maned aircraft. This article is just recreating that news to ADA's present statements.
AMCA approved just today 😵‍💫
ADA needs to focus only of getting AMCA manned version working and than it could be considered. Get 1st prototype in Air before ask for any deviation.

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