Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) News and Discussion

Lets play a game.. when will AMCA mk1 be rolled out and when will production start???

Personally I think rolled out in 2035 and production from 2050

No need to save your post, my friend. Any Tannu-Deepak-Harinder who has been follwiing the progress of Tejas project knows AMCA is also going the same way.
HAL's incompetence combined with an import loving military - perfect recipe for another Tejas seasons-2 coming soon to a wikipedia near you.
What has HAL got to do with AMCA ? Isn't ADA the sole developer ?
DRDO is the most incompetent in the ecosystem. IAF is incompetent as well. HAL can be privatised, but what about DRDO and IAF ? This is a problem of our culture developed during early days of socialism.
Lets play a game.. when will AMCA mk1 be rolled out and when will production start???

Personally I think rolled out in 2035 and production from 2050

I am non-partisan...but I believe that what you said will most likely not happen if the current government takes your view when it comes to national security.
Mark My word Tejas MK2 will happen by 2030 /31 & AMCA-MK1 2035.
Get real buddy. LCA MK2 prototype roll out itself has been postponed for 2025-27, after that the prototypes would start a long process of flight-testing trials, where its airframe would be put to test and the FBW software and control systems would be incrementally optimized and sub systems would also be added and tested on board.

Internationally, that process lasts for about 5-7 years, assuming they keep the timetable we are looking at 2032-34, to complete these flight trials even in the most optimistic scenario. After that assuming a contract is immediately given, we are looking at least 3-3.5 years to organize the production. Thus even in most optimistic scenario, we are unlikely to see a LCA MK2 anytime before 2037-38.

The AMCA was approved just recently in 2024, it would now at least take a year or two to fabricate the prototype itself. Now since its a new aircraft with a comparatively higher percentage of radical technologies, its bound to have a longer flight test regime. I would assume the AMCA would take at least 7-10 years to complete flight testing regime. Flight testing of AMCA is unlikely to be completed by 2035-37 even most optimistically. The production would take another 3-4 years, so the first units of AMCA would only enter service sometime in 2042.
What has HAL got to do with AMCA ? Isn't ADA the sole developer ?
DRDO is the most incompetent in the ecosystem. IAF is incompetent as well. HAL can be privatised, but what about DRDO and IAF ? This is a problem of our culture developed during early days of socialism.
ADA is not the sole developer. In fact at one point more HAL scientists and engineers were working on AMCA than ADA employees. As for IAF, they have done their part in the whole thing.
So beating expectations, approval has come in well under a year. Let’s see when ADA comes back with their bowl to ask for additional funds and time.
ADA is not the sole developer. In fact at one point more HAL scientists and engineers were working on AMCA than ADA employees. As for IAF, they have done their part in the whole thing.
While I can't blame IAF for questioning HAL's conduct and commitment. That being said, IAF can not cover itself in glory either.

Not one person who has been following the MMRCA project has an iota of doubt that IAF has had in the past, instead of putting its weight beind Tejas, shown more inclination towards MMRCA aka Phoren Maal. It was well known, that IAF was delaying Tejas's orders over its fear that large orders of Tejas might impact MMRCA order.
ADA is not the sole developer. In fact at one point more HAL scientists and engineers were working on AMCA than ADA employees. As for IAF, they have done their part in the whole thing.
drawing pictures.
Govt should appoint someone senior officer from IA to keep pressure on them for timeline and work.
Internationally, that process lasts for about 5-7 years, assuming they keep the timetable we are looking at 2032-34, to complete these flight trials even in the most optimistic scenario. After that assuming a contract is immediately given, we are looking at least 3-3.5 years to organize the production. Thus even in most optimistic scenario, we are unlikely to see a LCA MK2 anytime before 2037-38.
So what do you exactly want... ????
Clap hands!!!.. AMCA approved again
By 2042 we will have it (if we survive the major war by that time)
So what do you exactly want... ????
What I want is for DRDO to get real and stop quoting fantastical development timelines for their projects. Rather than trying to do everything in the platform all at once they ought to have adopted an incremental project development cycle, where priority is on getting the platform into the service as quickly as possible.

If it means the early batches of the platform would have relatively fewer indigenous components or would have to use imported sub-systems and weapon systems, then so be it. Once the platform is put into service a detailed comprehensive batch upgrade roadmap can be drafted and then successive batches can incorporate greater degree of indigenous components as time passes.

In the context of AMCA and LCA the whole development cycle has been screwed-up beyond measure. By the time they would enter service, the avionics around which they would have been developed would have become long obsolete.
India must have ordered the development of Tejas Mk2 and AMCA with GE F414INS6 engines the day Tejas IA got FOC certificates.

By this time, India would have some working prototypes of both fighters to integrate and test all of its locally developed subsystems.

Too sad to know it took so long to approve.
India should have started Phase I project right after giving FOC certificate to Tejas IA with GE F-414INS6 engine.
It would have a working prototype by now.

Almost everything India doing is very late approvals and out of time developments.
Most countries are already deploying 5th generation fighters.
Get real buddy. LCA MK2 prototype roll out itself has been postponed for 2025-27, after that the prototypes would start a long process of flight-testing trials, where its airframe would be put to test and the FBW software and control systems would be incrementally optimized and sub systems would also be added and tested on board.
Many techs of AMCA like canards or the avionics will be tested on Tejas Mk2, so AMCA is expected to have a short testing phase, especially Mk1 AMCA.
Congratulations... Govt of India has done its duty... Concerned Govt and private sector companies should maintain their capacity and faith in Govt and Indian people... 2027 is very long time, atleast AMCA should operate first flight by then..I believe it will be a more advanced aircraft than Turkey's KAAN and South Korea's KFX 50. India is at the forefront of both these aircraft upgrades...KAAN & FX50 they have already developed the aircraft with the help of US companies. But most of the components in India's 5th generation aircraft are indigenously researched and manufactured...
Aapke muh mein ghee shakkar. I also am very positive that these timelines will be met. Because most of the subsystems have already been developed and design is ready. By 2026, rollout of first prototype, 2027- first flight.
India should have started Phase I project right after giving FOC certificate to Tejas IA with GE F-414INS6 engine.
It would have a working prototype by now.

Almost everything India doing is very late approvals and out of time developments.
Most countries are already deploying 5th generation fighters.
Dude, you do realise that India is working on 3 fighyer aircraft at same time- tejas mk2, tedbf, amca. Also, CCS was waiting for the local production deal for f414 to be finalised before giving approval.
Many techs of AMCA like canards or the avionics will be tested on Tejas Mk2, so AMCA is expected to have a short testing phase, especially Mk1 AMCA.
Does not work that way. While one is a single-engine fuselage with a single rudder, the other is a twin-engine fuselage with twin slanted rudders. The area of control surfaces would also change in ratio to the dimensions and weight of platforms. With that, the aerodynamics and kinematics performance of both fighters would completely be different and cannot be substituted for each other.

As such both fighter programs are mutually exclusive and would require dedicated independent test regimes.
It's good to see that mod didn't put strings to this project that(spv) already is not working in these conditions so waiting didn't help to, hearing this news was a fantastic thing hope this phase-1 will be at a very good pace!!
I doubt this- no official news by any official site or by ADA or GOI.
Ajit Dubey ANI defence journalist who has been delivering every news before any news portal since last 6 months has posted it..

In last couple of months ANI is getting special treatment by the GOI be it in defence or other field , they are getting interviews & news before other portals, that's why opposition accusing ANI of doing biasness towards one party..
It's good to see that mod didn't put strings to this project that(spv) already is not working in these conditions so waiting didn't help to, hearing this news was a fantastic thing hope this phase-1 will be at a very good pace!!
Exactly. Good decision by not waiting for spv since no private sector was coming forward.

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